If he lands good hooks and gets early tempo, you're in for a bad game.
If hooks don't come until lvl 3 / lvl 4, he cant hook if it doesn't also pull you under tower, or else you'll smack him into grey screen pretty reliably
can always make late-game scary though, as one misplaced teammate is a lost game if he gets a solid pick.
He can headbutt you away before knocking up your adc, but for the most part he can't really win lane unless he flash/q and W's you under tower without minions
Watch out for the lvl 1 Q + ignite, it can get you or your adc, but once you hit lvl 3 he can't really win anymore.
If he has strong combinations he can be a scary lane opponent who can outtrade you even while using bravado and Q2 spam at lvl 4, just keep an eye on what his guns are and try to surprise him with E-flashes when he mispositions.
She's a headache and a half, if her R hits you mid-late from longrange and you haven't already pressed R, there's a good chance the teamfight is lost or you're getting picked before it can come down.
In-lane, you have no mobility, so if you get slowed near their tower be prepared to get hopelessly kited down with little hope for escape, aggressive adcs can soothe this pain.
If he knows what he's doing he's a headache, as his R just disables what your R does, but your base kit is better than his, so he otherwise isn't a large threat, just be aware that he is a much better roaming support than you are, so if he vanishes you need to dive his adc (hopefully with your R) before he returns to stop you.
He can be a major headache like velkoz, you'll have waves against your tower repeatedly with little counterplay, but if he whiffs anything or gets too close you'll pretty reliably kill him, your ult should make his fizzle in mid-late game, but laning against him can be hell.
If he knows what he's doing he can make the lane go neutral, but you usually outscale him.
Just be aware that he has strong disengage power, so pressing R is a little harder against braum, and he can just ult back and jump away to trade neutral with you.
She's one of the more annoying adcs to fight, just due to her range, strong tower pressure, and good disengage, but if you have a lane bully she's not much to worry about, just gotta wait to outscale her or have her do something silly.
He hurts in the lvl 1/2/3, but once you get 4 you can reliably hold on for a small amount of time, just gotta keep your adc in the game. if he doesn't destroy you in lane he falls off to quick, you can consider going early steelcaps against draven.
he telegraphs his position, landing stuns on him shouldn't be too bad
He's a headache, but nothing too crazy, his early pressure from Q spam can be annoying, but if you have an adc that can push him out like trist/draven/lucain he's a non-threat.
He's always up in your tower as support or botlane heimer, but otherwise isn't a real "threat" unless you blindly try to go in on him, just use his towers to get bravado going and assume you'll lose a few plates, otherwise he falls off as support way too early for him to matter in the mid/late.
She's brutal, peels better than you, pokes you in lane, and has better disengage than you have counter-engage, so you can press R and then she just negates the engage the enemy team started to put you back to neutral after you've burned R.
I do not have a solid winrate against her, and would consider banning her if not for the extreme threat in high elo.
Good luck hitting her with an E, good kalista's will get free dmg off you, and can still stack spears up during cosmic radiance to just rend you afterwards.
Annoying when paired with pokey supports like lux/brand/vel'koz, but otherwise is a sitting duck with no mobility.
Exhaust his 4th shot.
Flash E him when his flash is down
he scales like dirt.
Low mobility, decent damage.
if she's impatient or overly agressive, you'll eat her alive, if she burns flash, you've got a solid kill.
if she's good at not letting you approach, you'll be sitting under tower, otherwise not a major threat.
Can be a pain if you dont have an adc with a mobility skill, as she'll just use her movespeed boost to avoid your E, otherwise she's a pushover and is too weak in the early game.
I commonly see this counterpick when I grab taric early in the select order, people think that Karma beats him, but it's really a lane of attrition where you have more kill pressure and outscale her easily.
Focus on staying in the minion wave instead of playing the bush game, soak some autos if that need be, and use your Q on both you and your adc to outsustain their adc, then look for stuns whenever she gets agressive looking for roots, she has to burn her whole kit to root you while avoiding your stun.
Just a note for kindred jungles:
This is a flat out game of chicken
If you ult, kindred neutralizes any benefit with theirs due to it's longer duration of 4 seconds compared to your 2.5 seconds of immunity.
If they blow ult first, you wait 1.5 seconds and as soon as everyone gets the heal your team goes invuln, get your team to focus her and practice the timing (it's the same wait time as stunning someone out of zhonya).
Lotta dmg, low mobility, shouldn't have an issue getting on top of him, but gotta put the void puppy down quick, or you're gunna die first.
good early game damage
but you just stomp her the second lvl 3 happens
be prepared for her to start roaming once you get lvl 4, as she has no real hope of winning without ganks anymore.
only can really dash in, has good early dmg, but if he over-agresses he just dies
bide your time and exhaust when you see him E in if he has no flash to get out.
She has decent - minor poke, but is about as effective as you are mid-lategame, her having point/click CC better than exhaust on an 11 second cooldown is really obnoxious, she's what i'd ban in high-gold to high-plat, unless Senna is more popular.
If she's paired with caitlyn/jhin and is hitting her stuff, she's a pain in the neck.
Otherwise, mid-late game just exhaust her after she hits a Q, because E/R are following, and she telegraphs that animation pretty well, she doesn't get enough juice to fully poke you out early, so just try to not have both you and the adc get hit by her Es.
her Q animation has a sideswipe telegraph, shouldn't be too bad to learn to dodge
really susceptible to e/flash, low mobility.
If he saves his W to juke your E, you can be in for a bad time, but mostly this matchup goes even and you outscale him, your ulti is stronger and at best he neutralizes it with his, but your base kit is better.
poke maokai is garbage as support due to season 12 changes, you easily outheal it and he basically will be a glorified shaco support.
Miss Fortune
she can pull out the fancy footwork and juke your E unless you have a mobility adc.
Otherwise, she has pretty good poke, but isn't a factor later on in the game unless you let her position well for Rs, nothing scary if you're versed in how they play.
Low elo ban (midgold and below)
too much CC for a single skillshot, and if shes patient can neutralize your stun until you get the haste to drop it repeatedly.
Try to get tristana ADCS, if she whiffs Q you get a free kill or summoners.
When paired with lucian shes a pain
has decent disengage with her R
otherwise doesn't really pose a serious threat
Just don't get hooked in lvl 1/2 and this lanes free, he can no longer hook.
there's a reason taric is the go-to counter for naut in proplay.
Id really prefer to play with her, but she's realistically not that bad of a matchup.
Her synergy with enchanters (taric's rough matchups) and her ability to neutralize bravado make her a lot more obnoxious than she deserves to be, otherwise no big deal.
lvl 1 he has kill power
after lvl 2 if you put a point in Q he really doesnt
after lvl 3 he needs to start roaming or he'll just lose.
you outscale, no more to be said.
Not commonly seen in support, but she has really good disengage with her R, so its a 1/1 trade, and she can really make fights annoying by stealing objectives by shooting you away from them, or making fights uneven.
He's my ban. Consider banning him above like diamond 3.
Normally, pyke is a melee support, and taric counters melee supports.
This is a skill matchup, but pyke completely drives it.
If neither of you know what you're doing, it's pretty even.
If you know more, you'll win
If pyke knows more he'll win.
If you both are the best player at that champion on the server and know the matchup like the back of your hand, taric loses every time.
Pyke has an answer for all of your moves, and you'll be useless against patient pykes.
Plays the entire lane in a hit/run style gamed of chicken, doesn't kill you after lvl 4, and gets outscaled.
some people say rell beats taric up because she breaks his shields and steals his armor, but it's another cookie cutter melee matchup, you clown on her post lvl 4
Renata Glasc
Debating between even and major for this one.
Renata can be a pain if shes good at disengaging with her hook, otherwise you are pretty good at neutralizing her revive, and her ultimate isn't really that scary unless you're all on top of her, you can R after she R's and neutralize the self-dmg and CC if youre more than 5 feet away from her.
Save exhaust for her R, and try to keep a stun available,
She can be scary, but you do well against her favored supports.
She outscales you in the late-late, but she's far too squishy and mana hungry in the early to be a threat, lvl 2 E-flash plus two autos takes half her health, can consider ignite, especially with an agressive adc.
Plat-Diamond Ban
She is primarily just a headache because of her harass potential, and fasting sennas can be paired with really obnoxious lane bullies like tahm kench that will make your lane phase very sad, otherwise not a big threat if you have an adc with a gapclose, just beware the pairing of her and another long range adc like caitlyn/ezreal, you may lose lane before you have a chance to get lvl 4.
She's got pretty strong poke, but otherwise has pretty slow abilities, and you can always R as she R's to neutralize any followup if it looks like multiple people are piling into a choke.
Sett support isn't too popular, and if he does show up he really can't do what he likes to do (hexflash on your adc to E them and punch them) because you just stun and then wail on him while outhealing his dmg from his low-income role. sett needs items.
If you ignore shaco, he has a 0% chance of pushing you outta lane as support
if you walk into his boxes repeatedly and try to fight him for bush control, he might as well be a 5.
don't look for kills, these boiz thrive on playing around 20% hp to bait people with their meaty bodies.
dont do it
just take his tower
stay in the line of the minions.
not a common support, but you destroy him after lvl 2.
not a common support, you bully him past lvl 3, but if you don't suspect it his lvl 1 fully charged Q can be scary, you're also pretty susceptible to his passive if you dont have an E prepared.
She counters your win-con pretty well, she has strong engage and disengage, and can push and poke pretty hard in lane, not anything insane, but can be a pain.
I don't know if i'd consider banning soraka, but it definitely is an option.
if she doesn't kill you prior to lvl 3, she isnt' killing you
you also aren't killing her
this is a war of attrition unless one of you is too disrespectful or the jungler influences the lane
she outscales you if she's not focused in mid-late, just gotta get the team to kill her first.
I have a low winrate historically against soraka (like 30% over 11 games last season).
He does a lot of damage prior to level 4 as both support and mage carry botlane
if he lands e he can't pull or you'll stun him
otherwise just stay back and use your stun to get poke dmg, fully disengage when he R, time him out before re-engaging and R'ing.
Consider healcut if he's farming.
consider banning him if your main ban is already picked by an ally.
It's really easy for him to counter your R with your R, as he just presses it as your press yours, and you either get the same benefit or both disengage
try to separate him from his team so he gets fewer man R's than you do.
Not too bad, but versatile enough that if he has a lane bully adc he'll make your life hell, without one he's not much of a threat, but don't expect multiple kills, he has good disengage.
set up objectives early, and he'll have to give them for free.
If you have a scaling adc with low mobility, you can't use E in lane, or trist will just kill your adc unless you hit her
otherwise, if she's greedy and you have exhaust (if she doesn't run cleanse), you'll have the chance to surprise her for kills.
her ult disengages from yours really well if your team is clumped up.
save E-flash and exhaust for him in the mid-late if he has any gold on him, otherwise not really a threat since his threat range is about equal to yours without his ulti.
Lotta damage, low mobility, alone he'll eat you, but with a draven/lucian/trist he's really sad.
if she knows what she's doing you'll have a rough time, she has disengage for your ult, but it also times out hers if she uses it, she needs to waste it, then you can e flash if she doesn't have e for the engage for the kill.
get used to playing in the baby cage and juking his W/Q, both as support or apc bot, he's nto really all that scary.
exhaust if you see him starting to W/Q/R on someone that gets stunned by babycage, ulti not really needed.
consider getting miakels 2nd for allies.
he has good waveclear to push for seiging plates, and if you get hit by E be prepared to take a lot of damage and return to neutral
if he whiffs E, you've got a good shot at killing him.
she's not too bad, she'll push in prior to level 3, but you just have to assess her ult status before E-flashing her.
she normally goes galeforce, so it may be hard to get on her, just save exhaust for her pulling her feathers back if there's more than 4-5 out.
More annoying than threatening
Decent poke, gets outscaled
watch mostly for his stun ball to dodge it, his targeted circle does pretty negligible damage, and diagonal movements make his Q harder to land.
try to E him if he goes for mana regen off a champion, make that scary for him.
practice juking his R, with upgraded boots you should get pretty good at only soaking 1-2 shots max.
not commonly played adc, but he can't really do much in lanes that you're there unless your adc tries to melee form against him.
save exhaust for his ulti, if you see a big knockup coming in (malphite flash, naut/ali starting to dash, slam R, he will be pressing R on that knockup.
She's mainly just obnoxious in the mid-late.
In the early, if you E immediately as she jumps off to auto for shield/mana and jump back on, unless she jumped a short distance, she has a high risk of getting stunned.
post lvl 3 youve got a good shot at killing her if you stun her
consider going ignite in this matchup for her or anyone shes attached to.
Not commonly played as adc, would not ban if you're below mid diamond, as she's still in that boat of "not worth getting good at" due to her pro presence for most players, but she eats your shields, gets movespeed, and has a really strong ability to play around your ult, as it gives her extra time to charge up movespeed to invalidate your team after it's over.
Doesn't poke hard enough to push you out of lane most of the time, bombs are pretty telegraphed, just stay behind minions (not on them as his Q's aoe will stil dmg you) and try to make him split the poke as much as possible
don't expect to get plates
expect to lose towers, this is what ziggs does.
Very squishy early game
annoying mid-late, not OP or ban-worthy if you have any dive for him.
She has a good amount of pain for you in lvl 1/2/3, level 4 you just use your bravado on her plants and heal up, just try to not get rooted and post 6 consider R'ing if you know someone else is near and she lands a root, shouldn't have to exhaust HER though.
Most champions in "OK" have decent synergy with taric, but aren't in his top 10 / top 5. expect similar explanations for all of them.
Aphelios has strong damage in the early, and if they ever try to all-in you'll probably win out in the 2v2 unless they have a really big bully like draven/trist.
Slows to keep you on them, good engage potential, good dmg, has some self peel.
not crazy, not bad
her lane bully status makes your early game good, she's a little weaker in the late than the higher numbers on the roster though.
Draven usually wins lane by himself early, and makes getting to lvl 4 a breeze, once you do that nobody can really win an all-in against you, start pushing you lead, look for dives, especially after 6.
draven needs kills or he just falls off
just try to not have him E when you E, or you'll miss.
has dashes for your stun, but otherwise doesn't bring all that much early lane pressure
is by no means bad
they have skinergy and they are the dynamic duo from the olden days (whether platonic or romantic, up to you)
I don't like seeing it too much anymore, there's too much op stuff to compare to taric/ezreal nowadays.
Your winconditions are counter to eachother, jhin doesn't scale very well and essentially needs you to land E to setup, you'll get more juice out of a lot of other adcs.
by no means bad, you guys just have split win conditions and I would prefer my adcs to play other things than jhin.
Good damage
good followup cc / engage
strong ultimate
nothing to cut her above the rest though.
Hear me out:
Hyperscaler- GREAT for funnel strats, really good late game adc
most kai'sa do not fulfill that fantasy, and it's a lot rougher to get stuns from her than it is everyone in 4/5.
if you've got a duo, great
if someone picks it in soloqueue with me, i set my expectations low.
She's a lane bully that scales well into late game, and her ulti is perfect for getting you into the fray, as well as giving you enough time to press R and have E come down to chain CC.
Most Kalistas are one-tricks, be excited when you see her, you just can't leave her side...
and that's okay
off meta, but
Lane bully, can roam without fear of him dying
holds the lane well until you hit lvl 4
you keep him alive longer so he can spend his pool before using his passive
I feel like I have to mention this
if your jungler (or your laner) picks kindred, the enemy team really can't teamfight 5v5s anymore, they press R, you wait 1.5 seconds, you R, they just can't win since they've already piled into kindred R
you shouldn't lose any somewhat close teamfights with a kindred on your team when you both ult.
if you hold it for them and they fk it up though, be sad, because you can no longer use yours, its too late.
While kogmaw doesn't have a stong gapcloser, he's a large damage threat that opponents have to get to, just stand on him, and keep him alive while he simultaneously melts 5 people, baron, and dragon (somehow).
Strong early game, you are probably his best passive bot with your healing and shielding being on demand, and he gets a low cd dash to pair with your low cd stun.
Miss Fortune
lotta dmg, good mobility, good poke
nothing else really impactful though. not a cut above the rest.
Nilah's passive and taric are like peanut butter and jelly
you get lvl 2 1 minion before your opponents.
you get lvl 6 like 90 seconds before your opponents
at lvl 4, her passive gives you an additional 30% shielding and 15% healing, since it applies both on her recieveing, and you receiving, your heals and shields, it double dips
shes got good engage
shes got a strong teamfight ult
shes got a LOTTA damage, structures included
taric/nilah is not fair, and i'm surprised they haven't specifically nerfed her passive's synergy with taric
nothing outscales this
Id put her in the top 5, samira wants to go in and you give her both the CC she wants, and well as healing/shielding to keep her in the fray longer, if shes patient she can also get a strong ulti when the opponents cant burst her down
taric/samira is quite spicy.
I've tried it with both farming and fasting senna, it's cool, but the double healing / poke isn't nearly as good as seraphine/taric
Taric/Seraphine, much like Taric/Nilah, isn't really fair.
Seraphine can deal with the early game pretty well pre lvl 4
after lvl 4, you cant push them outta lane, taric can heal on the wave, and every W cast from seraphine can be pre-empted by taric shield to get the aoe heal, they have good in combat and out of combat heal.
40% healcut ain't enough
after she gets lost chapter, they can either shove in for plates, or taric can freely roam.
more of a jungler than an adc thing, but stunning from pure invisibilty is pretty funny, and you can do some really wonky angles on your E (like way to the left for no reason) only to have them get stunned by shaco into a fear and like 4 backstabs.
your ultis are strong together, and she covers your weak early game
but shes not op enough to get the top 10.
twitch just barely makes the top 10 (barring mage botlaners)
stunning from stealth (but not fully, just very little reaction time from opponents) is pretty strong
strong teamfight ulti
thats about it.
Swain roots with E, taric stuns the pull
you can't really get pushed outta lane
you both have incredible teamfight presence
setup objectives and watch your opponents be forced to repeatedly hand them over.
#2 physical damage botlaner for tarics in my opinion
she is one of the weird adcs that stomps the early game (basically solo guarantees you win the lvl 2 race) and is able to get kills off of jump/stun combo throughout a lot of the game.
she's also really strong lategame due to her range and scaling with navori quickblades
midgame is a tad awkward, but you normally are too far ahead at this point for that lull to matter.
Not terrible, not enough to be a neutral though
he has decent early dmg and good engage, but does much better with other supports, and your peel doesn't do him as much good as the hyperscalers like jinx/kog.
I'd put her at the bottom of the "ideal" tier for taric, she has a lot of what he wants (scaling, some early game power, stunning from stealth, disengage / followup CC), she's just more commonly played in toplane and isn't as busted as the likes of swain / seraphine / trist / nilah / samira.
Baby cage + double E is nearly impossible to dodge
farms well solo after lost chapter, meaning you can roam
not commonly played botlane, not bad though.
probably top of the ok's for me
she's got good dmg and self peel, but nothing else special
Really op if you have a good zeri
zeri is pro-bound, and consistently gets hard nerfs.
not terrible, just not consistent
Honorable mention
unconventional botlane, but both have a lot of sustain and the CC chaining from Taric E into Sylas E-Q-E2-W make the opponent take a LOTTA dmg, good wave push into roaming potential
If he's your botlane apc...
you're roaming after lvl 3, you keep him somewhat safe, but you're never getting a solid engage, he'll tend to knock opponents away from you rather than towards you.
Most champions in "OK" have decent synergy with taric, but aren't in his top 10 / top 5. expect similar explanations for all of them.
Aphelios has strong damage in the early, and if they ever try to all-in you'll probably win out in the 2v2 unless they have a really big bully like draven/trist.
Slows to keep you on them, good engage potential, good dmg, has some self peel.
not crazy, not bad
her lane bully status makes your early game good, she's a little weaker in the late than the higher numbers on the roster though.
Draven usually wins lane by himself early, and makes getting to lvl 4 a breeze, once you do that nobody can really win an all-in against you, start pushing you lead, look for dives, especially after 6.
draven needs kills or he just falls off
just try to not have him E when you E, or you'll miss.
has dashes for your stun, but otherwise doesn't bring all that much early lane pressure
is by no means bad
they have skinergy and they are the dynamic duo from the olden days (whether platonic or romantic, up to you)
I don't like seeing it too much anymore, there's too much op stuff to compare to taric/ezreal nowadays.
Your winconditions are counter to eachother, jhin doesn't scale very well and essentially needs you to land E to setup, you'll get more juice out of a lot of other adcs.
by no means bad, you guys just have split win conditions and I would prefer my adcs to play other things than jhin.
Good damage
good followup cc / engage
strong ultimate
nothing to cut her above the rest though.
Hear me out:
Hyperscaler- GREAT for funnel strats, really good late game adc
most kai'sa do not fulfill that fantasy, and it's a lot rougher to get stuns from her than it is everyone in 4/5.
if you've got a duo, great
if someone picks it in soloqueue with me, i set my expectations low.
She's a lane bully that scales well into late game, and her ulti is perfect for getting you into the fray, as well as giving you enough time to press R and have E come down to chain CC.
Most Kalistas are one-tricks, be excited when you see her, you just can't leave her side...
and that's okay
off meta, but
Lane bully, can roam without fear of him dying
holds the lane well until you hit lvl 4
you keep him alive longer so he can spend his pool before using his passive
I feel like I have to mention this
if your jungler (or your laner) picks kindred, the enemy team really can't teamfight 5v5s anymore, they press R, you wait 1.5 seconds, you R, they just can't win since they've already piled into kindred R
you shouldn't lose any somewhat close teamfights with a kindred on your team when you both ult.
if you hold it for them and they fk it up though, be sad, because you can no longer use yours, its too late.
While kogmaw doesn't have a stong gapcloser, he's a large damage threat that opponents have to get to, just stand on him, and keep him alive while he simultaneously melts 5 people, baron, and dragon (somehow).
Strong early game, you are probably his best passive bot with your healing and shielding being on demand, and he gets a low cd dash to pair with your low cd stun.
Miss Fortune
lotta dmg, good mobility, good poke
nothing else really impactful though. not a cut above the rest.
Nilah's passive and taric are like peanut butter and jelly
you get lvl 2 1 minion before your opponents.
you get lvl 6 like 90 seconds before your opponents
at lvl 4, her passive gives you an additional 30% shielding and 15% healing, since it applies both on her recieveing, and you receiving, your heals and shields, it double dips
shes got good engage
shes got a strong teamfight ult
shes got a LOTTA damage, structures included
taric/nilah is not fair, and i'm surprised they haven't specifically nerfed her passive's synergy with taric
nothing outscales this
Id put her in the top 5, samira wants to go in and you give her both the CC she wants, and well as healing/shielding to keep her in the fray longer, if shes patient she can also get a strong ulti when the opponents cant burst her down
taric/samira is quite spicy.
I've tried it with both farming and fasting senna, it's cool, but the double healing / poke isn't nearly as good as seraphine/taric
Taric/Seraphine, much like Taric/Nilah, isn't really fair.
Seraphine can deal with the early game pretty well pre lvl 4
after lvl 4, you cant push them outta lane, taric can heal on the wave, and every W cast from seraphine can be pre-empted by taric shield to get the aoe heal, they have good in combat and out of combat heal.
40% healcut ain't enough
after she gets lost chapter, they can either shove in for plates, or taric can freely roam.
more of a jungler than an adc thing, but stunning from pure invisibilty is pretty funny, and you can do some really wonky angles on your E (like way to the left for no reason) only to have them get stunned by shaco into a fear and like 4 backstabs.
your ultis are strong together, and she covers your weak early game
but shes not op enough to get the top 10.
twitch just barely makes the top 10 (barring mage botlaners)
stunning from stealth (but not fully, just very little reaction time from opponents) is pretty strong
strong teamfight ulti
thats about it.
Swain roots with E, taric stuns the pull
you can't really get pushed outta lane
you both have incredible teamfight presence
setup objectives and watch your opponents be forced to repeatedly hand them over.
#2 physical damage botlaner for tarics in my opinion
she is one of the weird adcs that stomps the early game (basically solo guarantees you win the lvl 2 race) and is able to get kills off of jump/stun combo throughout a lot of the game.
she's also really strong lategame due to her range and scaling with navori quickblades
midgame is a tad awkward, but you normally are too far ahead at this point for that lull to matter.
Not terrible, not enough to be a neutral though
he has decent early dmg and good engage, but does much better with other supports, and your peel doesn't do him as much good as the hyperscalers like jinx/kog.
I'd put her at the bottom of the "ideal" tier for taric, she has a lot of what he wants (scaling, some early game power, stunning from stealth, disengage / followup CC), she's just more commonly played in toplane and isn't as busted as the likes of swain / seraphine / trist / nilah / samira.
Baby cage + double E is nearly impossible to dodge
farms well solo after lost chapter, meaning you can roam
not commonly played botlane, not bad though.
probably top of the ok's for me
she's got good dmg and self peel, but nothing else special
Really op if you have a good zeri
zeri is pro-bound, and consistently gets hard nerfs.
not terrible, just not consistent
Honorable mention
unconventional botlane, but both have a lot of sustain and the CC chaining from Taric E into Sylas E-Q-E2-W make the opponent take a LOTTA dmg, good wave push into roaming potential
If he's your botlane apc...
you're roaming after lvl 3, you keep him somewhat safe, but you're never getting a solid engage, he'll tend to knock opponents away from you rather than towards you.
Like the header says, this is a work in progress, I will consider adding more in-depth information / images here later on, but most of this stuff is developed with time or common knowledge if you play taric casually.
On Redside, I try to sit in banana bush (the curved bush near river) and get my team to counter an invade if they try, as multiperson stuns normally mean a won lvl 1 fight.
On Blueside, I tend to spread out further, try to get my midlaner to stand near raptors to see an invade behind red, and i'll either stand in tribush or out in river near tribush to look for invades.
I prioritize getting bravado hits down, basically no matter what, if I begin getting kited I start autoing the melees if my adc is continuing the fight.
Otherwise, I look to press R under essentially 3 circumstances
1)The opponents are past the point of a disengage, immedaitely as possible will I press it if the other 2 conditions are met.
2)This fight will result in a map objective like dragon, herald, baron, or an inhibitor will be taken
3) Any fight if my ultimate will be up for the next dragon/baron spawn.
That's the long and short of it
I tend to build my winconditions around shutting down my opponents wincons (or avoiding our lose-conditions) rather than going for win-conditions like knight's vow on a fed adc, i'd rather do zeke's or anathemas currently to keep the threats down.
Other than that, I'll add in something quick about my decision making for lucidities / radiant virtue, and will hopefully have a video demonstrating more eventually.
For taric, i'm not 100% sure how his passive works (someone smarter than me can test it an let me know) but bravado scales on ability haste in some way.
Besides ability haste decreasing your cooldowns, it also increases the amount of refund each auto of bravado gives
at 60 ability haste and a rank 5 E
it takes 4 hits of bravado at taric's base attackspeed to get another round of Dazzle back, RV/Lucidities is the cheapest way to get 60 ability haste* (for every fight for the 9 seconds after you press R, essentially every objective fight, which is all that matters in my opinion)
at ~90 ability haste you get enough so that you get W back on 4 bravado hits, so you can very freely link up to multiple flanks of a fight and rotate stuns on all lines if you're autoing something as you can see in this clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hpf8x49MlI0
where I spend the entire fight autoing the baron, but sending out stuns and repositioning my W whenever I see necessary, using Q to essentially weave in multi-person healing or to clutch out extra dmg mitigation for ezreal.
thats about it for now, i'll udpate this guide later on to flesh out this section, but the main meat of the current playstyle of support taric is in here.
Let me know if there's anything you have questions about, suggestions for, or if you want a little more in-depth / 1 on 1 time on this champion, I do casual coaching for free on weeknights and weekends if you let me know ahead of time.
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