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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Totally off-topic: lies and blogs

So...I lied. I really tried to only post strategy and updates, but I couldn't help it. Deal with it. Or don't.

On to my real point. Has anyone else realized the inflation of blogs lately? It's Germany all over again. damn Nazis.
There are simply so many, everyone seems to have realized that a blog button exists and are madly pressing it.
Then they talk about non-sequential **** that no-one cares about. Like pfff, how stupid.
Oh wait...

Anyway, my point is that this blog inflation is ridiculous. We might have to implement a new system for blogs, to avoid blogs that get pushed down from ever seeing the light of day again.

My Experience With Jax

I started playing Jax a few weeks ago after being recommended to him by my best friend. Now, the way that I play Jax is a top, preferably solo top, and with him, I can destroy using my build, which will usually involve going into Sheen and chunking the heck out of anyone who stands in my way. As a side note, be careful to play defensively until level 6/7, and to always make sure that you can take the kill, but not die in the process. He can be a BIG hitter late game, and can easily carry a team, and can even stand in 3v1s later in the game (all strategy). And with that, have fun, and remember, Jaximus to the Maximus! (I love the Jaximus skin)

Game 3, Duo with friend

So a friend came online and we're Skyped up. We're going to duo; he's actually my next door neighbor's son. Good kid. Cusses a lot; it's good rage. he's way higher ELO than me, so this is risky for him. Minus lots but plus very little. I'm last pick, as usual when we duo queue.

Bans, we first:
Tryndamere, Kassadin, Olaf, Morgana, Shen, Shaco

Picks, them first:
Lee Sin
Skarner, Vladmir
Karthus, GP
Fizz, Ashe
Leona, Tristana
Soraka for me. Not pleased about it.

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Lee Sin jungling; they have two clarities. Karthus and Leona

Game summary
Owned by Leona; I'm long lost from playing Soraka. The mindset for support isn't there any more. I've been playing tank far too long to do it right, especially in ranked.

43/53/62 to 53/44/88

We had them early but they came at me late a lot. I just was out of position a lot. in position for Malphite, Galio, or Trundle (AD Tanky), but way out of position for Soraka. Oh, and I didn't have the right Masteries up. I was 21/9/0 b…

Knowing More, yet Falling Back...

Hi everyone! I'm tehcheeselover and this is my first blog post on the new MobaFire blog feeds. Be gentle with your comments and know that I'm only writing for the purpose of informing, entertaining, and passing time. I would ask you to PLEASE post comments constructively criticizing, but not negatively demoting my work. Thanks a lot MobaFire community! Now on to the good stuff.

It seems like Ranked games are there to show others your skill level through winning games and increasing something known as an ELO, otherwise known as a personal ranking. This, however, seems to me like a misconception, or a mistake made by most people who are educated as such. As you all may know, League of Legends is a team game, and is originally intended to be one that involves multiple people that are familiar to you, in order to promote the idea of collaboration and communication to achieve victory. This is not the case as you are frustratingly wasting your life away jumping into a Solo Queue gam…

Game 2

Current Score: 424
I'm captain, this doesn't bode well.

Champion Select and Banning

I ban first
Kassadin, Udyr, Gangplank, Rammus, Tryndamere, Vayne

I chose Trundle, again. I called Top when doing so.

Shyvana, Mordekaiser
Katarina, Autopick Yi, it looks like
Shaco, Brand
My team doesn't seem to be here as auto-picking seems to be the way it's going now. Mundo and Morgana are picked. Maybe not, I think they had time left
Kog Maw

I'm not a fan of this and hope the autopick Yi means he's dodging. No dice, game is loading.

Loading screen

Shaco is their jungler. Are any of you surprised? Not much else to point out. They have 3 ignites.

Game Time

This jungle Mundo is awful. Reminder to never be on an AP Yi team again. This was a debacle; Mordekaiser had me as Trundle pretty well. I was holding nicely, but saw no jungle for 12 minutes and died once. He eventually showed up and I got an assist.

AP Yi is a joke. Morgana was an autopick that had no idea what she was doing.…

Game 1 from ELO Hell

Current Rank Score: 424
I'm second pick; they ban first.

Tyrndamere, Amumu, Rammus, Shaco, Singed, Shen

Picks go:

Morgana, Trundle (me)
Kayle, Garen
Mordekaiser, Corki
Fiddlesticks, Katarina

After some discussion, and when I mentioned I'd be top they tell me I have to jungle.

Game cancelled because someone dodged.

Champion Selection and Banning

I'm now third pick, we banned first.
Shen, Tryndamere, Shaco, Rammus, Kassadin, Singed

Picks, we're first
Nautilus, Teemo (eff Teemo)
Morgana, Trundle
Varus, Warwick
Amumu, Ezreal

Amumu late says let me jungle; I say ok with 9 seconds left in queue. I change my summoner spells to Flash/Teleport to run solo top. My masteries are a bit awkward at 17/4/9. It's a massive sustain build. My bite turns wicked, but not finishing blow wicked. I tend to get lots of assists.

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Missed it because my kids were talking.

Game Start and talk (first posting!)

We had it a bit shaky, but I did end up running top vs. …

Elo Hell and How to Get Out

Elo hell is referred to as the zone in which the summoners elo is 0-1200. After passing 1200 you get games where there are less "baddies" and less "trolls/afkers".
In order to get out of elo hell you need to play either duo que with someone of like elo, but that someone also is skilled(unlike others at your elo), or play 3 positions, Mid, Jungle, or AD carry.

is a great position to play considering you generally become a nuke mid to late game. I have personally carried many games 4v5 in which i was on the 4 side, just because my teamates would protect me in team fights while i proceeded to nuke them down. Another great position to play is.

The jungler is able to control the lane directly and indirectly. A direct way to control the lane, is to gank. Via ganking you waste the enemies summoner spells and often secure kills. The indirect way of controlling lanes is to fake a babysit on a certain lane, say mid, And force the enemy champion to play it safe, hug the tower and miss…

Tier List 18/05/12 - ChrissyDoc

First off I would like to say this post and all future posts are entirely my opinion and if you disagree with it, that's cool, leave a comment saying why you disagree, if you are gonna be an *** about it then there's no point in you reading any further. This is my opinion on where the champions stand at the moment.

Tier 1 = These champions are a fantastic pick for their position, they will usually dominate their lane unless they have been counter picked, and are a great addition to any team

Tier 2 = These are still good picks, they are very strong and can do well if your team works well together, however they can be hard countered, or it is possible to lose your lane if your team doesn't work well. If you are great at playing a champion from this tier, it is a good as a tier 1 pick.

Tier 3 = These picks are ok, but the other tiers generally have better picks and you could do a lot better with them unless you happen to be very good with a specific champion.

Tier 4 = I wouldn't recom…

Chrissydoc's League of Legends Blog :3

Hey, I'm Chris, but my IGN is ChrissyDoc and it is for most things, I am gonna start a personal blog about League of Legends, this will contain another person's opinion, if you cannot deal with that then I suggest you leave. I play on the EU West server if any of you would like to play with me. I did make an Evelynn build a while back and got it to #3 for a short while, but ever since I heard about the re-works coming, I thought, why bother, it wont be much use for very long. I will post here is I have an incredibly awesome game like this

Or a not so awesome game like this

There were reasons behind each one but I won't go in to too much detail, let's just say, having a premade team can be all the difference. Anyway, I am thinking of doing a Tier list too for all the lower, 1200 elo people like me as well, because Which champions dominate a game, really depends on what elo you sit at and how experienced your team is. I do have a more fun blog over at tumblr, if anyone want's a link, …

Top Facts -1- Yorick

Hello this is Berzerk and I will be writing something I will call Top Facts, these will be facts about when to pick certain champions how to play them and what uses they can serve in your soloQ or Ranked teams. This will be my first Top Facts.

Yorick is a Tanky-DPS champion who fights by summoning ghouls on his skills which deals Hybrid damage, magic damage on the initial skill cast and physical damage from the ghouls that follow. Yorick has little to no "counterpicks" that can shut him down in lane, and as most top lane players can tell you he is probably their least favorite matchup to fight. He has massive sustain and once he gets some mana regen is almost impossible to move out of lane. he has a slight falloff into the late game which is easily overlooked due to his ability to zone opponents and ultimate a ranged carry for a clone and a revive.


Unholy Covenant (Passive): Yorick’s attacks deal more and he takes reduced damage for each summon that is active. M

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide