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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Why So Serious?! Day 0

We're here for love, not money, although money would be an added bonus.

We have no lofty illusions, but we have our own private dreams.

We're here to have fun, not to win, although, again, winning is an added bonus.

We cling to our sanity in the darkness, but surrender it by the light of day.

We seek the knowledge of the keyboard, and how to arrange Q, W, E, R,

And sometimes, 1, 2, 3, D, and F. If we're ambitious.

Some of us are good, but all of us are here.

Why So Serious?!

Viktor, Not happening soon?

(Forum Searching is fun!) It's been rumored and leaked that Viktor would be getting a rework for his passive soon. It would be making his passive not different,but very much more useful with the Augments. The Augments themself are as so..

Augment:Power Power Transfer increases Viktor's movement speed by 30% for 3 seconds when used.

Augment:Death Death Ray sets fire to enemies, dealing 30% additional magic damage over 4 seconds.

Augment:Gravity Gravity Field's cast range is increased by 30%

Instead of all these passives for his abilities being separate they would now be combined into one, Amazing AUGMENT, but sadly they said this wouldn't be for a very long time and may not even happen at all.
P.S. To the Viktor fans, keep starting the glorious evolution!!!

LeBlanc or LeNerf

LeBlanc has always been a chance. Either she dominates her lane,or she falls off from being countered. Either way her kit works amazing together with her amazing combos. (Mainly her E-Q-R-W) Recently LeBlanc has been nerfed, HARD. LeBlanc's Q mostly, which was her setting up for her amazing NuKe. Now it's been tampered with. Before the upfront damage before the trigger was 70/110/150/190/230 +0.6 AP , Now it's been dramatically decreased to 55/80/105/130/155,BUTthe trigger or second part of ability has been buffed.
LeBlanc's W was not modified in this patch. LeBlanc's E CD has been increased,but the root duration has been reduced causing the root to activate faster. LeBlanc's passive has been modified to once the passive activates the mimic will attempt to start running instead of standing still, but it's still under your control. LeBlanc's ultimate has been nerfed and buffed,in early game it will do less damage with Q-R-W, but late game will do more damage with Q-R-W,in early/mid game…

Climbing Silver Ladders (Blog 4.5, Stop blaming me!)

Hey guys Harry here.

I've been on a tilt in ranked over the past two days. (DEFEAT DEFEAT DEFEAT) I don't have much to talk about, but I wanted to talk about my most recent game.

I was playing top against Kha Zix as Riven. I stomped him, I even got a double kill one time when Volibear ganked.
An enemy is Legendary.
WHAT! Turns out Ezreal had been feeding behind my back.

In the late game, I was pretty fed. But nothing compared to the enemy Vayne who was 22-2. In late game team fights I focused Vayne so hard, charged through the enemy lines to pick her off, but she was impossible to kill. I was the only one focusing her on my team.

Ezreal: You dont even know how to build Riven

I had a Doran's Blade, Bloodthrister, Black Cleaver, Guardian Angel and Frozen Mallet. (In that purchase order) What on Earth wrong with those items! Most of them are core on Riven!

So the whole team took sides with him and I got raged. SO HARD. He was such an idiot, He kept making sexual references in ev…

Nasus Bug Is Fixed

Hi everyone.

I just wanted to note for those of you that play Nasus, his Siphoning Strike bug that has plagued him for about 8 months now appears to be fixed. This is a truly welcomed change after such a long time being broken so feel free to go test it out in patch 3.9.

Unfortunately the bug fix also came with a fairly large nerf. There is a buff counter on Nasus that displays how much damage he has farmed up. While it's supposively "fair" to the enemy to know how much damage Nasus can do, I feel this change puts Nasus in a bad spot that other champs don't have to deal with. It's never completely evident how much damage an enemy champion will do to you with items, so why make it so obvious with Nasus?

Bad call Riot...

Shyvanna Changes, Viability in Season 3

With the new changes coming with the 3.9 patch Shyvanna has received some serious buffs that could put her back into a high tier jungler. I want to know what are your opinions and why? I mean she isn't going to be a highly contested pick but her late game has been altered severely and I think it will put her back into at least an option.

H4xDefender's Tier List

I said i'd give throat some competition and I was kinda bored and did this in champselect/queue/load screen while solo queueing. This isn't necessarily restricted to competitive play or solo queue, just who I think is the best in their respective roles atm. If someone is missing, it means don't play them, or I forgot :P. You can leave a comment below for clarification. Someone being ahead of someone in a tier DOES mean I think they are better or at least equal. An asterisk means they were changed in 3.9 and I'm a bit unsure of their placement.

Tier 1: Nunu*, Jarvan IV, Lee Sin

Tier 2: Zac, Elise, Nautilus, Evelynn, Sejuani, Hecarim*, Nocturne, Nasus

Tier 3: Udyr, Amumu, Cho'gath, Xin Zhao, Maokai, Trundle

Tier 4: Fiddlesticks, Volibear, Vi, Shen, Dr. Mundo, Kayle, Zed, Kha'Zix, Shaco, Pantheon, Olaf, Skarner, Rammus, Jax, Master Yi, Warwick

Tier 5: Rengar, Shyvana, Malphite


Tier 1: Renekton, Kennen*, Elise, Rumble

Tier 2: Shen, Rengar, Lee Sin, Singed, Tryndamere, …

Progressing to full PvP

I took the plunge and played my first PvP game tonight, Summoners Rift, Classic, Normal. Our team won after about 45 minutes and I managed to get 6 kills, 2 deaths and 7 assists. I also grabbed the blue buff twice. I spent most of my time solo top and quite often against two enemy champs. Got some nice Absolute Zero kills, although I was getting focussed hard and my team mates finished them off at times.

There was no abuse flung around in chat, only team observations and some requests. I enjoyed it lots and I'm really liking Nunu right now, even if his damage was toned down in today's patch.

Low tier tournament thoughts

I'm thinking about hosting a for fun low-tier champ tournament. There are some low tier marvel tourneys I've participated in, and I thought it would translate well to league. Could you imagine playing support, but not being able to play; Thresh, Blitzcrank, Janna, Sona, Lulu, Leona, or Zyra? Champs like Jayce banned for top mid and adc and zac banned top and jungle?

I can see this being fun and exciting, and it may give you a chance to show off your ziggs or urgot or poppy!~

If you would be interested in this idea, let me know in the comments below and I'll post a full banlist. It will be very extensive going role by role, with probably 40% of champs that can do a role would be banned.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide