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Recommended Items
Runes: Dark Harvest - The standard
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Death Defied (PASSIVE)
Karthus Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Lucian is an extreme threat only when he's paired up with Nami since it's just disgustingly broken. You'll just have to survive laning phase or hope the enemy Nami/Lucian missplay. Lucian with any other support is very easy to beat.
Engage supports are really good with Karthus. It makes hitting your Q's easier since most engage supports have CC. And preferably you want to fight a lot since you get Dark Harvest stacks. Out of all the engage supports, Nautilus has the easiest CC to predict which makes landing Q's easier.
Engage supports are really good with Karthus. It makes hitting your Q's easier since most engage supports have CC. And preferably you want to fight a lot since you get Dark Harvest stacks. Out of all the engage supports, Nautilus has the easiest CC to predict which makes landing Q's easier.
Champion Build Guide
This season (season 12) I struggled a lot, I mainly played traditional ADC's such as Jhin, Miss Fortune and Ezreal and found myself getting really frustrated playing the game. Season 12 was the first season I started taking the game seriously and fully focussed myself on climbing. I had been playing the game casually on and off since season 3, hitting Diamond for the first time in Season 6. Subsequently after Season 6, I always made it my goal to hit Diamond, and then losing interest in the game after doing so. In December 2021 I started streaming on and made it my goal to get Master Tier in League.
After a couple months I made my "dream" a reality, playing mostly traditional ADC's. My problem was, whenever I did end up achieving Master Tier, I would drop out after a few games and I'd find myself back in Diamond. Sometimes I would fall all the way from Master Tier to Diamond four. After dropping out of Master Tier for the ninth time, I decided to make two drastic changes.
The first thing I changed was my mental (attitude) whilst playing League of Legends. When playing traditional ADC's I would find myself getting extremely frustrated with the game and raging a lot. After one missplay from my support I was ready to FF at 15. I decided to change my attitude towards League, I stopped being toxic towards my teammates and fully focussing on improving myself. Of course the game can still frustrate me, but I won't let it affect me as deeply as it did before. The second change I made was the decision to one-trick (only play one champion) Karthus in the bot lane.
Despite it taking twelve failed Master Tier promos in a row (still feel like this is some kind of world record), I finally got Master Tier back for the tenth time and I finally started to see progress. I started climbing and I started climbing fast, peaking almost 500LP and playing with popular streamers such as Thebausffs (I'm a bit of a fanboy, I know). So I feel like if I'm able to do it, then perhaps I can help other to achieve the same goal, that's why I wrote this guide.
Playing Karthus bot lane was way more challenging than I originally thought. If you decide to play Karthus bot lane, there's a bit of a learning curve. Karthus has a very different playstyle compared to "normal" ADC's. If you die on a traditional ADC, it's very bad. Dying on Karthus isn't that big of a deal, some teamfights it's even optimal to die. If you die on Karthuss you still have the ability to farm a wave, get a Dark Harvest stack or even a kill (or more).
The more you'll play Karthus, the easier it'll become to hit your Lay Waste.
Karthus - Full Damage Build When you want to go complete 1v9 mode or if you're the only AP member on the team Liandry's Torment and Sorcerer's Shoes will always be part of your core build on Karthus. If you're solo AP or you feel like the enemy team isn't building any MR (magic resistance) you can buy a Shadowflame as your third item, this is usually your most solid option for maximum damage. If you feel like the enemy team is stacking a lot of MR it's smart to buy a Void Staff as your third item. If they start building MR after you're done building your Shadowflame, it's adviseable to purchase a Void Staff after your Shadowflame. It's best to purchase a Rabadon's Deathcap as your third or fourth item, depending on the state of the game (which comes down to if you need a Void Staff or not). It's also possible to purchase a Zhonya's Hourglass if the enemy team is non-stop diving you. A Zhonya's Hourglass is very good on Karthus since he can keep his Defile (E) on while in Zhonya's Hourglass. You always want to activate your Zhonya's Hourglass when you're close to dying and in the middle of the enemy team so they're all taking damage from your Defile (E) and Liandry's Torment (you also do more damage the lower health you are because of your Last Stand rune). You purchase Morellonomicon or just an Oblivion Orb if your team needs healing reduction. |
Karthus - Utility Build You go utility Karthus when you're against a short range / hard engage enemy team Liandry's Torment and Sorcerer's Shoes will always be part of your core build on Karthus. On Utility Karthus you always build Rylai's Crystal Scepter first and then Morellonomicon (even if you don't need healing reduction). You buy these two items for the Utility they offer and the base stats they provide, both items are 110% cost efficient (performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of gold). This means that the base stats you get from these items are really good, you get a lot of AP (ability power) and health for a really cheap price. If you start snowballing with this build you'll have three items while the enemy ADC has one/one-and-a-half item(s). Nine out of ten times the enemy team will have some form of MR (magic resistance), so you'll want to purchase a Void Staff as your fifth item. After you purchase your Void Staff you'll want to purchase a Rabadon's Deathcap unless a Zhonya's Hourglass has insane value. With these last two items you'll just have to look at the state of the game and see what you and your team needs. If the enemy team builds MR, you go Void Staff (which is almost always the case). If you want damage, you go Rabadon's Deathcap. If you want an extra defensive item because the whole enemy team is diving and focussing you, you can go Zhonya's Hourglass. |
While you're pushing in the enemy bot lane, you should always be aware of the enemy jungler ganking you. This is good for solo queue because if the enemy jungler is ganking you he is not ganking your teammates, which can get them ahead and as long as you don't die from the ganks you should be way more ahead than your enemies as a team.
Even if you die as Karthus during laning phase, it's nowhere near as bad as a regular ADC dying during laning phase. Thanks to his passive ( Death Defied), Karthus is still able to farm a wave, get a Dark Harvest stack or even a kill (or more) while dead.
The hardest part about Karthus (in my humble opinion) is hitting his Q ( Lay Waste), this will take some getting used to as a brand new Karthus player. As soon as you hit level six you want to make sure to keep checking top, mid and jungle to see if you can help you or your teammates get a kill with your R ( Requiem).
Thank you so much for reading my Karthus guide, I put a lot of effort into it and I hope it helped you out! If you have any questions or notes regarding the guide, or if you just want to say hello, I stream every day on I usually stream around 5 p.m. CET, so you'll be able to catch me then! I stream in English and I always try to read chat whenever I can. I hope you enjoyed this guide and will refer this to your friends and fellow gamers looking for tips & tricks. You can also ask question on Twitter or the Mobafire comment section, I'll do whatever I can to answer any questions. I know League of Legends can be frustrating at times, but hopefully you'll be able to climb by following this Karthus guide! If I'm able to climb to 500LP Master Tier, then so can you! -xJappa |
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