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Ahri Build Guide by RockitoAhri

Middle [10.9] Ahri Guide! Climb Ranked Tips S10! [D1 AHRI OTP]

Middle [10.9] Ahri Guide! Climb Ranked Tips S10! [D1 AHRI OTP]

Updated on April 30, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RockitoAhri Build Guide By RockitoAhri 4346 136 6,768,506 Views 153 Comments
4346 136 6,768,506 Views 153 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RockitoAhri Ahri Build Guide By RockitoAhri Updated on April 30, 2020
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Ahri
    10.9 Ranked Ahri (Electrocute)
  • LoL Champion: Ahri
    8.20 Ranked Ahri (Glacial Augment) (not updated)


Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Manaflow Band

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[10.9] Ahri Guide! Climb Ranked Tips S10! [D1 AHRI OTP]

By RockitoAhri

Patch 10.9: Currently getting a feel of the changes. Updates will be addressed here

Update 6: Optimal Starting Items Changed! Corrupting pot FTW > Patch 9.8

Update 7: More laning tips added! Check below under FOX TRICKS!

Update 8: Changed the build to adapt to patch changes (9.21).

Update 9: More tips and advice on how to Climb in Ranked (9.23)
(more will be added in the following days)

Update 10: Ultimate Hunter is better now (9.23)

Update 11: Build path change. Morello 2nd is really good now.

"Core start" Build changed.

"If Even" Build Path Changed. (in depth notes added)

Under construction for some the text below (labels added in RED)
(decayed to D1 since high ELO matchmaking is depressing)

Grandmaster (currently) Ahri main with 2.5+ Million Mastery points. This is the build and runes that feel the most optimal at this moment. I have climbed to the top of the ranked ladder with Ahri and this build feels one of the most competitive ones for the champion. Hope you find it useful.
(Season 9 Master tier in 3 days, only Ahri)

A big and nice community of friendly people with a few of the best Ahri players that would love to help and answer questions. If you are looking for a place to discuss things or find people to play with or make friends, just click the Discord logo below. See you there!

Follow my stream:

(Viewers choose ELO, what tips I should give, and game reviews etc.)

Basic Attack Animation Cancelling
Cancelling some of the basic attack animation, makes you much harder to engage on or poke, since you move away from the target (most often a minion) much quicker than without it.

Lane position while playing Ahri.
This is the optimal position to take in lane. Parallel to the minion wave, it allows you to avoid minion blocks, dedicate wards to only one side of the map and harass your opponent from an angle which makes your skillshots harder to sidestep. Your wards are placed depending on what side of the lane you choose to play on. (You should play on the side that your jungler focuses on).


Important. Minion wave 1 to 3 are best taken with auto attacks only! Use your Q mostly to pressure/poke your opponent, since it does minuscule DMG to minions and it will make you lose CS because of it + High Mana costs early.(Unless you strictly want to push the wave in ASAP.)

General Mid Laner Early Positioning
This is the spot you want to cover as a Mid laner when your jungler is going for Red Buff. You serve as a warning system against an invade, and it keeps you safe as well... Oh, and you stay there up until minute 1:20-1:25 .

Charm > Flash Mechanic

Steps are described during the video below!

Laning vs Zed + Some General tips.
I made this quick edit of one of the games as Zed is quite popular pick on mid lane and Ahri is usually having a harder time against it. This should give you some info on how to lane and what to do against Zed. Paying attention to what I'm building as well.


Currently, Freezing the wave is Extremely important. You want the wave to be slightly pushed towards you, not all the way under your tower.

1. It gives you relative safety from ganks

2. Puts the enemy mid laner in a pressure situation (from getting ganked) + if he wants to trade he has to put himself into an even worse of a spot

3. If you land a charm you have more time/space to chase down

4. You still have the same opportunity of following fights in the jungle or roaming to a lane.

Simple thing, gives you a lot of advantage. Use it.

Pink/Control Warding River

Every time you have the extra 75 gold after returning from base,BUY A CONTROL WARD.

You should focus on having bought from 3 to 5 control wards per game.

1. Having the river warded makes your roams safer
2. Gives your jungle more control over scuttle crab
3. Enemy laner will have a harder time following considering he has to face check
4. You can spot the enemy jungle or support coming towards your lane (that's the obvious one)

Look who is the enemy jungler!

1. It is extremely important to play according to who the enemy jungler is. You need to ask yourself:

WILL I GET EARLY GANKED?( Shaco, Twitch, Kha'Zix etc.) (if YES, start setting setting up a freeze from LEVEL 1)

Do you have vision of the enemy?
Do you have your Ultimate up?
Is it worth it to use your ultimate to escape a gank because you wanted to take plates?
Do you need to keep your ultimate because a fight is looking to break down that you can respond to?


Setting up roams and rotations:

1. Scuttle control:
You need to always be ready to contest scuttle crab, as soon as it spawns go take it yourself or ping your jungler for help and put a ward in the river to know when the enemy jungler will go for it instead)

Don't fall behind on CS and Level

1. Catching waves and side laning:
Most Ahri players fall behind on CS in the mid game. This often comes from the lack of wave management on mid lane and bad roam timings.

HOWEVER the main reason of bad CS past mid game is that most players will not catch waves and side lane and look to group all the time. Grouping is IMPORTANT, but what is just as important is knowing WHEN TO GROUP.

2. Shoving wave before roaming and picking your roams.

You need to keep in mid that Roaming is TRADING in a way. You trade mid pressure, potentially XP and CS. Pick roams that are worth trading those things for.

If the fight doesn't work out and the enemy backs off, DO NOT stay around and wait. You lose CS and XP. Move back to your lane and look for another roam when you have your wave setup and shoved again as soon as you an opening.

An Ahri Montage Made by me. Give it a view if interested.

Runes remain the same as of patch 10.33.

Electrocute is what you will pick for 90% of your games. Right now everyone likes Glacial Augment, but I personally don't. If you need that check another guide.

Now you pick Transcendence and Manaflow Band on secondary tree. Laning Phase became much more impactful the recent patches. This is why we are giving up on gathering storm.

Sudden impact is self explanatory. You dash, you gain Magic pen. You kill.

If Ahri earns 2 spell hits against an enemy champion within a 1.5 second period, she gains 20% movement speed for 3 seconds.
Q- Orb of Deception
Ahri throws out and pulls back her orb, dealing 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+35% of ability power) magic damage on the way out and 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+35% of ability power) true damage on the way back.

If Ahri earns 9 spell hits (max 3 per cast), she gains Essence Theft, causing her next Q cast that lands to restore 3 / 5 / 9 / 18 (at levels 1 / 6 / 11 / 16) health for each enemy hit.

40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+ 35% AP)
While the orb is travelling, Ahri gains 300 - 80 (based on time) bonus Movement speed

Q still gives movement speed. If you hit a Q both ways you still get the movement speed, use it by walking forward, throwing an auto and using W. This will trigger Electrocute as well and give you a fantastic trade.
W- Fox-Fire
Ahri releases three fox-fires, which after a short delay lock on and attack nearby enemies (prioritizes champions), dealing 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+30% of ability power) magic damage. Additional fox-fires that hit the same target deal 30% damage, up to a maximum total damage of 64 / 104 / 144 / 184 / 224 (+48% of ability power).

Fox-Fire prioritizes any enemy champion affected by Charm's damage amp and the target Ahri most recently basic-attacked within the past 3 seconds.

W. Don't cast it at the same time with your ult(R). Doing that will almost always result in the fox fires flaying the fk away to a target you don't want. R > Then use the W.
E- Charm

Ahri blows a kiss that deals 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+40% of ability power) magic damage to an enemy and charms it, causing them to walk harmlessly towards her for 1.4 / 1.55 / 1.7 / 1.85 / 2 seconds.

When Charm damages a champion, Ahri's abilities deal 20% more damage to them for 3 seconds.

60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 40% AP)
1.4 / 1.55 / 1.7 / 1.85 / 2

E. You can wind up the animation of the charm. Cast E. About 0.5 seconds (max) you can flash and your E will have (almost) no cast animation and cast from the location you flashed to (you will stop for a brief second to cast it). You point to the location where you want the charm before you flash, not after.
R- Spirit Rush
Ahri dashes in the direction of the cursor and fires up to three energy bolts that each pursue one of her nearest visible enemies, dealing magic damage. Each enemy can only be hit by one bolt at a time.

70 / 110 / 150 (+ 25% AP)
Spirit Rush can be cast twice more within 10 seconds of activation at no additional cost before going on cooldown.

210 / 330 / 450 (+ 75% AP)

R. Too lazy to type for this one. Later.

Flash ignite only. I honestly don't take anything else.

In some situations taking an alternative spell is better. But I don't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Cleanse, exhaust and barrier/heal are the other viable spells for Ahri that you can take.

Mid Lane Coaching - Ahri - 26£ (session is about 2 to 3 hours)

Availability: Ask on Discord @Rockito912#1314 (GMT+3)

1. Early Game laning (how to play the lane, when to trade, how to track jungle, good warding spots, when to roam, etc.)

2. After we have established an early game base, we can talk about mid/late game, how to rotate and what to build, depending on the demands.

3. After steps 1 and 2, I will duoQ/assist you from a smurf to help you apply the knowledge during live gameplay so you can feel the difference by yourself.

4. Ahri micro. (Spell dodging techniques, landing more skillshots, how to play fights when certain champs are around)

5. Homework. I will give you a set number of games that I will revisit your performance after. If you are not seeing proper results I will give you another session to get you in the right path (improving and winning).

This all takes about TWO AND A HALF hours. (Analysing a recent game + DuoQ to apply live what we talked about during the replays)

Requirment: 2-5 Recent SOLOQ Games played as Ahri.

For Contacts:

Discord: Rockito912#1314

Or comment on this guide.
Glacial Augment Build!
I use Glacial when I have a team with champions that deal a lot of Damage and are known as "carries". An example team where I would pick Glacial would be, Darius Top, Graves Jungle, Vayne ADC. Everyone can provide a lot of Damage, if they have a way to get to the enemies. This is where your Glacial Runes and Build comes in.... Now for example you have Ornn Top, Sejuani Jungle etc. In that case you want to go Electrocute. You are supposed to be the main damage dealer (along with the ADC)!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RockitoAhri
RockitoAhri Ahri Guide
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[10.9] Ahri Guide! Climb Ranked Tips S10! [D1 AHRI OTP]

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