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Best ranked game ever

So wRAth and I finally had some time for a ranked game. In champion select we figure out our roles (me being first-pick). wRAth gets jungle and I'm mid. I get wRAth Shyvana so I can counter-pick their mid later (he was last-pick).

Until it comes wRAth's turn to pick. His client decides to freeze, not allowing him to pick anything when it was his turn. He randoms blitzcrank, I give him his Shyv and we came *this* close to dodging, when I said "Nah, let's do it."

Vayne volunteers to go mid against Karthus and does pretty damn well, netting several kills for her and Shyvana in laning phase. Her CS was a bit low, but Karthus was about 10-15 behind her so it was fine.

Rumble goes top and gets **** on by Irelia for the first 10 minutes. He doesn't hardcore feed, but he definitely lost his lane. He started catching up around mid game thankfully.

Shyvana (wRAth) is jungle. He has a pretty decent early game going like 3/0/2 or something before mid game.

Janna and Blitz (me) go bo…

Notice: to any new guide makers

Basically here is what I have noticed. Some people will get an up vote on their guide but in the comment there will be some constructive criticism such as "you only have 5 items. You might want to add another one." And somehow that makes them mad. Then they will reply in a rude way. Here is the lesson people and learn it well:

If they UPVOTE you they can DOWNVOTE you. Do not piss off someone who gives you a +1. Ever. No matter what they say. Be nothing but polite to them. First of all it's common sense. Second of all most of the time they are trying to help you so by replying like an ******* you really lose a lot of credit in my book. If you can't even take some criticism then why should I listen to you?

Also you may have noticed that most of the time the first comment on your guide will either be a scout or a veteran. These are people who are respected by the community and deserve your respect. If you do not respect them then I and every other user that has received helpful advice f…

Volibear Guide is DONE !

Finally Murphx finished his Volibearguide, after his accident. The Guide is in german language but you should take a look on it also if u can't read german. ;)

enjoy and test the Guide and give some comments about it. Also you can vote it up if u like it and if u want support me u can follow me on tumblr:
On tumblr u can write my questions about Guides or something else, i will answer the question as far as i can ! (:

Creative Vibes Gaming.

Lulu Patch Notes

New Skins in the Store

Bittersweet Lulu
Wicked Lulu

League of Legends v1.0.0.136
Lulu, the Fae Sorceress

Pix, Faerie Companion (Passive) - Pix fires magical bolts of energy whenever his owner attacks another enemy unit. These bolts are homing, but can be intercepted by other units.
Glitterlance - Pix and Lulu each fire a bolt of magical energy that heavily slows all enemies it hits. An enemy can only be damaged by one bolt.
Whimsy - If cast on an ally, grants them movement speed and ability power for a short time. If cast on an enemy, turns them into an adorable critter that can't attack or cast spells.
Help, Pix! - If cast on an ally, commands Pix to jump to an ally and shield them. He then follows them and aids their attacks. If cast on an enemy, commands Pix to jump to an enemy and damage them. He then follows them and grants you vision of that enemy.
Wild Growth (Ultimate) - Lulu enlarges an ally, knocking enemies away from them and granting them a large amount of bonus health.…

Oh Dear, the Horror!

So, I'm extreammmmllly bored right now at work so I thought I would write a much better blog than my last. Haha!

The reason why I'm so insanely bored right now is because our computer went down at work too (Just my luck right? Went down two days after the one at home did too). Normally, I would be able to play some custom/bot games while at work but the temporary computer I'm using right now is 10 years old and lags when I open anything. I mean seriously lag. It will do that thing, where when you close a window it will slowly go down pixel by pixel starting at the top.


Anyways, it is 5:27PM right now and I have to say, today was genuinely a good day so far. We woke up a bit late (Richard and I), around 10AM and ate some breakfast. While breakfast was settling we needed to look up directions for Fry's Electronics, because the night before my mother took me to find a new power supply (which fixed my computer last night), and I borrowed her phone to call Richard while I lo…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide