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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Trololol? What My Mom Said...

Well my mom decided to smash my computer onto the ground cause SHE WAS SO MAD... So my windows laptop is broken, cause something inside is clicking, and windows won't boot up : /.

Should I bring it to Fry's and see if I can get it fixed? Or just toss it and get another cheap computer.

The computer itself was 300-450 dollars from my memory... So yeah : /

Road to 30 #1

So today I reached level 24. I'm almost at level 30 so I've decided to blog my journey. All draft mode games I compete in I will review on this blog.



We ban: Shaco, Kass and Cass
They ban: Karthus, Morgana, Master Yi

So I got 3rd pick. I wanted top but first pick took Riven and called top. and pick took Malz and said he can't play mid, so he would go bot. I decide to go bot and play Ez. Jungle Malphite. Last pick takes Kat. Last pick decides he no longer wants to play mid Kat and we switch giving me Kat.

Other team goes top lane Panth, bot lane Sivir and Soraka, mid lane Fizz and Jungle Warwick.


So the other team had a much superior team comp, and we where all switching positions in the draft so it didn't look good for us. Malz turned out to be boss and got the games first 3 kills. Me and Fizz where very evenly matched. We traded kills about 10 minutes in. Malphite got Fizz on a gank and I got WW with Malph's help. We lost top tower early but Riven recovered and p…

Tired of Playing With Trolls, Ragers, Quitters? All...

Clan 707 is under new management, and now recruiting!

Clan 707 is a casual League of Legends clan. We currently have around 50 members, and we have around 30 members who are active on a regular basis. During peak hours we can have up to 15 people on our mumble server, but we have room to grow!

We currently have a mumble server with 25 Slots, and a backup ventrillo server in case we run out of room. Mumble is Currently our communication mode of choice. However we also have a website with active forums.

We have a vast spectrum of players in this clan. We welcome new players, as long as they are mature, and are willing to listen when we teach them new things. we also have quite a few veteran players who play serious games on a regular basis.

We do not have an official ranked team, because we don't force members to be on at a specific time. Some of our members are willing to duo que, especially if they're on during off-peak hours. We do nightly premade matches in…

Lee to OP

Just bought Lee Sin, and I must say....his ks is outrageous. Once you get double the kills as deaths, its GG. Also, I found that I tend to use his e more than his q, which would deal more damage, but I just cant find the time/situation to cast it and actually hit the enemy without turret diving at level 3 XD.

Game 9

Current rank: 419
Game 9

I'm Malphite again. Go to what you know, I guess.

We have a heavy melee team. Nocturne (Jungle), me, Yi, Varus, Katerina. We'll see, seems like it should work.

Oh well, chalk another up to the loss column.
Malphite - 3/5/12 (me, 111 CS)
Varus - 4/6/13
Nocturne - 10/7/12
Katarina - 1/10/8 (problem here?) (61 cs)
Master Yi - 10/8/4

So fun getting people like Katarina and rage machiens like kingminos (Varus). It's always everyone else's fault. My CS was where it was because Kat was so bad and someone had to take over and begin to gear up.


Current rank: 407

Game 10 - I'm Amumu

Awful. We had me, Pantheon, Varus, Twitch, Garen vs. Tryndamere, Kog Maw, Yi, Soraka, Heimerdinger.

They bullied us all over. Varus was mid and needed babysitting on Heimer, so I couldnt' get to the sides because you lose mid and you lose... So they got pissy. On and on.

/shrug. I need to work on my AD game so I can take control of the game itself instead of being a tank a…

My Time off

Hey guys,

i was gone the last month and not very active in LoL, mostly because reallife caught up to me and i was just too drunk or too high to play the game or update Mobafire.

I'm still not having as much time as i would like. I try to update the guide and hone my skill more, but damn, smoking pot is hell as fun as well.

Well, see ya guys around.

Top facts -4- Poppy

Champion Overview:

Poopy, err I mean Poppy is a melle Dps, Ap DPS tanky burst assassin. She is one of the funnest champions to play in the league as well as having probably THE STRONGEST late game presence of any champion in the league. She can hold her own against most top lane champions, and can beat many popular "Win top Lane" champions like Garen. Her laning phase is her biggest "weakness" (if you want to try and debate shes weak there), and once she gets a couple of items and makes it to late game she can rip enemy teams apart. She is 1000000% capable of taking a game on her shoulders and completely carrying it, however be warned she has a pretty decent skillcap and will take time to get used to.

Majamorra's Weekly News - EXTRA!

Saintvicious joining Curse - Crumbzz to Dignitas - Voyboy to CLG

Longtime CLG jungler will become part of Team Curse, joining the team as the jungler. Curse will be saying goodbye to Crumbzz in an amicable parting of ways for personal reasons . CLG is not without a new lineup though, adding Voyboy from Dignitas to their team for top lane and sliding HotshotGG to the jungle. Dignitas will add Crumbzz to their lineup as well, and he will play top lane. All the top NA teams shuffling around as the Season 2 Championship draws near.

twitter wrote:

Crumbzz statement on joining Dignitas as their top lane:

Crumbzz wrote:
I am very pleased to be brought aboard Team Dignitas, I must say I was lured by imaqtpie"s hair, but that doesn't matter since I am here and that's all that counts. I will play in the role I have been placed in to the best of my ability and will hopefully keep Team Dignitas as a powerhouse in League of Legends.

Liquid's statement on the future of Curse:

Daily Blog #7 + #8

May 19:
Finished Diablo 3!Will do a 2nd run on a higher difficulty or play a different character.I am thinking mage or barbarian.
I also played some Leagues of Legends and played as AD Carry Varus.It was pretty hard since my fingers were placed on the 1,2,3,4 buttons instead of q,w,e,r and I was pretty horrible at last hitting and harassing.But after a few games I got it going again.

May 20:
As usual going 0 deaths on Xerath since he's my main.I also been playing Warwick and


this is my stragety for pantheon..
i like to to be top solo but be sure u always hug around the tower.
until it gets to lvl 9 or so u pretty much well done and good and be sure to have flash because your ult. isnt gonna get everybody usually they end up in the edges but it sais if u hit them form the edges they are slowed for 1 sec.....meaning u have a chance to flash in and jump then fregin spear the thing up his **** then use more spears to kill him then just follow him till he dies after use ignite if possible... but only go for low health then ull get get buff later with what ever other builds your to get ill be posting a build later on the game plz subscribe!

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide