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Recommended Items
Runes: Normal Conqueror
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Normal Skill order
Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard (PASSIVE)
Kled Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ban Fiora her kit full counter you
Champion Build Guide
About Me
In League of Legends is my name TB Sworter and at the moment im Plat 1 (last season Dia). I have a youtube channel with the name "sworter"
I also have a Shaco Top guide https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/9-23-diamond-controlling-your-oponnents-shaco-top-guide-534731
My Promo Video for this guide
Ps: sory for my bad english its not my main language.
I also have a Shaco Top guide https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/9-23-diamond-controlling-your-oponnents-shaco-top-guide-534731
My Promo Video for this guide
Ps: sory for my bad english its not my main language.
Why Kled
Kled can be very hard to learn but provides all you need to cary a game. He has very high outplay potential and can make very much fun.Furthermore, when you undstand kled there will be nothing that can you stop.
-High dmg and tanky because of the dissmount mechanic
- Almost every lane winnable
-not much played and because of this many people dont know how to play against it
-It is possible to go tanky or assasin (depending with build you go)
-Good follow up engage
-all hate to play against kled
-at the start very hard to play
-you must play agro in lane
-hard to use ur ult in the right timeing and it even can lose you the game (more later)
-When behind very hard to make a comeback
-High dmg and tanky because of the dissmount mechanic
- Almost every lane winnable
-not much played and because of this many people dont know how to play against it
-It is possible to go tanky or assasin (depending with build you go)
-Good follow up engage
-all hate to play against kled
-at the start very hard to play
-you must play agro in lane
-hard to use ur ult in the right timeing and it even can lose you the game (more later)
-When behind very hard to make a comeback
(P)Skaarl, the Cowardly Lizard
This is the most unique part of his kit. Your life is seperated in 2 parts (kleds hp and skaarls hp). All bonus hp that you get will only get skaarl. After skaarls hp fall to zero you dissmount and get unique debuffs and buffs. You lose movement speed overall but have more when you run to enemy champions (what makes it impossible in most cases to run away after you get dissmounted). Furthermore, you deal only 90% of your basic atack dmg. The q skill change when you dissmount and you lose the ability to use your e and r.
You can remount when you kill minions, atack champs or q enemys.
(Q)Bear Trap on a Rope
This is kled only real dmg spell in his kit (others are just buffs or dashes). You want to take farm ,trade with this or use it to escape. The 150% bonus dmg to minions makes it very easy to last hit and never forget that every instans of this q do dmg to champs. Only the Pull does the healing reduction and the slow.
(Q dissmount)Pocket pistol
This is your dissmount version of q. This take a big part to get your mount back. The 5 shoots of this spell restore 5 courage (25 when all hit). You can also use your q when you already in your remount animation what higher your overall dmg output but normaly you make 4-5 auto atacks (depending on situation) and than q to get your mount back (4 + q + 1 aa or 5 + q). Also the q animtion get faster when you stand in front of a wall.
Violent Tendencies
The main tool to get your mount back and gives also a overall big dmg output. Overall the big atack speed makes it very easy to get your mount back after getting dissmounted.
*Importent note don´t skill your w with lv 2 just keep the point (more info in tipps)
His engage / dissangage. You often use it to dodge things in your laning phase or even more often you engage. When enemys run away a certain distance than your second instance deactivite that´s why you must find the right timing to reactivate it. Often you can use it 1 time and than the second time when the enemy flash/dash but don´t forget that you only have a small time frame when they far away. Furthermore, only your second e goes over walls.
Using this ult is very hard at the start because the right timing and the right position can win or lose you the game. In laning phase you often use it to dodge cc, cancel spells (like the 3 riven q), close the distance to the enemy or just to escape. In late game you often want to follow up engage when you don´t go the tanky kled build or even engage when you go tanky.
This is the most unique part of his kit. Your life is seperated in 2 parts (kleds hp and skaarls hp). All bonus hp that you get will only get skaarl. After skaarls hp fall to zero you dissmount and get unique debuffs and buffs. You lose movement speed overall but have more when you run to enemy champions (what makes it impossible in most cases to run away after you get dissmounted). Furthermore, you deal only 90% of your basic atack dmg. The q skill change when you dissmount and you lose the ability to use your e and r.
You can remount when you kill minions, atack champs or q enemys.
(Q)Bear Trap on a Rope
This is kled only real dmg spell in his kit (others are just buffs or dashes). You want to take farm ,trade with this or use it to escape. The 150% bonus dmg to minions makes it very easy to last hit and never forget that every instans of this q do dmg to champs. Only the Pull does the healing reduction and the slow.
(Q dissmount)Pocket pistol
This is your dissmount version of q. This take a big part to get your mount back. The 5 shoots of this spell restore 5 courage (25 when all hit). You can also use your q when you already in your remount animation what higher your overall dmg output but normaly you make 4-5 auto atacks (depending on situation) and than q to get your mount back (4 + q + 1 aa or 5 + q). Also the q animtion get faster when you stand in front of a wall.
Violent Tendencies
The main tool to get your mount back and gives also a overall big dmg output. Overall the big atack speed makes it very easy to get your mount back after getting dissmounted.
*Importent note don´t skill your w with lv 2 just keep the point (more info in tipps)
His engage / dissangage. You often use it to dodge things in your laning phase or even more often you engage. When enemys run away a certain distance than your second instance deactivite that´s why you must find the right timing to reactivate it. Often you can use it 1 time and than the second time when the enemy flash/dash but don´t forget that you only have a small time frame when they far away. Furthermore, only your second e goes over walls.
Using this ult is very hard at the start because the right timing and the right position can win or lose you the game. In laning phase you often use it to dodge cc, cancel spells (like the 3 riven q), close the distance to the enemy or just to escape. In late game you often want to follow up engage when you don´t go the tanky kled build or even engage when you go tanky.
Tricks and Tipps
1) Don´t level up your w when you hit lv 2 keep the points to use it when you really need it (99% of the time to remount). Almost no champion can 1v1 you with lv 2 when you have your w on backup. This also mean when you don´t need it keep a point even to lv 8 (than you must skill it).
2)Try to make tp plays because with your ult you can make a easy double kill with tp or even just a roam.
3)You can use your q while in the air of e what makes it a very strong all in combo (but it is not easy to hit).
4)If a Q is connected to an enemy and then you dismount, the Q will remain connected what you can use to catchup the enemy or in other words use your q before you dissmount.
5)One thing you always should do when playing top/mid look for opportunities to roam. Small examples would be you pushed the wave in the enemy tower and you don´t want go back so you roeam mid. Another example would be your enemy is back and the wave is frezzed in the middle of the lane or slow pushing in your way that would also be a good time frame to roam.
6) When dissmounted you can´t run away from your enemy in most cases because of the slow movement speed so you want to go all in to remount and kill the enemy or remount and escape. Also be very carefull when you dissmount because almost every champ can burst you than down.
2)Try to make tp plays because with your ult you can make a easy double kill with tp or even just a roam.
3)You can use your q while in the air of e what makes it a very strong all in combo (but it is not easy to hit).
4)If a Q is connected to an enemy and then you dismount, the Q will remain connected what you can use to catchup the enemy or in other words use your q before you dissmount.
5)One thing you always should do when playing top/mid look for opportunities to roam. Small examples would be you pushed the wave in the enemy tower and you don´t want go back so you roeam mid. Another example would be your enemy is back and the wave is frezzed in the middle of the lane or slow pushing in your way that would also be a good time frame to roam.
6) When dissmounted you can´t run away from your enemy in most cases because of the slow movement speed so you want to go all in to remount and kill the enemy or remount and escape. Also be very carefull when you dissmount because almost every champ can burst you than down.
Early Mid and Late Game
Early: You are forced to play agro in almost all matchups because you have early power for it and reliant on snowballing.You poke with your q (second instance do more dmg so try to proke it) and than all in with the e+q combo to kill your opponent. Furthermore, don´t forget that your lv 2 is very powerfull so abuse it. In ranged matchups you want to play very defend until you lv 3 to all in.
Mid/Late: In most cases you want to teamfight or split push. Like most bruisers you are a very good splitpusher but you still prefer teamfights because of your good ult and the fact that you can never trust your team in solo que that they don´t all die while you split pushing. When you match the enemy split push and you not stronger/even with the enemy than you can just defend lanes and than look for a good ult oppertunity. In fights you want to kill the enemy adc/apc because you can´t peel for you team you just relay on your dmg.
Mid/Late: In most cases you want to teamfight or split push. Like most bruisers you are a very good splitpusher but you still prefer teamfights because of your good ult and the fact that you can never trust your team in solo que that they don´t all die while you split pushing. When you match the enemy split push and you not stronger/even with the enemy than you can just defend lanes and than look for a good ult oppertunity. In fights you want to kill the enemy adc/apc because you can´t peel for you team you just relay on your dmg.
Some of my Montages
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