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Top Facts -44- Sion


Champion Overview:

Sion is a tanky DPS champion. Sion is very versatile in his build pathings capable of building AD or AP. If built AD, Sion is a wrecking machine capable of demolishing enemy teams if he is capable of getting in range. If built Ap, Sion is EASILY capable of bursting down members of the enemy team, all whole staying safe under the cover of his massive shield. Sion's versatility allows him to have very good matchups as he is able to adapt to the enemies he faces.

Skills Overview:

Feel No Pain- Sion has a 40% chance to ignore up to 30 / 40 / 50 damage each time he is attacked. The damage reduction is calculated before armor and percentage damage reduction benefits are taken into account.
This passive will go unnoticed for the most part, but it does help to mitigate some damage from the minions/ enemy champion in a fight.


Hello mobafire!
Let me start with introducing myself.
My name is Nikolay, im a league of legends player. I have been playing lol for 18 months right now. I know how to play and im not bad. i got 1400+ elo. And i desided to start making guides now :) I dont who i should make a guide about. maybe any ideas? if you're reading my blog i would be glad if u could mention a champion and i will consider it.

But first i have a problem, i dont know how to make a ******* guide. im new to this....


Taric OP?

Taric brings unparalleled burst to the bottom lane. That's a fact. A quick E-R-W combo can halve a carry's life early on, and opens up your carry to jump on them, with immense buffs and debuffs applied to the enemy carry. Combine that with being a tankier support able to take a good amount of beatings, and having a very nice heal, and you've got a recipe for OP. An aggressive Taric- based bot lane can snowball very easily, and combined with a high burst carry like Corki,

Leavers, Trolls, and Feeders

He there im Mint and im here to talk about Leavers, Trolls, and Feeders.

Leavers Come Back!

Nobody likes a leaver, I mean why join a game if your not prepared to face anything that could happen in it such as, a Feeder or a Troll. Leaving a game is a shameful act and should not be taken lightly. This morning I was playing with a solo top Darius and he went 0/4/1 after that he quit, leaving our jungle to solo top tyrndamere which is fine we got this, wrong. We pushed their top to their inhib tower, their mid to their inhib tower, and their bot to their inhib. now seeing as how we got that close to winning we wouldve won if we had 5 people.

Trolls Beware

Item changes ?

Why do most of the builds on Mobafire not include phantom dancer and zeal anymore and are changing them with wriggles lantern ??? Was there an item buff or nerf ? For the characters I used to use who needed atk speed and critical strike there items do not consist of phantom dancer and are being switched with herald and wriggles. Can someone explain this to me cause it seems like those characters are worse when I play them now then when I used to play them with phantom dancer and zeal.

Pick the most stupidest thing to use as an insult....

And watch them have a serious, nerd rage reaction to it.

jtrautwein: Kayle I killed you at towre
Kúruru: my name is tonka truck malphite
jtrautwein: Scrub
Kúruru: and I suck
jtrautwein: DOn't talk ****
jtrautwein: I was 5-0
Kúruru: You still lost
jtrautwein: Then we grped up and they were bad
Kúruru: Cuase you're a tonka truck
jtrautwein: Not my fault
Kúruru: How does it feel like being a tonka truck?
jtrautwein: I raped you all
Kúruru: pretty bad huh?
Kúruru: Mad tonka truck
Kúruru: Oh what? are you going to honk now?
Kúruru: cause you're a tonka truck
Kúruru: go play with some 5 year olds
jtrautwein: How does it feel to be 12
jtrautwein: Ur bad bro
Kúruru: How does it feel like to be a tonka truck
jtrautwein: Get some ***** nerd
jtrautwein: Tonka truck what a loser
Kúruru: I have a cat
Kúruru: already got a *****
jtrautwein: That is the worse comeback ever
Kúruru: tonka truck man
Kúruru: Better than being a tonka truck
jtrautwein: Cya scrubs later

League Jokes

Ok guys I just got off of the phone with my friend (hes a comedian). He mentioned to me a couple of jokes about WoW so i thought what if i could make and entire Blog Post about, jokes about LoL. If you have a joke to add please comment below or send me a PM.

1. What do you call a Sejuani who harrasses? A "Porker"
2. What is Malphite's Favorite song? Rock You like A Hurricane
3. What kinda of soup does Teemo Like? Mushroom
4. What do you call a bad Ashe? A (inappropriate content but if you send me a message i will tell the answer)
5. How do you figure out a good pun for a good Ryze? You say "I Real-Ryze that i am good"
6. How does Ahri propose? With her Taunt
7. Greybeard Veigar's favorite Quote? "Youuuuuu Shallll not PASSSSSSSSS!!!" then he throws up his cage
8. Volibear's favorite movie is? Winnie the Pooh
9. Why does Renekton not like shopping? Cause he's afraid he'll get picked out for a purse
10. Who is Garen's girlfriend? Fiora (cause thier both Op)
11. When does Karthus win? "Wi…

Ezreal - AD and AP

Hey guys,
I recently bought Ezreal and wanted to play him as an AP mid champ... First thing I noticed was that he is a lot easier to play than most other AP carries. Second was that I get flamed everytime I pick him and tell them that I go mid.

Another thing is that I played AD Ezreal on bot 3 times now and all 3 times I ended up being fed like 11/3... I wonder if AD Ezreal is really that strong or if he is one of those champs I have talent for. Normally, I do not play AD carries because I fail hard with them, really hard. But with Ezreal I always got fed yet.
I really begin to enjoy Ezreal (no I haven't got pulsefire ezreal and I would never buy him for so much money).

Maybe he will be my main and I will switch from support to carry?


I'm loving her so much.

IMO she's gonna be a top pick once she's released.

If you guys didn't know, her W has no delay, no mana cost, and is basically a free ward. The refresh time is also insanely quick. This means she can plant seeds when she's moving without stopping. You can also place a seed after you use your abilities to plant a plant down.

Her ranges are quite short (her only downside imo)

But her combos and CC's are insane. Her E is basically a Morgana Q that can go through units

Her Q is a mini Xerath ult with decent range. You can Q onto two seeds to instaplant two mini turrets that feel stronger than heimer turrets.

Her ult is a huge nuke but I feel it's really iffy :/

This is all from my perspective from my first game (I went double doran kage raba)

I'm thinking WOTA would be insane on her. Maybe WotA Rylai?

I also think she could be really strong at top. Her E basically stops all engages on her.

Dusk's Blog To Glory #1

Now that my introductory blog is out of the way, it's time to get down to business.
But first, how do you like my totally unnecessary banner? see what I did there with the title? ahuehuehue!

This will probably be a "whenever I feel like it" blog about glory and other stuff (mostly other stuff) like updates on my WIP Pantheon guide(hence the picture), information on my up and coming ranked journey, and random stuff about life.

Totally pumped about the new changes to

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide