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Rek'Sai Build Guide by justarandomsoul

Jungle [13.10] Galeforce Rek'Sai.

Jungle [13.10] Galeforce Rek'Sai.

Updated on May 21, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author justarandomsoul Build Guide By justarandomsoul 8,805 Views 0 Comments
8,805 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author justarandomsoul Rek'Sai Build Guide By justarandomsoul Updated on May 21, 2023
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Runes: Standard

1 2 3
Hail of Blades
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Legend: Alacrity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Champion Build Guide

[13.10] Galeforce Rek'Sai.

By justarandomsoul
Because Rek'Sai needed to be even more feast or famine.
On a serious note this build has been performing very well for me. Feel free to test it out over a couple games, and tell me how it went.

In this section, I also wanna state some things that I've learned about crit Rek'Sai.

Prowler's Claw is a TRAP. The slow doesn't even do anything because it'll be over your knock up duration, and you don't need the ability haste. Edge of Night provides way more value as a second item, and The Collector with its max health execute scales harder and feels stronger after the second item.

Gustwalker Hatchling is NOT good with Galeforce. The play rate of Gustwalker Hatchling on Rek'Sai has been skyrocketing, most likely because of the new Youmuu's Ghostblade max tempo-isque playstyle and the move speed which helps supplement the loss of mobility from Prowler's Claw. You aren't building Youmuu's Ghostblade and you don't need the supplemented move speed because of Galeforce, so the other pets feel a lot stronger with Galeforce.

To clarify, Scorchclaw Pup is only something I would take against tanks. It doesn't scale off attack damage, making it inherently better on tanks or bruisers who want tank stats over attack damage, and you should already have more than enough damage to kill squishies as Rek'Sai.

Plated Steelcaps is a good second pick option for Rek'Sai, but it doesn't provide as much value as Mercury's Treads. You don't need the armor or passive to deal with the adc because you're already very strong against them, and you'll likely build some armor in the late-game anyways. I only suggest buying it if there's a couple AD bruisers that auto attack a lot, like Irelia or Riven to name a few.

Well, anyways, thanks for reading through all of this (or at least scrolling to the bottom to find this lol), hope you have a good rest of your day, leave an upvote, and maybe try this out. <3
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League of Legends Build Guide Author justarandomsoul
justarandomsoul Rek'Sai Guide
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