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Jax Build Guide by ChaseMorePlz

Jungle (11.7) IN-DEPTH Jax Jungle Guide! [YOUTUBE EDITION]

Jungle (11.7) IN-DEPTH Jax Jungle Guide! [YOUTUBE EDITION]

Updated on April 3, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ChaseMorePlz Build Guide By ChaseMorePlz 46 10 493,481 Views 9 Comments
46 10 493,481 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ChaseMorePlz Jax Build Guide By ChaseMorePlz Updated on April 3, 2021
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Runes: Jax Runes

Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Magical Footwear
Time Warp Tonic


Summoner Spells for Jax Jungle
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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In-Depth Jax Jungle Guide [YOUTUBE EDITION]

What's up guys! I'm a Platinum II Jungle/Top Main in the North American region known as ChaseMorePlz. Today you will learn the power of not forcing ganks, farming and scaling with Jax. After soaking up the knowledge in this guide you will be carrying games in no time! I also have created YouTube videos explaining how I play Jax and the mentality to have in Ranked Solo Queue, be sure to check them out! (if I helped you out with this guide/video, check out my YouTube Channel for more entertaining videos! League of Legends can be the struggle sometimes, join me on my treacherous journey through the jungle to Diamond :D

Here are a couple of my other Jax games as well, I haven't played him much this season because he's always been more of a pocket pick for me:

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Pros / Cons

  • Jax scales into a complete monster! Enchantment: Bloodrazor and Trinity Force makes his 1v1 potential very high. Full build + level 18.. you definitely do not want to mess with this champion at this point.
  • Good ganks with gap closing abilities & his Counter Strike stun; his Q, Leap Strike + E Counter Strike. If you land them both, you're almost guaranteed to get a Flash or kill.
  • Great damage, DPS and split pushing power. Ultimately becomes an incredibly strong AD Offtank, especially with his R Grandmaster-At-Arms. Amazing auto-attack reset & hybrid damage with his W Empower
  • At max rank & CDR, his Q Leap Strike is at a cooldown lower than 4 seconds, so you're basically Kassadin and Lee Sin combined!
  • Underrated Cooldown and Leap Strike range of abilities; his jump and AoE covers a lot of distance. Since all of his abilities are extremely low cooldown when they're maxed you can stun for days.

  • Relies heavily on farm/levels.
  • Best with a lead to succeed!
  • Pretty squishy/weak early game, very vulnerable to Crowd Control and heavy burst.
  • Countered easily, can be pressured hard early on to deny him his power spikes.
  • Relies on items and CDR to become very mobile, durable & provide damage. (that's a lot to provide though right!)
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Having a Good Plan, Mindset, and Objective!

/league-of-legends/champion/jax-15 pressure is what you need in order to succeed. You want to snowball yourself in order to scale however it isn't necessary because Jax is monster with his items/late game. If you play correctly, your "late game" can be your power spike in less than 20 minutes. If you are relatively new to Jax, rush a Bami's Cinder in order to ensure survival in the game. Before you are ready to complete it into Enchantment: Cinderhulk, consider what enchantment you need earlier on into the game.

Picking Your Jungle Enchantment:
Stalker's Blade is never a bad option. Skirmisher's Sabre helps your dueling potential vs. the enemy jungler and any splitpushers who go for towers, you can nearly take anyone on late game.

Enchantment: Bloodrazor + Mercury's Treads go a long way). Practice makes perfect when it comes to decision making with Jax (deciding what lanes to gank & how to do this, farming as fast as possible, and denying the enemy team leads). After finishing your Enchantment: Bloodrazor, you need to build items that will help you get to 40% CDR such as Trinity Force. This will give you amazing roaming potential with your Q Leap Strike, potential to duel nearly anyone in the game with the rest of his kit and take everything on the map for your own benefit.
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Early Game

Try your best to gank a lane or two, counter jungle & be at your buffs on time; then you can put yourself ahead in levels. Keeping all your towers up and securing enemy buffs will give you multiple options to snowball yourself. However this is a team game, so you need to be prepared to carry the rest of the possible feeders on your back so this is where power leveling and objectives come into play so rushing level 6 is a great idea. Early Dragons, Barons and Towers are the easiest and most effective ways to snowball and win games. Try to take these whenever possible as well as the enemy jungler's buffs. It is also very important not to give out free kills/die early on!! If you do, be sure to form a game plan on what to do and focus on coming back from getting set behind a bit, depending on your feed levels. Check out the Item Builds at the beginning of the guide and read all notes to learn how to correctly itemize with Jax! These builds scale extremely hard, however the damage items are a bit expensive, so acquiring this full build will definitely take some time! Feel free to substitute the Enchantment: Bloodrazor for Enchantment: Cinderhulk if you don't do very well early.
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Pathing: How To Gain & Deny Leads

When you Path correctly, you will be in the position to deny the enemy team all of these leads you've earned for yourself, which will snowball yourself and put your opponents behind. Pathing is the first step to doing this.

What is Pathing?

Pathing is simply the most effective jungle route to take when clearing. Good pathing is generally the shortest path you take in the jungle to get to each camp, tower or objective the fastest. You need to be able to quickly navigate around the map to do a lot of things, but they are not limited to: farming camps, holding lanes, grabbing/stealing buffs, and contesting objectives whenever possible/reasonable. Counter Jungling is a way to somewhat deny the enemy jungler experience and gold. Depending on the jungler ans what you take from them, it may only somewhat hurt them or cost them potential power spikes/leads.

Farm Camps Effectively: Smite the correct camps (I consider smiting buffs & enemy jungle camps the most) and clear them while taking the least amount of damage possible. Knowing what and when to smite each camp at every point in the game is very important. I can help you with this anytime, just ask :)

Holding Lanes: When your laner has to back or feeds lane, be sure to take the cs that gets PUSHED to YOUR tower, as long as it's safe to grab. Holding lanes and getting the gold and experience from minions is very important, however holding mid lane is the most imperative lane to hold. Be ready to do this, especially early on in the game.

Grab Your Buffs (and theirs!): Be sure to get to your red and blue buffs as SOON as they spawn. When you hit tab the spawn timers for both your and their buffs are there as long as you had vision of the camp when it was killed, you just have to use that information wisely.

Contest Objectives: Dragon, Rift Herald, Vision Wards, Buffs, Baron, Towers, etc.. You don't want to give these up for free now do you? Try to take them when you have an advantage/opportunity, and contest these objectives when you and your team have proper control over the map.

Counter Jungling: As stated previously, it depends what you take and how you and the enemy jungler can/could benefit from it. Buffs will hurt them the most, so if possible keep tabs on their red and blue buffs, denying this alone will cost them a decent amount of gold and experience, so keep this in mind :)

Now that you know how to gain leads, let's focus on denying the enemy team/laners these types of advantages so they don't get the upper hand on you :)
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Ganking, Taxing & Pushing Lanes

Ganking: As explained in the video, when you gank a lane you need to keep in mind of a few general things: their escape abilities; if their Flash, Ghost, or other escape summoners are up, and the Crowd Control(CC) your laners can provide for the gank. Knowing where the enemy jungler is can also be important so he does not counter gank you and completely screw both you and your laner over. If you are able to burn their escape summoner when you gank, be sure to time something like that such as their Flash. For the most part, you are able to get a lot of successful ganks off if the enemy laner is past the halfway mark of their lane, so after getting an important summoner like that, be sure to come back once again when they are overextending.

Taxing: Keep in mind while taxing, it can definitely screw your laner(s) over, but at the end of the day if you know what to do with this tax, you can get to your items faster and snowball other lanes around the map. To do this correctly, it is a necessity that you ONLY tax lanes when you pick up a kill, and attempt to balance the minion wave in favor of YOUR laner. If the enemy laner has no teleport, push the wave into the enemy tower asap.

Pushing the wave to the enemy tower is optimal when they don't have a teleport to stop the lane from resetting. Your goal after getting a kill for you or your laner after ganking is to either keep the lane frozen in the middle of the lane, push it into the enemy tower and cause the lane to reset, or have it pushing towards your laner. If you cause your wave to push towards the enemy tower, you have basically screwed your laner over.

Why is it bad to have a minion wave pushing towards your enemy, rather than resetting it?
The answer is simple: This will cause your laner to overextend, which means they are very susceptible to ganks. This also means the laner is safe from ganks, so in general this is a lose lose, and can result in your gank backfiring.
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Transitioning Into Mid & Late Game

These are my preferred methods of playing games with Jax. After I grab my Enchantment: Bloodrazor or Bami's Cinder is especially when I look for plays. Making these plays are basically what I do when I perform two of the actions below, however while behind, restrict these behaviors when you are behind. If you're not ahead, making these calls/plays below to get objectives is the most optimal thing to do!

After grabbing your Enchantment: Bloodrazor & let's say for example, a Guinsoo's Rageblade, you will have the option to either keep farming and ultimately getting even stronger, or opting to splitpush an open lane. It's not the best idea to just randomly splitpush; try doing it when you have pressure on the map and won't lose a major advantage because of it. I recommend committing to splitting when you get a Sheen (either from Trinity Force or Iceborn Gauntlet. You have as many flashes as you have wards, so escaping when the goon squad comes for you is very easy.


Depending on your build path, I typically aim for their back line carries, prioritizing the biggest threat. You provide amazing peel as well, so keep this in mind when protecting your carries is essential to winning a fight. Jax is nearly impossible to get away from once his Q Leap Strike is maxed, so keep this in mind: he has amazing, underrated mobility. Try to look for fights when you finish your items and need to contest objectives at crucial points in the game.
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In Conclusion..

Jax is an amazing pick when you're farmed & have an early lead. It may take a while to get to his power spikes (squishy/vulnerable early game & expensive items), however he makes up for this by still being able to apply early pressure while being one of the hardest scaling champions in all of League of Legends.

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for new videos and follow my stream on Twitch if you want to see more of my gameplay and content, I main jungle; great at playing fighters! Have fun destroying your opponents on the Rift, you definitely will be soon! :D
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