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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

I finally figured out photoshop

Hii guys!

It might not be that special, but it is special to me and I'd like to share it as my first blog post!

Three months or so I started to use Photoshop because I wanted to create my own visuals for my guide. Well that didn't exactly go the way I wanted... But now, after spending a lot of hours a day every day, I finally figured it out and already made some signatures.^^

Still it takes me like 8 hours to complete one.... so it's not going really fast. Maybe it has something to do with the words "simple is also good enough" not being in my dictionary or I still have lots to learn :3

Maybe someday I will open a signature shop to show you guys what I have to offer. For now I'll just keep practicing and maybe these words will appear in my dictionary and I will get faster with this ^^

This is the first signature I made when I first started

And this is what I have achieved so far :3

I think I came a long way but I'm not there yet.
Ty guys for listening to my shar…

Joining the life update bandwagon

Hi everyone!

There are prohably like 2 people who read it, but I posted in the official pcmr thread that I would be moving in a couple of weeks.

I will be studying business informatics in Wernigerode, which is a pretty small town in Germany(~35k people).
it is a really nice place

Quitting League

Of late, I haven't really been around in the community, not even inhouses. Since the last set of major changes to how guide visibility works, I also had less incentive to write stuff.

Now, the most major part is that I'm quitting League. I'm not sure how much I can stay around for, since I won't be playing the game any more. The reason is because I'm simply no longer in Europe, lol. I came to Hong Kong yesterday and I have made plans to be in Asia for many years to come in a professional capacity. Though I do have the desire to continue playing, I have no desire to create smurf accounts and start again from the very beginning (plus, there are a plethora of other things I want to do whilst I'm here). So I made the decision to quit the game for as long as I am out of the country.

Though I suspect I will still be keeping up with the competitive scene to an extent, I will no longer be able to play with the community and that saddens me a little. MOBAFire Inhouses were always pleasant to …

How to not fall behind in levels as a jungler

Hello friends, another strategy blog.

Have you ever wondered how the enemy jungler gets ahead in levels even though you are basically doing the same thing as he is? (Ganking... farming... doing objectives...)

As a jungler it's not too unusual to fall behind the enemy laners in levels during the early game but you should be able to keep up around the same level in mid game and forward. You are doing something wrong if you fall 2-3 levels behind of average levels of mid/top laner or enemy jungler unless they are stomping the game.

The top 3 reasons why you may fall behind are: Bad jungle rotations/efficiency, time wasting and not understandidng your champion and your job with that certain champion. I'll just focus on jungle rotations this blog.

Let's start.

Jungle rotatios are the main reasons how level and exp lead is attained. Basically what this means is finding the most efficient jungling route while minimizing the time loss between camps. Being efficient in jungle rotations wi…

Trying to pick up PsiGuard

I've lately been very attracted to PsiGuard and have finally decided to express my feelings towards him.

Here lies my first attempt at winning him over :

[9:26] : I just saqw the best upsexy ever
now you answer "what's upsexy"
[9:27] PsiGuard: what's updumbass
[9:27] Kefka Palazzo: rip
I tried
[9:29] PsiGuard:
[9:30] Kefka Palazzo: can you fill in a quick survey for me? it's really important to me
[9:33] PsiGuard: is it the phone one
[9:33] Kefka Palazzo: ****
can I follow you home?
[9:35] PsiGuard: no
[9:36] Kefka Palazzo: but my parents told me to follow my dreams
[9:36] PsiGuard: ayy
[9:42] Kefka Palazzo: my name's kefka, just so you know what to scream tonight
[9:43] PsiGuard: no
[9:46] Kefka Palazzo: if I said I worked at fedex, would you let me handle your package?
[9:50] PsiGuard: what is with you guys
[9:50] Kefka Palazzo: I've been waiting for you to be legal since you were little

Oh ***…

It's been a while, hasn't it?

Hey guys. As sort of an update for things that have been happening, GMD and I ended up agreeing to not do this TV stuff, because the 20+ pages of paperwork we had to fill out contained some things neither of us were willing to agree to.

As a result, I'm slightly short on money to fund the trip and it would be awesome if you could check this out and consider helping me out. Asking for help really makes me feel guilty, but I sort of don't have a choice because the longer I wait the more expensive the flight gets as it approaches the dates I set when I asked for time off at work.

...Ugh....I really hate doing this.

Aatrox Jungle

When I first started paying attention to LCS, Aatrox had recently come out and he was doing work in Top lane and the jungle. Apparently too much work, because the post release nerfs Riot inflicted on him basically deleted him from the competitive scene as fast as he arrived.

I've toyed withe everyone's favorite Darkin Blade off and on, most recently at the beginning of Season 5 because of the difficulty of the Jungle at the start of the season for champions that lacked sustain. Aatrox seemed a natural fit, but my affair didn't last long as there were things like Warwick that were just flat out better.

However, four things have came to pass that rekindled my interest in Aatrox:


The Storm's Fury

Janna - I stayed away from playing Janna for a long time. Probably because it seems like she doesn't do anything (far from the truth) and Howling Gale seemed like an awkward ability to use appropriately.

Tailwind speeds up allies coming toward her. More speed is always a good thing as it lets you get places faster and makes it easier to dodge skillshots.

Odds and Ends, But Mostly Odds 0.1

Butcher's Bridge

Looks really cool, though I miss the Poros. They are a heck of lot cuter than the devil fish things that have replaced them.

Thematically using GP's new voice as the announcer is fine for Butcher's Bridge, but I find it extremely jarring on the Summoner's Rift Map.


Is going to take some getting used to.

So far the most frustrating thing I've found is knowing where to look for how much gold you have.

I also don't like your teammate's champion icons being over the mini-map. The mini-map is so important that there shouldn't be any other information near it.

I've also noticed that I'm used to looking on the left for my items, so it is taking a me a second or two longer to find the icons of the items I currently have in my inventory. Do I have a potion? Uhmmm....oh yes I do in Slot 6.

I think I'll just try to be more religious about putting actives and consumables in specific inventory slots.

What the hell is with the SR Map going a little dark after you…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide