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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Found my new favourite Champ!

So I was browsing through the store earlier today looking to buy some runes for my (now 2nd) favourite champ Riven, but I saw on the front page that Brand was on sale for less then 500 RP. Between my ADHD and my ability to spend lots of money on anything, I quickly bought him. After quickly skimming through a guide and noting runes, skill order, etc, I joined a 5v5 on Summoner's Rift and gave Brand a go.

The complete destruction of their team was the outcome of that game.

The game ended, and I leaned back in shock. For days now ive been playing the tanky dps champ Riven, getting good at her abilities and feeling confident with her in any situation. But then here, in one game, I did better with Brand then I ever did on Riven, and a new favorite champ was born.

Brand's ability to completly nuke an enemy is absurd, and even if they run, 2 of my spells apply powerful dots, and my Q is a 2 second, ranged stun, that allows me to dominate in all situations. Also, his char is on fire, the e…

Lvl 20 reached

So I got lvl 20 in LoL!

It kinda was a milestone, now I can buy tier 3 runes. The problem is just that I've used all my IP on champions, and that probably wasn't too smart, but y'know, IP is free :] A champion that you've bought with IP feels strong >:D

Bye! (I wrote this while listening to X factor XD)

Those people who don't pay attention in champion...

So i go in solo queue. Champion select comes. The only person who has chosen is an eve that's going to jungle with smite. So i offer to solo top with Renekton, Nasus, Talon, or Fizz. No answer...-_-. "Well then, this isn't looking good, a noncommunicating team." So i just pick Renekton. 10 seconds left and one of the people decides to choose Shaco w/ smite to jungle obviously. I was like !!!!!!. I exit the queue so I'm not stuck with those idiots. Two junglers i mean what knocked them topside the head?! Anyone think the same?

Noob's life in LoL

I just saw you could make a blog on here! I've never done a blog before so bare with me as I attempt to blog...about stuff.

I have been playing League of Legends for almost a week now and I have to say I think that i've fallen in love with my next time consuming game. When my friend suggested I download it I never expected it to be as in depth as it is, between the runes and the masteries, to the truly complex gameplay that the more competitive people have, i'm honestly just blown away.

I seriously doubt anyone will read this or even finish it if they somehow make it to this sentence, but for anyone still reading please add me: Njoldir. I would love anyone to play with so i'm not always in que solo, plus any tips people could give me would be more then awesome, i'm ready to dive in and learn, this game is so much fun and I want to get the most out of it.

But yeah, I think im going to actually update this blog about my noob learning curve as I play LoL, maybe more of a record for me …

>> Free Rotation - Scouting Time II

Heya, MobaFire :) I've been a little inactive lately in terms of community things, like commenting on guides and plaguing the forums other than Support. So I thought that I'd boost my activity levels, AND provide a genuine contribution to guide writers by actively scouting the free week champion guide.

So each rotation you will see a blog from me detailing which guide I have scouted for the free champions, and why. Hopefully this will help their guides gain some more views and show others what a scout may be looking for in a guide.

Welcome to Free Rotation - Scouting Time II!

Author: Taneren

Volibear :3

So I tried out Volibear last week, and let me tell you! it was really amazing!. I can't believe how great this champion is, i can honestly say i wanna main this champion. Since this was my first time playing as Volibear i was a little afraid i would suck but i ended up getting tons of kills. I believe it was 14-8-12 Around that. I just wanted to say that i Wanna see more Builds for Volibear soon so I'm gonna Look forward to that! And if you have any tips about Volibear Go ahead and tell me that too! Thanks!



We are back again running an interactive stream for you all tonight 18:30GMT (23/02/2012). We will be focsing on the AH & RMAH taking an in depth look and answering any questions you might have related to it. As normal we shall also be doing a full run of the beta, classes picked will be dependent on what you guys request in the chat.

The stream will start at 18:30GMT (23/02/2012) so take your seats early, enjoy some Diablo 3 beta and discuses anything related in the on-board chat room with us and other viewers.

What To Expect

[*] Look & Learn session related to the AH & RMAH
[*] A full Diablo 3 beta run including events like "Jar Of Souls"
[*] Currently how the Blacksmith/Forging items system works
[*] Answering live, to the best of our knowledge any questions you might have about Diablo 3 in in general

We shall also be running a "Diablo 3 Mouse Steelseries" give away while streaming at random intervals! So keep viewing for a chance to be the lucky random selected view…

New Champ: Fiora

So, this new Champion Fiora, sounds pretty damn cool. I have 974RP (1 point shy.. *sigh*..) but I might just save up for her when she's released, whenever that is. If you guys don't know who Fiora is, here's a link to her info...

My brother said she sounds like a female version of Talon. I'm not sure, but I think she sounds awesome! What do you guys think?

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide