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Kog'Maw - Quick sure win item guide

for kog'maw just follow this build no questions and basic attack.
1.) dorans blade
2.) berserker's greaves
3.) vampiric scepter
4.) phantom dancer
5.) bloodthirster
6.) sell dorans
7.) zeal
8.) infinity edge
9.) phantom dancer
10.) bloodthirster

you can also change one of the phantom dancers for weaker basic attacks but u would get the nice sheen passive when spamming ulti and a 25% chance of slow which could really save you if you have to kill someone before they reach you

Married and Such // Busy but not forgotten.

Hey Moba!
So, my wedding is over! It was a blur, I hardly remember much, just a lot of happy crying and cold beachy air :p I know some of you will want to know how it all went and will want photos and such so I'm here to deliver! (I'll add better photos when I get home, currently at work. I am sorry for the bad quality, for FB sucks)

The Night Before:
The night before my wedding, my maid of honor and bridesmaid thought it would be a great idea to team up with the men for some drinking and split up around 11:50PM.

So we get sloshed, and go down to the beach. We take some photos and play some games. I have some nice photos of the boys up on rocks, all you see are silhouettes but, its still artsy cool.
Once we get back to the hotel room we get sloshed some more, and ******** the rest of the night. I remember a time where my brides maid was too lazy to take 3 bags of cinnamon twists upstairs and thew them to the best man from the first floor landing the bag on the roof. We woke …

Annie Guide Overhaul

I am going to be update, or rather overhauling, my guide for Annie pretty soon.

I have reworked items/runes/ etc. after some input from wRAth and I am also working on updating all of the smaller details, possibly more info about wards(?), along with the graphics as well.

I will post another blog post when I get it updated to let peepz know!



Today is a shorter one since it's just first time with the newest champ Rengar!

King of the Jungle Rengar makes his appearance on the fields of Justice!

This guy was a decent jungler to be sure, but I've found his real strength is Top Solo. That being said my first time was jungling so that's what we're focusing on.

Farming - 8: I found his camp clearning was very fast even lvl 1. His lack of a mana/energy bar makes for spamming his skills very nice. Taking Q first not just due to it's damage/AS boost but for the fact it's got the lowest cooldown. Don't feel bad if you're spamming his skills nonstop, just be sure to use his full 5 stacks on his roar to heal yourself while you're jungling.

Laning Phase - 8: You really gotta gank, as a jungler that should be obvious and it's even more important on level dependent champs such as Rengar. Go into a gank 1 of 2 ways. A) Go into lane 4 stacks and E (bola shot) for the slow, if they flash no worries, come back later. The point is to hit…

Dem awkward convos

Millapede (7:55): andrew
we need to talk.
about our feelings.
ShiftyCake (8:02): I have aids
Millapede (8:03): wat
ShiftyCake (8:03): alan told me to say that
Millapede (8:03): you have aids? T_T
ShiftyCake (8:03): totes
Millapede (8:03): ewww
doesnt matter we can use a condom
ShiftyCake (8:05): :3

nuff' said.

An introduction

I am the almighty Airy! Hi.

*Clears throat* Ahem, well I gotta tell you about meself or at least what i do in league, the only moba game for me. I got into league through a friend decently early on and enjoyed playing Master Yi, Not the best champ to be sure but I still like 'em. At any rate i soon after however stopped playing league for a good long while till said friend got me back into it after a long mental battle, and I have been playing it off and on ever since. I am currently at the time of writing this on my third league account. Level 11. I main the following champs Heimerdinger: the revered inventor using a build called Heimerdinger his brain is larger than yours and Alister whom as of yet I don't use a guide for and just tend to wing it, not the best idea for my skill level to be sure but it hasn't bit me in the *** too many times. I typically only play with my four other friends whom are all but one level 30, I and one other are not and have never been a level thirty,

R.I.P Balrox (The original GP)

Balrox Says Hi made this comment a few hours ago when he re-published his guide:

I AM NO LONGER MAINTAINING THIS GUIDE! THIS WAS WRITTEN IN JULY OF 2011 WHEN GANGPLANK WAS MUCH MORE VIABLE. FEEL FREE TO CHECK OUT DIFFERENT GUIDES. ALTHOUGH BASHING MY GUIDE AND BUILD IN THE COMMENTS, I WILL STILL RECOMMEND Xeronn's GUIDE. Another VERY promising guide is Fulundry's. Both of them look like decent guides. Feel free to continue using my build, and to those who say this build is like a pile of feces, well I don't really care because this is the first time I have looked at this in half a year. Good luck summoners.

I'm not expecting to see Fulundry's guide updated at this rate, so that would mean.. my guide will be the last one standing.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide