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Guide - How to be a Gold/Plat Elo Player - Pt 4 I...

Creep Wave Control
  • Resize Wave to 4 Creeps more than your wave
  • Don't let the wave go to your tower
  • Farm will be easier
  • Resizing is harder with non pushing champions
This technique Creep Wave Control will be the base of everything we are going to explain, this, the main pillar of a Good Lane Phase will let you have a good farm and a good position in lane to Avoid Ganks and Free Harass.
All what we need to do here is to play normally, last hitting and nothing else, if you see that the enemy wave is getting bigger than yours, just Resize the wave to 4 Cs more than yours.
This will allow you to don't have creeps under your tower having hard time at last hitting and receiving free harass from the enemy.

Tanking a Creep
  • Tank a creep out Tower range to keep your lane Pushed
  • Will make you hard to gank
  • Your enemy will be easy gankable
  • You will get some damage
When you see the enemy completely destroyed all your Creeps and you still have 2-3


If you don't know about it already, Jabebot is a bot that functions through in game chat and IRC. It has some relatively pointless features for experienced players, such as displaying champion abilities and stats (though they CAN be useful, especially for newer players). However, where it really shines is it has access to the database containing all of your statistics. This includes wins and losses. Including normals. Therefore, it can be a great way of evaluating your team. If you're wondering how do I use this wonderful resource, just add the player "Jabebot" (no quotes) in game, and it will automatically friend you back. If it registers as offline, it could just be temporarily down, so don't think you did anything wrong. To get a list of commands, send the message "!help" (no quotes again) to it and it will send back a list of commands. If you're wondering "Hey, isn't this hacking/bannable/something-I-really-shouldn't-do, go to this link:

Normal ELO hell

It's amazing what morons matchmaking puts you in, even in normals. Jabebot is a massively epic resource (if you don't know what that is, I would suggest reading my post after this). So, because all of the people I queue with in 5s are either even or positive W/L ratio, the two randoms are always negative (and idiots). On that note, if anyone wants to queue with us, we would be glad to have you, granted you aren't stupid.


Greetings, Mobafire community. Please allow me to introduce myself. My in-game name for League of Legends is 5MoreMinsMommy. I am currently a level 30 summoner with 1645 elo. My favorite position to play is ad carry at bot lane. My favorite champion is Ashe. I will be on Mobafire checking out numerous guides and blogs, and I hope to become a big part of the Mobafire community. :D

Rune Page

So I've decided to actually care about runes. But the first page I want to put together is a Tanky page. Not chracter specific but a Genric Tank page. Does this sound good
9 Greater Seal of Resillience
9 Greater Glyph or Warding
9 Greater Mark of Health
idk for quints. But so far does it sound good, any thoughts

New builds. An Oddity!

Hi. My name is Lord Sprixx and I decided to make an account here because I like coming up with strange strategy's and builds for champions that are set in their ways. So here I plan on sharing some builds idea's that you may not have heard of before (Hipster mode engaged) and a few old favorites that I know.

Transfer to EUW

Wasup guys?

Yesterday I made really hard decision and as the final result I have transfered my account from EUNE to EUW. I had several reasons why I did that and then few points, that are important for me.

1) Gaming community at EUNE
I have a lot of friend at EUNE. Those are not just "online" friends, but even the ppl who I know personaly, we drink together, making holidays etc... And this was the hardest part for me from this whole action - to leave them there.

To the core, why I decided to switch server. Its been last week. I have played ranked solo que and lost everything (ok, won 3-4 games (from 20-25 cca). First I was thinking I play bad, but then I checked the after game score table and was surprised with two things. First: I had the most dealth damage from all 10 players (doesnt matter if I was solo, AD carry, jungle or mid) and second: I was over 2,0 KDA ratio every game. So the mistake was not in me, but somewhere else. I dont want to talk about teamplay or something like t…

Wish there was an Internet Knigge...

Let me say something about the change in people's behaviour on the internet.

The internet always provided anonymity which always buffed real world tools to mega tools and people who behaved well in the real world let out their bad boy online.

This is tolerable, as long as it does not hit a certain mark, as I know I can't change human kind. But I feel like the gaming community tolerated this trend for too much too long.

If a company does not release a patch, an unfinished product, a dlc or whatever on the minute mark, people rage through the forums as if they wanted to throw a government into turmoil.
When they receive a gift from a company it is always to small (remember the IP Bonus WE on the forums, they treated Riot like axis of evil), when there are game changes they are mostly "stupid and OMG", and if a game has a bug the community wants at something worth 10 Euro for free...even if the game is F2P.

Ingame it is not better. I did not want to believe that LOL has the worst comm…

-le sigh-

So i have played TWO damn games now that have featured two things - useless volibear players, and blitzcrank players that were going AP because THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO FU**ING SUPPORT!!!

Normally I wouldn't mind this but what the hell are you doing playing draft and or blitz at all if you cant support, it's the only damn roll he fills well, and support is something any moroon should be able to do - ward, keep you carry alive, don't steal cs.

The worst part is when they blame me for their screw ups......... idiots.

Taneren's Guides Updated!

Official announcement of the return of Taneren's Guides! That's right! Even though he pretty much quit League of Legends and Mobafire, he has dedicated his guides in the hands of his 3 most loyal companions ever since day 1. The guides will still be his, but this is how they'll be updated:
  • Albableat will be in charge of updating the Taric guide
  • Moonedge will be in charge of updating the

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide