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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Dat Commentary xD

If you have the time to do it watch this commentary and tell me what you think of it? Oh and check the comments xD after you're done. I'm not a hater and I never did dislike that video when it still had a like/dislike bard but the video is a little silly. They sound kinda dumb but not in a bad way. They don't sound like they're 100% scrubby ******s or something. They just sound kinda silly to me.

P.S - Around 6 minutes the guy called Mike makes the funniest sounds ever xD 6:00 - 6:20

Wisdom teeth can't slow me down

Got all four of my wisdom teeth pulled today. Hurts a little but not a ton really. I was still able to finish my Galio guide and update a few others while I was at it. Wisdom teeth can't slow this freak of nature. I'm like Malphite with unstoppable force. Except I cant eat hamburgers or chicken. Well now that I think of it does malphite eat anything? Maybe he eats rocks? Cause we all know Cho'Gath eats everything

Confusion, thy name is bottom lane

Alright, I've not ever made one of these before, but this was so surprising that i just had to. I just got finished with a game on League, nothing ranked or anything that i was surprised we came out on top. The start looked decent enough. We had Amumu Jungling, Malz going Mid, Gankplank as top and i was playing Support Moakai. Looks decent right? All we needed to round this out was an ADC, and who does our last person instalock with 1 second left? Rammus....I'll give you a moment to let that drill in while i go make myself a sandwhich. -Comes back a couple of minutes later- We good? Good

So the game starts off, and we're paired against what seems to be a decent team, with Riven facing our GP top, Rengar in the jungle, Cass in mid and Ashe/Nami going bottom. Top fed....HARD. I think riven had 5 or 6 kills before the laning period was over. Mid did well enough, but lost overall. However against a cass it wasen't really a surprise. And then it come to me and rammus bottom.

We.... Destro…

Generic Blog title

So I've been having a lot of identity crisis lately with lanes and roles. I used to play ADC a lot but as I started to play with a group more and more people wanted to play their roles and I was left often to jungle.

That kinda change though, I queue with two groups (not including mobafire), a 3 man group (we play summoners rift) consisting of myself, a Mid laner, and a mid/jungle/support player with the infrequent play of ADC is one of them. In the group I tended to be stuck jungling or solo topping. I hated both roles at first.

However, while playing with a 5 man premade consisting of two mid laners (one often ADCs as draven though), a jungler, a dedicated support, and myself, I noticed I had no choice but to solo top. I ended up playing Solo top the first game and using Cho'gath, taking my lane easy and teleporting to contest a dragon and steal it with feast, at this point, and a few times after where I nearly got a penta with Cho', I began to play top more, and even jungle.

So m…

Mein erster Guide ^^

Halööchen Leutchens!

Habe soeben meinen ersten Guide verf***t, zu meinem Lieblingschamp TEEMO!
Ich weiss der Guide ist noch nicht ganz ausgereift und es steht noch nicht sehr viel Text da aber das werde ich in den nächsten Tagen ändern ^^ Dann wird noch ein wenig dran rum gebastelt. Vllt mach ich ja auch eine Deutsch und Englische Version getrennt.
Wenn ihr Vorschläge und so weiter habt dann nur her damit.
Link zum Guide:

Der Maddin

Top Lane Guides Review Shop

So as part of making mobafire a better place for guides I want to help by helping other top laners with any guides they may have/ want to improve on. My review shop is now open in This thread. If you have any top lane guides you want some feedback/review on come check it out.

Mid Lane Skill Orders: Extra Creep Clear

Hallowvrybuddy, Foo here. I am coming with another strategy post! Today, we will be discussing the skill order on many AP middle lane champions.

Here is the original thread.

From now on, this blog will have original posts.

There are two things that are very important for middle lane champions:

1. Creep Clear
2. Burst Damage

Most skill orders for AP champions are made to optimize one of these, so let's look at many APs that don't prioritize creep clear on their skills order. Sometimes it is because they have another, more important, priority, and other times, it is simply because the skill order isn't optimal.

I feel that some underplayed APs are viewed as subpar because they don't use the best skill order. People play them, look up a guide, and play the champion wrong, making them think he/she is weaker than they actually are.

What I do, is list what skill is commonly maxed, and an alternate skill maxing that gives extra creep clear, then I compare the two number wise, and then …

German Blog

Halööchen und Herzlich Willkommen in meinem Blog ^^
Ist wahrscheinlich einer der einzigen deutschen Blogs die es hier auf Mobafire gibt ^^

Zuerst einmal möchte ich mich vorstellen.
Ich bin der Martin bin 17 Jahre und komme aus der wunderschönen Hauptstadt von Thüringen (Erfurt :p).
Ich hab schon vor langer langer Zeit mit LoL angefangen (da ist es glaube gerade frisch rausgekommen) aber ich habe erst letztes Jahr angefangen LoL richtig intensiv zu spielen und das Spiel auch erstmal zu begreifen ^^
Nun versuche ich, nachdem ich endlich Lvl 30 geworden bin, mich auch gut in Ranked-Spielen zu schlagen und da eine gut Figur zu machen. Nur habe ich in letzter Zeit mit vielen Troll-Teams zu kämpfen die mich mega aufregen >.<

Nja wenn ihr weitere Fragen habt dann stellt die einfach unten in den Comments!

MFG der Maddin

Ehrenhafter Gegner *-*


Endlich habe ich diese Schleife auf die ich die ganze Zeit hin arbeite :o
Endlich bin ich auch ein ehrenhafter Gegner ^^
Die ganze Zeit musste ich mir von meinen Kollegen anhören wie sie meinten das sie weniger haben als ich aber trotzdem diese Schleife hatten.
Und es kommt mir auch so vor als ob es im Moment so ist das keiner mehr diesen Daumen vergeben will... Da kann man so gut spielen wie man will und trotzdem immernoch nett bleiben und den Gegnern Mut machen und für gute Aktionen gratulieren... und da dachte ich mir eigentlich schon während dem Spiel so: "Wäre ich mein Gegner würde ich ihm diesen Daumen für einen ehrenhaften Gegner geben!"... Aber NEIN! Nichts is -.- Nach dem Spiel kam nichts vom Gegner.
Nja genug aufgeregt ^^ hab ja jetz endlich diese tolle Schleife.

Wünsch euch einen wunderschönen Tag ^^
Der Maddin

The 21th vote (a comment to vote story)

So I have made many many guides. One of those guides is my Ezreal one.

This guide is highly original for it is a hybrid guide.

I started with comment to vote and a lot of people liked, were very supportive and positive.
The guide started rising and rising! 70% -> 80% and eventually 86% becoming the 2nd best Ezreal guide out there!

I was so proud of myself, but when the comment to vote ended, my guide went all the way downhill...

From the 2nd place to the 6th place in no-time.
All my pride is gone right now, and I am thinking of archiving my guide just because of the late downvotes.

No one had to comment anymore to click downvote, they all just pressed the button, and poof! Muhahaha, the poor guy again is one spot lower in the race!

This is so unfair, comment to vote has sooo much influence!
What I think, is that they should keep comment to vote till the guide gets bloody archived.

It makes me sad, I am always so constructive towards others, trying to help them, giving them advic…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide