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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

PBE Updated - New Skins, Ashe Models, and SR!

The PBE has been updated and tons of new information is pouring in! The patch included new skins, the Ashe graphic rework, and the graphical changes to Summoner's Rift.

Thanks to Slushe, I present you the newest skins to hit the Fields of Justice. We have a new Amumu, Shyvanna, and ( FINALLY ) Swain skin! We also have some shots of the new Ashe models ( reposted from redditor Dyloslawer ).

Sad Robot Amumu

Darkflame Shyvanna

how (not) to pick up girls.

Hey everyone,

Normally I write a blog post every month but this time I will make an exception. I had the funny idea of posting some pick up lines. I want guys to add more, and girls to comment on whether that would work or not. Here we go:
  • [guy] I am actually a snail. [girl] wtf!? [guy] *stretches back, makes crackling noise* Oh ****, my house just broke! Now I don't know where to sleep tonight... how about your place? ;D
  • [guy] Do you know how much a polar bear weighs? [girl] ehh no [guy] At least enough to break the ice!
  • [guy] Did it hurt? [girl] wtf? [guy] You know, when you fell from heaven.
  • [guy] I bet your dad is a drug dealer. [girl] omg, wtf? Why? [guy] Because you are dope.
  • [guy] Your dad must be a thief. [girl] wtf? [guy] He stole all the stars and put them in your eyes!
  • [guy] You should have carried a life vest, because I just drowned in your beautiful eyes.
  • [guy] You should have brought some cushions, because the floor really hurts.

Well those are some stuff that I know…

Interesting shenanigans....

So I had a small ranked win streak, that put me from the 1200's to the 1300's. I made it to 1347, and I decided to come back here to mobafire. The day I returned, I lost one game because of my solo top's minor skill level.
I thought, hmmm... an interesting coincidence.
Today, I play another ranked game. I managed to get Kassadin as the 3rd pick, and I take pride in my Kass skills. So I won lane vs a Cassiopeia, and I was like 10/0 before I finally died once. Unfortunately, I miscalculated and died to

So when can varus not be FTM?

Seriously I'm so tired of him. I have never played with a good one on my team. I have lost every game with a Varus on my team since his release. I simply can't carry these guys hard enough.

I played a couple games against varus as cait and destroyed them both times no questions asked.

Just.... no more plz

Achats en ligne Better Than mode conventionnel de...

Si nous disons que l'Internet a changé nos vies, alors ce serait un euphémisme. En réalité, Internet a totalement révolutionné la façon humaine d'être utilisé pour effectuer des simples aux tâches les plus complexes dans la vie. Comme toutes les grandes activités de la vie avec l'avènement des achats en ligne, Internet a pris la responsabilité de nous prendre pour les centres virtuels aussi bien. Les achats en ligne a permis aux gens d'acheter tout de l'épicerie mensuelle à partir de gadgets électroniques boutique en ligne différents que trop sans quitter le confort de la maison. En choisissant simplement les articles à acheter et d'utiliser la carte de crédit ou d'autres informations, les éléments souhaités peuvent être livrés à la porte, dans la plupart des cas, sans aucun chaussures requin tn pas cher 36 46 frais additionnel.

Il ya plusieurs avantages des achats en ligne car il peut permettre à la personne de ne pas magasiner pour lui-même mais aussi caus…

Possible upcoming champ build/guide: ADVICE NEEDED

k so this blog thing is pretty cool and addicting and i am already procrastinating a lot on mobafire instead of doing work,but who cares? I'm planning to make my first guide on a LOL champ. please leave a comment below on wat champ shud i do my guide/build on
also please comment below on wat i shud include in my guide, and wat needs to be in it, seeing that this is my first guide I'm gonna be making and imma need the advice and tips
thanks and look out for a guide/build/watever u call it sometime in the the near future

aright, peace out

Looking for a game? I'm down...LOOKING FOR ANYONE...

hey everyone!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm new on mobafire so this is my first post. back to the subject....anyone wanna play a game anytime soon? hit me up or message me!
only requirement to play with me is that u are able to play league of legends
other than that feel free to notify me by inboxing or messaging me or watever
Feel free to add me on league....u can find my summoner stuff and whatnot on my profile thingy
and HElllllLOOOOOOOOOOO mobafire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the subject of dying

I been alone in my home for a while now with time to my thoughts.

I went outside yesterday to feed the animals when I saw that one of the cats had a bird in her mouth. I took out the trash then decided to take a closer look and found that the bird was alive.

The cat dropped the bird and the bird attempted to fly away with no success.
The delighted cat continued to bite and bat at the bird so I picked her up and took her inside of the house. I gave her food and water but she was more interested in the bird. I decided against allowing her to continue killing it and walked outside to see if the bird was still alive.

I looked down at it.
It looked up at me with it's dying eyes still fidgeting in pain and fear.
I thought to myself what is the best thing to do with this dying creature.

I could euthanize it!
There are intelligent minds who think limiting pain is humane. I could have stomped the bird with my foot or perhaps gotten a shovel and whacked it.

Maybe people need and excuse to k…

What are your thoughts on Season 3?

So I've started playing League of Legends early last year i think halfway near the end of Season 2. Of course, there has been a lot of changes, small or big.

So far, I think Season 3 is a bit complex at the moment. I do not understand the reasoning behind people buying specific items for a champ while it's not even viable for them. So I guess they haven't full understood what each item can be capable of, but I think it complicates the game a bit. Also with the jungle changes, it is indeed pretty hard. Well I am talking about any junglers (with added tier 3 runes) and how well they do without a leash - so clear time, how many health pots they used etc. So far most champs need to use almost all, sometimes left with one. With junglers however, I think it's a whole lot different without Heart of Gold . Grants you massive amount of health and gp5 passive. I mean these items are so good for Amumu and Maokai no doubt. Also adding to this, you can't start with Regrowth Pendant anymore. The …

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide