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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Skill Order
New Destiny (PASSIVE)
Graves Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Table of Contents
Who is Adamoose?
Hello ladies and gentlemen, I am Adamoose! I make educational jungle content on youtube & have been playing Graves since season 4. I am currently high diamond elo & am going to be pushing for masters/grandmasters this season.
My goal is to put out as much informative content as I can to help you jungle players improve & climb to your desired elo!
If you appreciate the hard work that went into this guide & enjoyed, it really helps if you could give my guide a thumbs up! :D
If you want to see this guide in video form, here's the video on my Youtube channel. (Click Below)
First things first, let’s dive into
Graves abilities and how you can master his kit.
Graves Passive is called New Destiny
This is one of the most unique passives in the game.

Graves Q is called End of the Line
You shoot out an explosive shell that detonates after 2 seconds, if it hits terrain it will detonate almost instantly. It's important to make use of your Q in choke points and out of vision into walls. If this ability is not dodged it will do massive amounts of damage. The downside is that with no terrain, the detonation is very easy to avoid.
Graves W is called Smoke Screen
This is simply a smoke grenade thrown out that will slightly slow enemies and reduce their sight range. Although this ability can seem useless at first since it has such a long cooldown, a well placed W can really change a fight. Enemies inside your smokescreen cannot auto attack anything outside and will not know how to land skillshots and most likely get hit by them as well.
This can be used as an engage while you dash in, or reactively when enemies over commit in a fight.
Graves E is called Quickdraw

It is important to keep your true grit going while clearing your jungle and within fights to ensure you keep the big armor bonus this passive provides. This dash can also be used as an auto attack reset which you want to be using at pretty much every point in the game to increase your clear speed and DPS.
And finally,
Graves Ultimate is called Collateral Damage
You shoot out an explosive shell that deals huge damage to the first champion hit. After hitting a champion or reaching the end of its range, the shell explodes dealing damage in a large cone shaped area. Your ulti also pushes you back a bit which can be used to help kite enemies diving on you. Although this is not the most flashy ultimate in the game, the long range and massive damage can be used to burst enemies down or to snipe low health targets far away.
Next up, let’s talk about the best rune setups for

To start off, the current most popular keystone ran by

To close out the rest of the

Now let’s talk about secondary, by far the most common secondary is the

Next up,

legend alacrity and legend tenacity are the best options in the third slot. As mentioned before, alacrity is the best option overall and tenacity will help you out against team comps with champions like rell & leona.
To close out the

With this page, there are 2 main secondaries being run. My personal favorite is

Although less common, I have seen some top challengers running

To close out the runes, Attack speed, adaptive force and health is the standard. I see most high level

Now that you have

First off and most popular among all ranks,

If you are looking to get a bit tankier,

Before we discuss the remainder of the build, I want to talk about the other core mythic item,

Now once you have decided your Mythic item and secondary, the rest of the item choices are really up to you depending on the situation at hand.

Both are good in their own ways so make sure to examine your jungle matchup before deciding.
For boots,

To close out your build there are many situational items so I will list the most important ones here. lord dominik’s regards for armor penetration,

Jungle Clears
Tips While Clearing
Before we hop into the jungle routes that best suit

Use your auto attack pushback to kite camps. It's important to always space yourself in between auto attacks so you do not take damage from your melee camps. You can also increase your kiting by using your E away from your target as an auto attack reset plus pushback.
While were on the topic of

Make sure to use your E to sneak over the dragon wall & rift herald wall to either sneak objectives or avoid vision. This can also help you take advantage of champions like

Lastly would be to keep your true grit stacks up between jungle camps. This is fairly easy to do when camps are close together but saving your E

There is also a recent

5 Camp Clear into Scuttle
This is the most standard Graves path that can pretty much work in every game. You can start on either side of the map and clear 5 camps to be on time for scuttle spawn at 3:15. The standard skill order is E

Red + Invade
Now this path is more risky but strong with some experience on when to use it. This Invade is very powerful against weak level 2 junglers such as

3 Camp Gank Path
Lastly is the 3 camp gank path. I don't necessarily recommend this very often since this will usually put you behind if you are not successful but it still can work in the right situation. It involves clearing 3 camps to hit level 3 and instantly ganking. This is very dependent on your laners having CC and gank assist. Keep an eye out in champ select for strong kill lanes such as

Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths & Weaknesses
Let’s talk about


To build on top of this,


On that note, let’s discuss


Another big strength that

Lastly and most important in my opinion, is how

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