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There is not much outplay to this champion. He pretty much just runs at you and wins for no reason. But if you do manage to snowball a few kills by roaming or getting ganks then you cant beat him before he scales.
He pretty much just beats you same as Morde except he is easier to deal with. Their is also some outplay to him but unless you have already snowballed a bit successfully 1v1ng him is very slim
He can poke you out pretty easily but Doran's shield can stop this. Just try to dodge his Q's and you can potentially win.
He has percent maximum Hp magic damage so obviously he's annoying.
Dr. Mundo
You can't beat him 1v1. I have not fought him very much but I do know that you cant really beat him but their is room for outplay if he plays badly. Just dont get poked out by his Q.
You can beat her if played correctly but the same goes for her. If she manages to get a some kills early their is no hope of 1v1ng her.
You cant do much against vayne top for obvious reasons but if you get ganks and manage to get some kills not much she can do either.
Same like fiora. If played correctly both sides can kill each other. Something that happens a lot is I will play too far up and she will kill me. Then I end up outscaling her anyway with bramble and beating her. Just know that if she managed to get more than 3 kills early you lose hope of 1v1ng her unless shes that bad.
Just annoying but when he comes to trade you. You can do a W < E < Q Combo. You use your Q onto him as soon as your taunt ends then back off for cds. Watch out if your getting low cause garen R + Ignite is OP>
Can and cant fight her kinda. If she hsa snowballed you probably wont be able to fight her but if she isent it is pretty even. It really depends on how good the cass player is and if she understands how to play around your W Slow.
Super annoying. He just throws Q's at you til your low then ults you and kills you. So watch your HP bar. He can most likely kill you if your 50% HP with his ult combo.
This champion is more annoying than anything. His percent hp magic damage can really hurt and you really cant 1v1 him cause of the amount of stats his crafted items give him.
He can 1v1 you especially with his R but rammus usually wins especially since he out scales renekton. Just remember to use your W if you think he's gonna try to use his stun!
Annoying champ. You can bully nasus out early with your E > W > Q combo. Remember use Q as the taunt ends so it actually hits. Make sure you do this pre6. Once nasus hits 100 stacks and lvl 6 his ability to 1v1 you becomes much higher
Rammus can beat jax pre6 but once jax gets his ultimate its mostly jax sided. If you managed to get some kills then its over for jax unless hes done the same. Make sure you play around his E early game or he can snowball. Cause jax can beat rammus early also if played correctly.
You literally cant do anything due to her speed, true damage, percent hp magic damage.
Rammus can beat cho if played correctly but if cho managed to snowball then forget that and just play around your team.
She can beat you if played correctly. And if you do manage to snowball which is unlikely good but make sure to try to end fast because she outscales rammus due to her shield spam and BC + Lord Doms.
You cant really kill each other cause you both will be too tanky and lack the damage to kill each other.
rammus can beat kled pretty easily. Just use your W as he engages and he doesn't really have the damage to take you on. Early game is his best chance though to kill you.
I haven't fought Olaf evenly as I usually snowball but from what I could tell Olaf beat me if he snowballed and if he didn't he would usually just die.
Very annoying. If he snowballs then most you can do to him his taunt him and have your team burst him down before he can ult.
A good anivia player will ruin your day with her stun and wall.
Does a lot of damage early game but you eventually outscale him. Just don't let him all in you while your W is on CD
If she snowballs then you really cant do much cause she will be hitting you with 700 true damage Q's.
You beat him pretty easily with bramble. Hec's damage isent enough to get through your W and his heal wont work due to bramble.
Annoying early game and if he managed to snowball that will be a problem cause he will usually get a DD Manamune and BC. You cant really 1v1 him due to his tankiness. damage, and dash spam.
She is annoying maybe you can beat her pre6 but after that your just gonna get killed by her ult. Not even rammus W can save him from her E > R combo.
If you fight a Ryze top with phase rush. There is literally nothing you can do against him. Either dodge or ask your jgler for ganks.
You cant do anything against him especially if he takes phase rush. Ask the jgler for ganks or dodge.
You can taunt the enemy. He can hook stun then execute.
If you snowball and yuumi hops on your back you become a raid boss.
If you taunt the enemy. Zac can use his E and its pretty much a guaranteed knock up and kill
Whoever you taunt the Sion can pretty much guarantee a full charge Q if rammus has his E maxed
You can set up veigar a free stun by taunting the enemy
You can taunt the enemy. He can hook stun then execute.
If you snowball and yuumi hops on your back you become a raid boss.
If you taunt the enemy. Zac can use his E and its pretty much a guaranteed knock up and kill
Whoever you taunt the Sion can pretty much guarantee a full charge Q if rammus has his E maxed
You can set up veigar a free stun by taunting the enemy
Hello, I Ramixx. I am currently a plat Rammus top/jg main who has found a lot of success in this champion and would like to use my success to help others find their own also.
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