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Cho'Gath Build Guide by FlamingZ

Jungle [11.3]Feast on Monsters With Cho'gath Jungle

Jungle [11.3]Feast on Monsters With Cho'gath Jungle

Updated on February 10, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FlamingZ Build Guide By FlamingZ 5 7 29,662 Views 4 Comments
5 7 29,662 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FlamingZ Cho'Gath Build Guide By FlamingZ Updated on February 10, 2021
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Champion Build Guide

[11.3]Feast on Monsters With Cho'gath Jungle

By FlamingZ
Why Listen to Me?
I’m a player on NA, and I main Cho’gath, but generally enjoy playing top, mid and jungle. I don’t play to grind, I play to come up with bad ideas that work for dumb reasons, and to have a good time. I’m not D4, I’m not Challenger, I’m just a guy who likes to have a good time.
Is Cho'gath a Viable Choice for the Jungle?
Having played numerous games as Cho’gath locked into jungle, I can say fairly certainly that he is an OK choice. He will not do well against high elo players, because Cho’gath is mechanically designed to be a laner, not a jungler. He only has a 46 percent winrate in the jungle, and with good reason. He doesn’t have the speed to do full clears. As Cho’gath, you will need to pull off good ganks and farm hard when you do. If you can manage to do these things, however, you will be able to have, at the very least, a great league story to tell.
Will Jungle Cho’gath be easy to learn?
NO. Cho’gath jungle is a troll pick that has potential to do OK, but only with practice and time. Jungle is a hard role anyway, and it needs knowledge of the game and the mechanics of your champion if you want to do well. Cho’gath himself is a fairly basic champion, but since he is not intended to be a jungle champion, he will do poorly against champions who are designed for jungle. If you are a jungle main, and can pick up Cho’gath, he has potential to do well, but will fall short in higher-leveled ranked games.
How to Clear
You will want to go for red buff. Afterwards, go chickens. Cross through mid, and take wolves. Take blue buff and then grawp(or both if you can handle it). Once you’ve hit level 3(no matter what camp you are at) go for the closest lane, and if viable, gank it. You should be able to pull it off with your Q and W both doing CC, and E giving more damage, while not being too underleveled. Finish the clear if you aren’t done, and take your first back. Afterwards, do full clears in the same order with krugs before chickens. If you can, gank a lane. Rinse, Repeat.
Don't play Cho'gath in the jungle unless you like to do dumb things like I do. If you do, clear fast and gank hard. If you do this, you will do alright. Otherwise, you're dead meat. If there's anything I left out, DM me or make a comment with a suggestion or some feedback. Remember that this is not supposed to win, it is supposed to be fun.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FlamingZ
FlamingZ Cho'Gath Guide
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[11.3]Feast on Monsters With Cho'gath Jungle

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