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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Fastest Way To Max Caitlyns Gear

Some of the highest rated Mobafire builds seem kind of stupid. I understand what they are going for and their build may be the "best" end game build but it makes Caitlyn essentially useless early on.

What I've started doing is going for mana regeneration into spirit stone into Elder Spirit of the Lizard followed by Runaan's Hurricane.

This build order makes up for the gold loss when you sell to replace them with end game items and gets your build in quicker. Also it helps you farm and push lanes in a crazy fashion. Essentially you can destroy minions in mass really quickly and allow your minions to push the enemy champions back to their turrets.

When you sell Lizard you're looking at a loss of only 600 gold. Most games end before you'd sell back Runaan's but honestly I've found it so useful after BOTRK and Bloodthirster that I just keep it.

600 Gold loss is way more than made up from the extra farm and ability to push the enemy team back into their turret to make them lose gold…

2 Guides Released in 3 days - Vayne / Olaf

Hey guys!

So, awhile back I announced that I was making an Olaf guide, and I released it 3 days ago.
It can be found here!

But what I didn't tell you was that I'd be releasing a Vayne guide within the same week (I had no clue I was doing that either), but I somehow managed to write an entire guide in 2 days.
It can be found here!

So yeah, hope you enjoy some fresh, new guides. Not many decent guides found nowdays due to the high amount of noobie guides released.

Thanks guys!

Inside a Champion #2-Veigar

Hi! Teh Grazzh0pper back again, bringing to you another blog on inside a champion, where I will be talking about a champion's motive for doing certain actions or being perceived in such a way. This one will be a bit long though.

Well, many perceive Veigar to be the oddball with the high pitched voice, the master of evil who is twisted and can nuke AP casters as long as he lands his Event Horizon.

However, if you read his lore, you will find out that he was turned mad after being set up to take the blame for others. I leave you to read that part of his lore.

But I do not really believe that he is twisted. I just believe that he has turned into a shell of his former self-in effect, tempoarily losing his character and soul.

You cannot simply dismiss his actions as evil. One would think that such a powerful mage not under control by the League has the power to go to the Bandle City town council, say hi, send

Japan - Day 1 and 2

A few weeks ago I went on a 1 week vacation with my friends to Tokyo, Japan. It was a lot of fun! I'll probably make a few blog posts about it since there's a lot to say.

To start out I didn't sleep the night before I left for Japan since we had to get to the airport at 4am. My friend was nice enough to drive 3 of us there (the group was 4 in total). My flight went to DC first and one of my friends was on it, but then came the 14 hour flight from DC to Japan without any friends. It was rough, but the people I sat beside were actually very nice and showed me how to recline my chair and use the TV (I am a flying noob).

Finally we landed in Narita. You could see a lot of rice paddies from the plane, which was pretty sweet. The woman I was sitting with actually walked with me and helped me through customs and to find the place my friends were meeting at, which was really nice. That helped me a lot and I found my friends no problem.

We took a bus to our hotel in Shinjuku, which was …

dominate dominion

Had fun yesterday and our team Hydrogen Hydroxide will be back for future comps

thanks all for the games and the understanding we had from the other teams for a few lobby problems we had occurring, ow and a big shout out to dominate dominions raidcall: 5526833

cyas next comp

Hydrogen Hydroxide

Mid Lane Madness - Hors d'Œuvre

So, this is the start of a little blog series I am making. It's not written to inform, and I'm not holding out on entertaining (although perhaps it will be somewhat interesting). I'm just blogging my thoughts, and maybe, just maybe, I'll learn something.

So what is it? There are over fourteen champions which appeal to me in mid-lane, but it is not remotely practical to keep flitting between them. As soon as I start to get a feel for Syndra, for example, I immediately lose it because I play another five champions before I get back to her. And that's not counting jungling and supporting thrown in the middle.

I'm going through the list of champions one at a time, playing enough games to get a grasp for their mechanics and then analyzing how I feel about maining them. That is what I will be blogging about, that, plus a little bonus highlighted by playing each champion. Think of this as my equivalent of a ranked progression thread, only it is in preparation for ranked and I will not talk…

League of Legends - Fantasy Draft

For those interested some people put together a Fantasy League of Legends site for pro players, I think it looks cool so I've decided to make a league (details found here) for anyone interested in Mobafire.

And since I haven't done a blog in a while I've decided to post this as my blog. Basically I'm going to break down my draft order which is an easy way to give some insight into the pro scene. I might do another blog in the future actually explaining my thoughts about the current pro scene (not involving some fantasy draft which obviously skews my picks. It's also important to note that these are only NA and EU professional players, so in that regard the two regions are isolated and this does factor into some play.


So let's get this out of the way, my fantasy team which would never exist would be:
  • Top - Voyboy - NA - Curse
  • Jungle

Cotton Update #1

Hey there, this is my first real blog entry on Mobafire and I just wanted to use it to talk about whats been occupying me recently.

First off you may (or may not) have noticed that I've been a bit absent from the website for a little while. This was mostly due to my Computer-studies exams that I had to take at the end of May. Since I spent the last two weeks cramming for the exams, I didn't really have the time for web surfing and what have you.

Secondly, on a more relevant note, my ap Gangplank guides been featured in Gott der 7 Meere's encyclopaedia of champion builds. The encyclopaedia's really helpful and Id recommend reading it if your interested in making a guide or just wanna see some cool champion builds (link here). I was pretty happy to see my guide get mentioned, but seeing that yellow 59% beside it made me wish it was better (guess I got away's to go xD)

Finally I've been taking a look at writing a jungle Zyra guide. Noticed a couple of videos where she was played jung…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide