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You can match his early aggression but he outscales you, especially in teamfights. You can 1v1 him mid-late game if he doesn't build mr. Go zhonya's 3rd item. Not a bad match-up overall imo.
She is more aggressive than you early but you outscale her. Watch out when you try to jump on her because a good elise will cocoon you and burst you.
If you dodge her Q you will usually win the trades. Be careful as her lockdown is insane especially in 3v3 skirmishes in the botlane
She can kite you all day long unless you hit a spear or a trap. Try to snipe her from fog of war before engaging, this way you will always win a trade.
You can invade early with a sweeper.
Lee Sin
He beats you 1v1 early on, and has more teamfighting potential than you. However you do outscale him in terms of stats and can sometimes match his pace early on with correct pathing. Try to make plays in the opposite side of the map track him in his jungle.
INVADE or lose
This match-up can be tricky, if you don't burst him down with your first rotation of abilities you will usually lose 1v1. Don't 1v1 him, it's pointless.
Counterganking him is crucial.
He outscales you. He can also beat you 1v1 in extended trades so try to pick your fights with caution. You can invade him and make his life miserable but be careful since his E cancels your cougar Q.
Master Yi
He outscales you so much and you have no cc to deal with him. He can also win extended trades early on if you are both full hp. When you W to burst him he will W so don't use your abilities right away. Your only real option is to affect the map by ganking and securing objectives or even invading him early.
You beat him 1v1 at all stages of the game, just be carefull since he is a playmaker with his Ult. Invade is possible.
I always ban this guy, especially in a soloq environment. He can 1v1 you if he has Q stacks up, outgank you and outvalue you in teamfights with a good ult.
If you don't hold her down early she will outscale you. Invading is crucial. Keep in mind that she will be able to 1v1 you later in the game no matter her score if she lands all her combo.
Jarvan IV
Pretty even match-up. Dodge his EQ combo with W or flash and you should be able to deal with him.
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