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Runes: Cheesy Rat
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Challenging Smite
Ability Order Always
Deadly Venom (PASSIVE)
Twitch Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Rek'sai can see Twitch when invisible
Twitch/Lulu duo the best.
Twitch/Lulu duo the best.
Champion Build Guide
A Challenger Jungler (NA) and Youtuber
Hello, I'm KingStix. I'm a challenger jungle main and I play a variety of jungle champions. Twitch is not the best jungle champion out there, but he is definitely one of the most fun junglers to play because he is sneaky... very sneaky. He is also not the easiest jungler to play because he requires being able to kite effectively and therefore I do not recommend him for newer players unless you're having fun in normals!
I hope you enjoy this written guide and if you'd like to see a video guide as well you can view that below-
If you interested in more educational League of Legends content from a challenger jungle main, you can find it on my YouTube channel .
Start with your bot lane for the best leash. Depending on which side of the map you are, it will look like this:
Blue > gromp (smite) > red > gank mid or top > go to safe skuttle
Red > golems (smite) > blue > gromp (smite) > gank mid or top > go to safe skuttle
Keep an eye out on the map to know where the enemy jungler is so you can know which skuttle they are going to and go to the opposite side skuttle. Generally, they start with their bot lane so they will be going to the top side skuttle.
Level 2 ganks on Twitch used to be viable but now many people are aware that Twitch will try that and they stay far back in lane to prevent this from happening. If you are in very low elo, it might still be a decent option. In general though, you gank on Twitch JG at level 3 following the above clear routes. Walk up behind the enemies and auto attack to apply your red buff slow, then throw out your W to keep the enemies slow and keep autoing to apply the poison stacks. Active your E when they are walking out of your auto attack range. After successful ganks, it's a good idea to help your laner shove the wave. It will benefit you both allowing your laner a chance to back and spend their gold and will give you some XP. Minion experience OP!
Skirmisher's Sabre - Bloodrazor is a must buy 1st item on Twitch JG.
Pick up Boots early as well. (Look below for final boot options)
Stormrazor VS Blade of the Ruined King- You will pick up one of these two items after JG item and boots. Choose Stormrazor if the enemy team is squishy (it is better than static shiv because it applies a very useful slow) or choose Blade of the Ruined King if the enemy team is tanky!
Runaan's Hurricane will be your next purchase for the AOE. Core item on Twitch!
Optional Items
Guardian Angel is a good buy if the team is more AD heavy (but still good into mixed comps) and if they have a lot of burst so you know you're going to die.
Maw of Malmortius is OP into AP heavy teams, great buy.
Phantom Dancer isn't as strong (but cheaper) than maw. Choose this if the team is mixed damage or AD heavy.
Infinity Edge is for when you are super ahead or have a lot of peel and not worried about needing to survive.
Mercurial Scimitar is really only for point and click CC like a Malzahar ult.
Bloodthirster is really expensive and only for super late game like if your Guardian Angel is on cool down, you can sell it to pick up BT.
Boot Options
Berserker's Greaves is only for when you go Lethal Tempo. (read "NOTES" on the runes at the top of the page to choose your rune page)
Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads is for when you go Press the Attack. Choose based off the enemy comp. Ninja tabi for more AD heavy/ auto attack based champions or Merc treads for AP heavy/ CC heavy champions.
Mid/Late Game
Twitch can be amazing mid and late game and totally carry teamfights. However, you need to be aware of when you can start attacking. Go invisible when a fight breaks out and wait until enemies use their most threatening abilities (such as strong ultimates and CC). Sit in the back behind your teammates and open up with your ultimate. In some situations, such as a Jinx sitting in the back line blowing up your teammates, you can use your invisibility to sneak to the back line and kill the long ranged carry. However, you need to make sure the other enemies have already engaged on your team so they can't quickly turn to use their CC and kill you. If there is no chance of winning a teamfight due to team comps or being at a big disadvantage, you can utilize Twitch invisibility to try to catch a quick pick on a squishy enemy that is not surrounded by their teammates.
If you would like to see how to play Twitch JG in the mid and late game, you can watch this video here:
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