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Jungle Kench

Tahm Kench has received a number of buffs to the point that people like Voyboy have been monkeying around with him in the Jungle. I've tried a couple of variations on builds for Tahm to see how he stacks up.

No. 1 Issue

I haven't tried out a build that gets you through more than about three jungle camps and slowly at that. Generally you will have to back after Krugs and Red Buff even with a good leash. This means that he is very vulnerable to counter juggling during the early stages of the game, by either being caught while on low health or simply being out of the jungle as you back to heal.

Now after you get a point in you three basic abilities, life gets much easier.

I've tried maxing both Devour and


Hallo League of Legend Spieler,

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KK | Mohkiwah/Pascale

Varus AD Caster/Kalista AD Caster (MID)

I have recentltly been playing Varus AD mid Caster and I think it's amazing, the guide I used is linked HERE.
The general idea is to abuse Varus's Q, Piercing Arrow, details below, by spamming the ability to poke down your opponent, the abilities excellent range and damage allow you to control your lane and force your opponent to base.
The core items are Manamune (for mana to spam Q) Ghostblade and Ionian boots for CDR (for quick spam) and Last Whisper for damage.
If you are here solely to say "that varus is terrible" please read the guide and try it, if it's your playstyle you'll find it doesn't suck.

Now, here's where my question starts, could the same logic be applied to Kalista? Her Q (Pierce, featured below) is quite similar to Varus's although it lacks the range, but that isn't the only reason I've come up with this.
Kalistas sentinels provide an excellent way to keep and eye out for potential river ganks.
Kalista can Oathsworn Top Lane for late game fight initiations with her R…

The eSports Talent Agency - About us

The eSports Talent Agency is a player management agency that also manages eSports teams to give players experience and visibility. eSports Talent Agency wishes to provide the best way for our clients to be connected to eSports teams and organisations. We strive to do the best for our clients as clients come first. Their work will be handled with confidentiality at all times. We dedicate ourselves to the relentless pursuit of excellence in the services we provide.

The credibility of all our processes, decisions, and actions ultimately is driven by transparency in all our dealings with our clients and all those who interact with our clients. We comply with all laws governing our business, not only as a legal obligation, but because it is the right thing to do.

We seek innovative ways to enhance client exposure to the global eSports community. We support and encourage our clients' creativity, courage, and persistence. We strive toward excellence by stressing collective goals, supporting…

Boring life update thing

I don't usually make these but a whole lot of things have happened recently so why not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So I'm not sure how many people will know this already, but I've been suffering with social anxiety and depression for a long time. I left school at 16, lost contact with all of my friends and haven't done a thing since then. It was fairly ****ty and as time passed I began to get negative mood swings more frequently, but I was always able to cope with them aside from the occasional outburst. Starting to play League probably helped since I made a lot of online friends and I could ****post on Mobafire, but it still kept happening.

I think after going to Cologne last year for Gamescom and having a great time actually feeling normal for once hanging out with Wayne and his friends for 3 days, it began to really hit me what I was missing out on by not having any friends around and not doing anything with my life. I began to get more and more depressed increasingly often, although I tried m…

lol and champs - meta

just bought skarner, fiora and mordekaiser. all thre reworked.
treid skarner, easy play. most damage, most kills - got a 'S
did i stole alot oO

dont know when to try the other. but id liek to try fiora, in a botgame first ofc.
and i love to play ashe rite now.

4thseasons plays xin on every position.

Odds and End, But Mostly Odds 0.2

Server Move

19ms ping. Down from 63-70ms ping. Lovin' it.

Bad part is I've have some friends whose ping has spiked from a 32ms to 160ms which may drive them away from league.


Still clunky, but the stacking AP ratio on Riftwalk definitely makes him a lot nastier when he goes in on you. Also makes for faster wave clear which is super helpful as an assassin that should be roaming once you hit 6th level. I believe once you have a

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide