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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

+Rep *****s

Dear Diary,

As of recently there have been quite a large number of people on the mobafire forums. Unfortunately for mobafire, these people seem to make ridiculous statements and post useless **** only for rep. They think Rep = respect, but anyone who knows me and most of the mobafire community here realizes what an ******* I am and how difficult it is to gain my respect and that rep doesn't necessarily mean you can have respect. Rep seems to be such a joke now a days, it really doesn't mean anything. Hopefully some day these noobs will learn




Blind junglers
So another normal game and another lose and all is thank to a blind jungler or can anyone tell me how one can jungle wraths and miss that enemy vlad towerdives karthus even when Karthus ping on the map?

Total 40 min of gaming with only 1 "gank" in mid lane, this "gank" was Jax standing in brush on the way to red buff and last hit Vlad after earlier mentioned tower dive ....

Were did all the junglers go?
Also, what is up with this "no jungler" policy in normal games lately? In 2 out of 3 games one or both team goes without a jungler O.o

Top Facts -2- Nautilus

Champion Overview:
Nautilus is a Tank/Tanky Ap top lane. Nautilus top lane revolves around his Titan's Wrath allowing him to trade,DPS, Sustain, and Farm. Nautilus can receive ganks better than most champions in the game with a clicked knock up, a root, and a pullback. He is strong vs many lanes and can actually BEAT many popular FOTM top lane champions right now.

Skills Overview:


Game 5-8

Current rank: 393
Game 5: (win)

I'm going to slow down the chatter. Notable things:
ramon emilio is on my team again; he's on my ignore list. He chose Twisted Fate.

Bans are Kassadin, Morgana, Shaco, Dr. Mundo, Rammus. I guess we missed one of our bans.

Our team forms like this: Pantheon, Shyvana, TF, Malphite (me, jungle), Xin... really?
Theirs = Jax, Renekton, Tryndamere, Brand, Taric

This will not be fun.

Actually, it turned out to be fun. The other team was horrible. Final tally: 59/28/92 to 28/59/51 in 33 minutes. It was a bloody game and we came out on top acing them to our 3 or 4 deaths a few times, actually. Quite sloppy. Frozen heart for the win.

Current rank: 406
Game 6: (win)

Malphite again, support bottom.
I was last pick and gave them option of Malphite or Amumu; they wanted Malphite. Final tally: 50/48/64 v 46/51/54 and we won

Malphite - 6/3/16 (me)
Malzahar - 8/9/11
Olaf - 11/16/9 (two deaths at early jungle against minions)
Ashe - 13/13/16
Rumble - 12/7/12

Inspiration Weekly With Xenasis - #6

Sorry for the wait between this one. Might do two this week because I'm cool like that.

Because some times, we all need a little boost (and sometimes, we need to procrastinate).

Inspirational Quote -
"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, or knowledge, but rather in a lack of will" - Vince Lombardi

Inspirational Song -
Brony or not, you cannot be sad when listening to this song.

Inspirational Video -
You are a champion.

Game 4; early morning pain

393 score going in
No big write up. A disaster as I played one of my favorites, Galio.

We had everything determined until our 4/5 pick set and I took Tank, Galio as planned... and our AD Carry slot went... LeBlanc... OH WAIT, no. Wukong. And then kicked our Garen who planned going top out to help at bottom. We were a bit zoned by Varus and Lux, be we held our own down there. One missed MIA to mid where Lux got our Brand.

Wukong and our jungle, Shyvana (conex ki zebbi and DeGuy, respectively) both got destroyed. Our jungle was awful, getting owned by their Ahri and Amumu.

Final before a 40 minute surrender:
17/36/18 to 36/18/46

Galio - 1/3/6
Shyvana - 0/7/8
Brand - 9/10/2
Wukong - 4/10/4
Garen - 3/6/1

I know I'm awful at some parts of the game, but I get tanking. My final items versus that group and the starving I did at bottom was

Chalice of Harmony, Philosopher's Stone, Merc Treads, Glacial Shroud, Force of Nature.

Minus 14 points, now at 379?

Daily Blog #4 + #5 + #6

What the hell!I was busy, can you believe that?!
Anyway let's get started:

May 16:
After 1 year, I finally drank some coca cola, it's soo refreshing and it tastes soo good.Might even help me grow some more acne!In the brightside I was able to play some diablo 3 since for some reason Leagues of Legends is lagging.

About school, teacher got soo pissed that the director came to the class thankfully we didn't got a detention.I wouldn't mind, I was extremly loud myself.hehehehhe.....

May 17:
Went to Köln in germany with my parents except playing diablo 3.My plan was going shopping but I forgot it was a holiday so all the shops were closed :(

About school, I had no school that day.

May 18:
Nothin' much, might be thinking about finally contributing to the community by maybe making a shop to make custom images for guide makers.
Now I will do some posts on the forum and play some diablo 3!

About school, wrote my english exam, easy stuff.

Coding Accomplishments

Heya, MobaFire :3 Well, this blog is dedicated to the coding clusters I have created during my stay here. As I create more unique ways of displaying information, I'll include them here. Each coding cluster will feature an approximate date of creation (or manipulation) and will also display who first pioneered the look, if the coder wasn't entirely me (or if I created the coding cluster in conjunction with a friend). They shall be ordered chronologically.

18/05/2012, jhoijhoi (& PsiGuard-ish)

- I decided to deviate from the original "PROS | Hero Icon + Abilities in a Cross | CONS" format because it spread everywhere :P PsiGuard was the entire reason behind this shift due to his prompting via PM. He created something similar "PROS | Description | PROS" and I immediately copied and modified it! I absolutely adore the "Abilities | Ashe | Abilities" I created for the header, it's perfect! inb4 it spreads everywhere ;)

Akali be akilling

So recently i picked up the champion Akali, just because I've been buying my way through all the champions in the store. i played her for one game, and after that, i fell in love with her!

Her ability to just dive in a snatch is a kill is under-rated, even though she has been nerfed she still has a fair bit of bite to her! I normally like playing her duo lane, as its fun to just mess about in 5's. i start with a boots and 3 pots. build that into a merc treads. then start to build my hextech gunblade.
This item is worth the money as it helps you to survive tower dives early on! i then build a shen with i turn into a lich bane. i then either decide for a warmogs or a frozen mallet, depending on how annoying i feel like being. then i finish up with a rageblade and finally either a infinity edge or a rabadons deathcap.
This build normally makes it easy to dominate the oposition!

Totally off-topic: lies and blogs

So...I lied. I really tried to only post strategy and updates, but I couldn't help it. Deal with it. Or don't.

On to my real point. Has anyone else realized the inflation of blogs lately? It's Germany all over again. damn Nazis.
There are simply so many, everyone seems to have realized that a blog button exists and are madly pressing it.
Then they talk about non-sequential **** that no-one cares about. Like pfff, how stupid.
Oh wait...

Anyway, my point is that this blog inflation is ridiculous. We might have to implement a new system for blogs, to avoid blogs that get pushed down from ever seeing the light of day again.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide