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Runes: This should always be your runepage.
+8 Ability Haste
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order
Cell Division (PASSIVE)
Zac Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Your permaban, she will shred through your armor.
Holy sweet jesus, you airborne, he Rs. You have 3 airbornes in your kit.
Holy sweet jesus, you airborne, he Rs. You have 3 airbornes in your kit.
Champion Build Guide
Pro: Has an extremely strong team fight potential, arguably the best team fight champion in the game.
Con: However he's really weak in 1v1s.
If you Q is on a champion, it will bounce to ANYTHING you hit. Even plants, this way you can easily grab people that are trying to run away.
W: Your W is your main source of damage and also healing, make sure to use it if you want to survive.
E: Your E is your gank material, you jump on them, Q them, and they will not escape.
The area where you are jumping will be marked, so if the enemy is good, they will see it coming. That's why you should only use your E if they're distracted, or if you're next to them.
R: Your R is amazing, I often use R in combination with flash to make sure I get the most out of it. You can stun entire teams with it.
Zac has a LOT of combo's he can use, due to his kit, however if you're new to him, here are a few basic ones for ganking:
E > W > Q > Auto attack a different entity > W
Walk up to him > Q > Auto attack a different entity > W > E
Past 6= Add an R after the combos, during the R, spam your W.
Zac is a horrible lvl 1 - 2 early gank cheeser, due his requirement of having both E and Q, however you'll need your W for clearing your camps.
If your laners are at least somwhat decent in the game, it should be a guaranteed kill when you gank past 3. Past 6 are free kills even if they're idiots.

1. Red Buff
2. Raptors
3. Wolfs
4. Blue Buff
5. Gromp
6. You can choose between ganking bot, mid or scuttler.
Top right:
1. Blue Buff
2. Gromp
3. Wolfs
4. Raptors
5. Red Buff
6. You can choose between ganking bot, mid or scuttler.
You are an incredibly weak character early game, however you're really good at locking down enemies from moving anywhere or using abilities, which means that your laner will just about always win the 2v1. However if you get counter ganked and the opposing laner is not at least below 30% hp, you might have lost the 2v2 already, as Zac isn't good at anything but tanking and locking down opponents. Try to always avoid being in a 1v1 situation with the enemy jungler.
Team fights
Your task in team fights is to lock down the opponents and not let any of them pass into the back line, you can easily do this because of your huge amount of CC, if any somehow do get past you, you can Q + Auto attack them away again.
You should always try to build for

My favorite legendary to build is

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