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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Weekly Diamond Jungle Musings - Madreds Vs Spirit Stone

Hey guys, this week I'm going to take EVERY jungle champion and let you know which jungle item to buy on them. Most of this is based off of MY opinion. They aren't set in stone so feel free to argue. Just know that this comes from watching the pro scene diligently and playing at the highest levels on a regular basis. If spirit stone is the right call I'll also give you the correct upgrade path as well. If I don't mention a champion its because I don't think they are a jungler.

This will just be done alphabetically.

Amumu - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Ancient Golem.

Cho'Gath - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Ancient Golem.

Dr. Mundo - Spirit Stone - Spirt of the Ancient Golem.

Elise - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Spectral Wraith.

Evelynn - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Elder Lizard (burn OP).

Fiddlesticks - Dorans Ring - Zhonyas

Gragas - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Spectral Wraith.

Hecarim - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Elder Lizard.

Jarvan IV - Preference - If you want to …

Grazzhopper Personal Status :3

(Got the idea from Meiyjhe)

Hi all! If you are interested to know what I will do to try and contribute to the community, just take a bit of time to read what I am going to type out:

#1 Updates on both of my guides:

Recently, I have been trollvoted quite badly. I really do not know what I should do with the guides though. If you have any ideas, feel free to comment below!

#2 Working on a new guide:

Currently, I am spending a lot of time to work on a support Lulu guide! astrolia unfortunately archived his support Lulu guide, so I felt the need to include a new one cause the other support

AD Carry Counterpicks and How to Decide Your Pick

Disclaimer: Please note that these matchups are not guaranteed to win, but are generally good picks against their counterparts. Please also consider that not everyone plays the same and a counterpick for someone else, may not work so well for you. In fact, we all usually main 2 or 1 or 2 heros because we play those heros better than the rest and that is something to consider when picking too.

AD vs AD
Quinn counters Vayne
Trist counters Draven
Draven counters Sivir
Sivir counters Corki
Corki counters Ashe
Ashe counters Graves
Graves counters MF
Vayne counters EZ
Twitch counters Teemo
MF counters Twitch

-Caitlyn can do well in any lane and although she does have some popular lane matchups that she is picked into (believed to be a counterpick of) she is very ignorable if she isn't played hyper-aggressive and will sometimes become irrelevant the longer the game goes.

-Kennen falls off against everyone if built ad.

-Kog counters noone but outscales everyone at certain le…

League of Legends Champion Review: Aatrox, the...

When an ancient demon of war arrives to start a never-ending bloodbath, you better start running—or at least kiting, as the case may be in League of Legends. Aatrox is a new melee bruiser champion that relies on hefty lifesteal and some light CC to murder his targets.

Via PCgamesn Dell

If you want to see exactly how Aatrox fuels the bloodshed, look at his official profile.

The TLDR version: big wings, big sword, wants to fight forever, even after he’s dead.

Thirsty for blood

At his most base elements, Aatrox is a champion that wants to fight everyone all the time. Two of his abilities are built for teamfights, and the other two are built for sustainably dueling in lane.

That combination makes him ideal for a top-lane bruiser champion, allowing you to stay in the lane and push the wave, punish any aggression and escape any ganks with minimal consequences.

The core of that sustainability is his Blood Thirst ability (W), which heals him every third auto-attack. The heal amount…

LoL New Champion and Skin Sale Announced

Riot Games has announced the latest champion and skin sale for "League of Legends," the popular MOBA strategy game. The new sale will start Friday and run until Monday. Here's a rundown of the latest price cuts.
Vi, Melee Fighter, 487 RP

Maokai, Tank, 440 RP

Sona, Support Healer, 395 RP

OP Warwick!

Hello fellow Summoners!
Today I found out how damn OP is Warwick in jungle! :D First, I saw WW is for 450 IP so... insta-bought! Weeks later my friend wanted to test Hecarim (as he was on rotation) on bots. I picked WW just to have something new to play. BOOOOOM! Early game - owned! That life-steal kept me on full HP in jungle all the time! Later, slightly worse - because no dashes/ranged skills (exept ult). Still... from this day WW becomes my favourite jungle chamion (exept my beloved Vi <3). First PvP... two double-kills before 10 minutes! :O Later enemies began to focus me, so U ussually killed two of them and died... surrender at 21 minute. xD
(Thats my first blog-post BTW)

View your hidden MMR for 2600 RP

via Reddit

There is actually one way to do it!, but you need 2600 RP.

Transfer your account to Latin America (north or south, it doesn't matter). Since ranked isn't yet available, the "elo" number appears above the ranked medal, just like it was in S2. I believe it will continue to be this way until they allow ranked and the league system reappears.

You need 2600 RP to transfer back to NA once you've done this.

Fastest Way To Max Caitlyns Gear

Some of the highest rated Mobafire builds seem kind of stupid. I understand what they are going for and their build may be the "best" end game build but it makes Caitlyn essentially useless early on.

What I've started doing is going for mana regeneration into spirit stone into Elder Spirit of the Lizard followed by Runaan's Hurricane.

This build order makes up for the gold loss when you sell to replace them with end game items and gets your build in quicker. Also it helps you farm and push lanes in a crazy fashion. Essentially you can destroy minions in mass really quickly and allow your minions to push the enemy champions back to their turrets.

When you sell Lizard you're looking at a loss of only 600 gold. Most games end before you'd sell back Runaan's but honestly I've found it so useful after BOTRK and Bloodthirster that I just keep it.

600 Gold loss is way more than made up from the extra farm and ability to push the enemy team back into their turret to make them lose gold…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide