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Runes: 1. For beginners = Standard Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order First 50 games with ahri (if you lack E skillshot)
Essence Theft (PASSIVE)
Ahri Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Go glacial vs yasuo, you go attack speed/ap/armour runes, and poke him as much as you can while keeping distance. Start trading with spells after level 4/5. Wait for him to cast windshield first. If you cast your combos all at once and he windshiels --->> R and ruuuun.
Jarvan IV
A good jungler that can help you stunlock an enemy midlaner and get an easy kill. Jarvan is the best jungler early but after minute 20 he lacks everything. So do your best to roam as much as you can and end the game before minute 30 or you will play 4v5.
Jarvan IV
A good jungler that can help you stunlock an enemy midlaner and get an easy kill. Jarvan is the best jungler early but after minute 20 he lacks everything. So do your best to roam as much as you can and end the game before minute 30 or you will play 4v5.
Champion Build Guide
I will try to do my best to describe the game tactics as much as i can, but there are so many situational factors to take in account. I have been streaming for a few months and if you have the time and patience come by and i will show to you in more detail everything you need to know :D. I may not have 1+ million points on ahri, but i feel like i have mastered her enough to help other people improve.
Most of the guides people will not read theme 100%. There is no reason to go over every single stupid detail and summoner spell that you will never use in your entire gametime. There is only some easy tips that will help you improve a LOOOOT!. I know i made a lot of mistakes (mostly grammar, and i am sorry, i will add more details as i win more game (all my builds and tactics are made from 50 games being played with each tactic and having a WR>60% in diamond, i know this WR depends on the player, but i will help you improve !!!)
A) Learn to ward
B) Learn to Roam
D) NEVER GANK THE LOSING TEAM LANE... if your enemy bot is theme 1***it/1kill wont help theme, help the winning lane, even if that means helping the jungler counter invade.
Listen here. NO ONE BUT YOURSELF CAN WIN A GAME. Before you start watching optimal builds/counterpicks/synergies you must first know your champ. You must know how to spend mana, you must know your cooldowns and the enemy cooldowns. I cannot stress this enough--->LEARN THE BLOODY TIMERS. Learn where the enemy jungler starts, put a ward at 1.25 at his opposite camp, so you will know if he will do a full clear or he will lvl 2 gank you (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, DONT JUMP OVER THIS).
Learn when to roam. You have pushed the lane, You have over 70% hp and 50% mana (Ps: you should know this but your lvl 6 spells are expensive and dont try to gank when you can only R/E, so take care of your mana management).
When to roam....Now this depends on a lot of factors. First of all (a duo jungler always is good since he can farm your mid if you start ganking before him).
Good tips that will help you roam: 1. Ward opposite enemy buff at 1.25 so you know the pathing and most likely the first gank location of the enemy jungler. Until Diamond 3/4 ( there is an easy option to kill the enemy jungler this way especialy if you play fizz/sylas mid, or you have a CC jungler in your team, This i have to explain in more detail so check my streams, i try to do it every game).
Now lets study an example. You push your lane as much as you can, you are lvl 5, you have 800 gold. You teleport (it might cost you 1 wave but its worth it). You come back to the lane with the items listed before, you will control ward the lane you want to gank as soon as you can so you will know if the enemy mid has in warded. You will use lens (as soon as you ding lvl 6) starting from mid position (so you will know if your mid is warded and he will react fast to your roam) until the river bush.
1. Start B3--> G3 right now
2. Start S2--> G1 right now
3. Start B1--> G4 right now
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