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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

IceCreamy's Item Insights #1: Executioner's Calling

Hey everyone!

Today marks the start of a new series of blogs I will write! I will try to write a blog like this weekly, taking a different item every week of course.
This week I want to talk about Executioner's Calling - one of the least bought items according to Elophant. As you can see in the second graph, the popularity is about 0 %. I've been wondering why this percentage is so low, and to find out, let's get into a more detailed description of the item!

  • Costs: 1900 gold
  • Builds out of:

Get off my AD Carry! (Support 101: part 1)

So I just got the completely random idea to start writing about my experiences as support, and mentoring supports. My goal with this is to write some sort of a support-101 guide to help any aspiring support players. While writing this, I have been inspired by guides/streams by EG.Krepo and TSM.Xpecial. I would recommend anyone to check these players out!

First of all, I would like to cover the common misconception that a support cannot carry games. This is 100% incorrect. The reason people think this, is because they are simply playing too defensively, and simply assisting their carry instead of making plays themself. As a support, you are the brain of your carry. Basically, the only things your carry should worry about, is farming and positioning. As a support you are dealing with anything else. About 90% of the other things are orchestrated by the support.

That is why you are not a good support, when you are sitting back and waiting for something to happen, instead of making the …

Hai Thar

So the name is Hothor and my in-game name is XHothorX and I've been playing League of Legends now for about a year and I've just recently wanted to try my hand at being a competitive player and make a big impact in the NA scene. Although I am only a Bronze T2 player at the moment, I feel like my game play is somewhere in the Gold Division or higher.
I am a really calm laid back type of player but when I play ranked matches I am totally filled with adrenaline and ready to do what needs to be done in order to become successful in matches. I tend to work with people rather than against them or work around their play styles or compositions. I haven't quite found my position that I want yet but I prefer Top Lane, Jungler, and or Support in most cases.
I would love to play in tournaments someday and until then, I will be trying hard to improve myself but also share what I know to other players so that they can learn and enjoy the game the same way I do.

A lesson to be learned...

A lot of people complain about their teams and when friends come to me and ask what they can do in certain situations in order to not lose a game that is going poorly they pretty much always state that it was out of their hands because "bot fed" or "top did nothing but farmed and never actually joined in the teamfights when we needed."

Statements like the ones listed above bother me because there is always something that you could have done in order to try to move things into your team's favor. I'm not saying you can win every game just from being clever, but there are things that can be done when it comes to your own gameplay that could have made a difference and it is going back an identifying these instances that will really help you grow as a player.

I'm going to pull a few specific quotes from a statement sent out by Scarra yesterday that is an honest and true assessment of his gameplay during the LCS Allstar competition to which I respect fully.

"I did not play my best this w

LoL Win and Lose Theory

Hi folks!

So I came out with a theory... a theory that I made to try to explain the reasons for sometimes we come up with a marvelous team, and sometimes with a full trolls team.

My theory is the "Win and Lose Theory", pretty obvious no? xD

It consists in the idea that, if you have a great success in a week or two (with a lot of carrying and a lot of good teamplayers), you will then suddendly come up with full troll teams in the FOLLOWING week.

I believe the reason for this, is for Riot to "control" the good players, so that they don't just win all games everysingle time.

I tell you to try this theory, play well this week with your main champion, and carry all games long. then you will notice the amount of trolls increase in the following week.

And if you can't carry this week... then you are already in a troll week :S

Throatslasher's S3 *DIAMOND* -SOLO QUEUE- Tier List...

Tier 1: Hecarim, Nautilus
Tier 2: Xin Zhao, Jarvan IV, Volibear, Sejuani, Nunu, Evelynn
Tier 3: Udyr, Nocturne, Lee Sin, Amumu, Zac, Cho'gath(^), Trundle(^), Nasus(v), Elise(v)
Tier 4: Kha'Zix, Shen, Fiddlesticks, Dr. Mundo, Shaco, Kayle, Pantheon, Taric, Olaf, Skarner, Warwick, Jax, Maokai, Zed, Vi, Rammus
Tier 5: Rengar, Master Yi, Shyvanna, Malphite

Kennen Tier: Kennen
Tier 1: Rumble, Nidalee(AD), Shen, Elise, Jayce, Renekton(v)
Tier 2: Lee Sin, Jax, Kayle, Teemo, Singed, Vladimir, Zed, Irelia, Cho'gath, Vlad, Zac(v), Riven(v)
Tier 3: Malphite, Darius, Kha'zix, Wukong, Fizz, Tryndamere(AP), Olaf, Yorick, Trundle, Nasus(v)
Tier 4: Volibear, Tryndamere(AD), Garen, Jarvan IV, Akali, Rengar, Nidalee(AP), Xin Zhao(vv), Katarina(v)
Fiora Tier: Fiora, Poppy, Gangplank, Vi, Pantheon

Tier 1: Anivia, Ryze, Twisted Fate, Lux, Diana, Fizz, Kha'Zix(^)
Tier 2: Ahri, Cassiopeia, Gragas, Katarina, Orianna, Nidalee, Jayce, Zed, Swain, Syndra, Pantheon, Rumble, Cho'gath, Morgana, …

Result of last Sunday for Oath A

Well, Oath in Agony still has a long way to go before we get anywhere close to good.

Our first match in Twisted Treeline was very good. Although the team ended up winning in the end, I feel like we definetley gave the opposing team a good match. We ended the game with more kills, but that's what we get for not banning (or taking) Tryndamere.

Ah well.

However, the match in Dominion sure left us in broken spirits. We were crushed. Completely. The game was over in nine minutes. Nine!

Revive. Revive.

We definetley have to study more on Dominion. I only wish Riot would put more incentive to by putting in Ranked queues in Dominion. Ah well.

Better luck next time.

Outsourcing and An RP Contest

Game Design and Development

Alright, cool subject right? I certainly like to think so. Personally, I love to actually get into that and am actually working on a project of my own including programming my own Game Engine. However, that isn't actually the subject of this blog. This morning, or afternoon rather because I mean come on, why wake up in the morning if you don't have to, I took a look at the newspaper and read an interesting article regarding outsourcing.

Now outsourcing in general is something that I dislike but right now I figured I'd try it. Now don't worry, not asking you guys to write a cool algorithm for me or an AI agent based on Artifical Neural Networks but I've decided to set up my own forum/community that revolves around Game Development and Design. Issue: I don't have a name yet. Names I did come up with are already taken, the url, that is.
Challenge: I'm asking you guys to come up with a fitting name for my new community. Stick to these rules:
  1. The name of

Post-All Stars Doublelift AMA

Reddit link to AMA

He actually answered a lot of theorycraft questions in there. Here are the notable ones I picked out:

Q: You often speak about "fundamentals". Since so many players and botlanes lack what you call "fundamentals" how is one supposed to understand the balance and the fundamentals of lanes and matchups?

I try to watch streams and spectate high elo games to understand more about positioning, trading, warding but if most of top team botlanes have what you call "very weak fundamentals" how is one supposed to get them? You say yourself that before Chauschool you understood nothing about botlane and I find you being a smart and skilled guy, so what is one supposed to do?

A: you just have to understand what the enemy jungler/bot lane can do to you and play a theorycrafted game in your head, and see what the proper response would be.

What if Sona Graves harasses you with an auto + Q on the first CS you try to get in lane. Now you have 20g and took 300 damage, so what w…

General Qs and More Rengar Discussion

Hello everyone. First order of business are some general questions: So, I've started playing Rengar top lately, and does Rengar's bonus Q damage work when he uses his passive jump? Also, in your top lane experience, who are the hardest counters to Fiora (She's a ***** to deal with for me)? Secondly On my (extremely opinionated) ideas to buff Rengar in my last post I think his W should have a base amount of healing: 30/45/60/75/90+(60 per level) so that it will be worth leveling more. Other than that I think that his HP should go up by 90 per level up from 85. Also, please post Rengar solo top advice in the comments. It will be much appreciated. Please post ideas for future posts in the comments as well as answer my questions. Thanks for reading and have a great day.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide