Caitlyn is champ who f**k other's adc's life. Because she have her longest range in the game, her long Q, 50% stun W, R who can finish you escept your sup body block you ( if he are a good sup) and all her abilities have head shot so try to kill her at lvl 1.
Veigar E will be a real problem. Plus, if you begin a moove to kick him or the ADC you might get burst before doing anything.
Kog'Maw is very easy to kill. He doesn't have any stun, you just can land your Q and kill him (he's not Veigar people's). But clearing your waves can be problem for Kog'Maw W.
Draven is an adc who deals realy big dmg so try to kill him until lvl 3 because then he'll have his E witch can stop you from chaising him.
Bard is hard sup with again big dmg and sometimes stun so try to kill him first and then adc ( if it posible).
A good Warwick can mess up a Lee Sin fairly consistently if they use Warwick's Damage Reduction to counter Lee's burst and then out sustain him. In this matchup I recommend Grievous Wounds as an early purchase. He can't fear you until 1 second of his E being active, so take this time to leave the radius using wards, flash or whatever.
Zeri is super anoying machup, because she can easly escape with her E and do a lot of dmg with her buffed W. So be very agresive in lvl 1 ( same is with Veigar)
He's very anoying with his long range and traps W. Place your 1 ward near to your tower or nearest bush like escape from Jhin R.
Dodge her Q and kick her.
It's hard to clear your waves but try to kill him in early game and in mid game try to kick him Into your tower when he push it.
Ashe is anoying for her W, just try to dodge her R and kill her. (She's deserve this for her fuc**ng W, because it' realy anoying.) Try to be in your minion wave.
It's not the best machup because if he grabs you, he probably stun you with his E and enemy carry probably kill you. So ban him most of the time.
The worst enemy support you could have, ban her it will be hell... You can't Kick anyone since she has her Black Shield.
Jinx has longe range W and her stun E. So kill her in lvl 1 and try to dodge her W and stuns when you land Q on her.
Annie is realy anoying for her pasive (stuns) and her R. So when she's have her pasive dont atack, wait and then atack. Bully her in early game when she dont have her R, and when she have it, be chill. So yeh it's harder machup :D.
Ezreal have his longe Q and he'll very anoy you with his E „ a mini teleport“. Because when you try to land your Q he just dodge it, if you land it, smart Ezreal will wait and only then teleport. So bully him in lvl 1 (or lvl 2 if he doesn't have his teleport)
Miss Fortune
It's realy easy to kill her, so again try to kill her in early game :D. It can be a bit harder to clearing waves.
Lots of CC, try to bait his Q and dodge it quickly
Pyke is very anoying for his hook Q and stun E. So try to bully him in lvl 1. If he's smarter, he'll saving his E for your Q. So try to do ward combos (it take's time to practice). Good luck!
You can't do much things here.
Galio is anoying for his stun. That's it :).
Renata Glasc
You can't do much, because she has her stun Q, saving abilitie W and sheald E. Try to kill her at lvl 1 because she always take's her E.
Anoying for her range, but it's not very bad. ( Her sup is very important, if he has hook be morw careful.)
Ahhh Vayne, just bully her at lvl 1 and try to kill her after when she uses her E.
An annoying champion in the early game with tons of damage and range, although she is quite squishy and immobile, so Lee sin is able to capitalize on that fairly easily.
Low damage output, but very difficult to solokill when he has his passive up, especially because his laners can rotate while his passive stalls for him. Powerful engage, although he requires his team to do most of the damage. Kick him off of your carries, and preferably into the enemy team, as he has high health that will chunk most enemies he is kicked into.
Don't get caught off-guard by his damage, he does quite a bit, especially after he gets Bami's Cinder. You can easily cheese him early game with invades, and make sure to kick him off of your carries as peel. Now that he has 2 Bandage Tosses however, it becomes that much harder to keep him off of your team.
Pretty disgusting champion with some of the best combat mobility, damage, stealth, and crowd control of any. She's pretty squishy, but past level 6 she has one of if not the best teamfight ultimate in the game. One of the most poorly thought out ultimates in the game to give to an assassin.
Only one target : the Carry It will be easy.
Her W can be a problem during a trick
Her cage is the threat, save a dash till she uses it.
It's not the best synergy but Ahri only can hit enemy with her W and then you can kick him with your R into your tower or in your team.
Strategy with Blitzcrank is very similar like Pyke. Blitz hook enemy, stuns him with his E and then you kick enemy in your tower and kill him with your Q. But its not the best because you two are melee and then you neesd ban range champs like: Seraphine, Lux, Morgana, Veigar and so on.
Alistar is good sup for Lee only for his W, because Alistar push enemy into you and you kick that enemy into your tower. And again it's not very good because you both are melee.
Veigar is realy good machup for his E. You can kick enemies with your R Into Veigar E.
Qiyana is very good machup for Lee because you can do so much combo with Lee R and Qiyana's Q's water element & R. So have fun with Qiyana and Lee combos.
He can save you with his W when you are tower diving
Tahm Kench
It's super good when your sup is Tahm Kench because all you need is his ult (R). Because he can save you and he can eat enemy and throw him in your tower and all you need to kill him is just kick him back in the tower. And every Time this strategy is free kill. :D
Synergy with Taric is just unkillable
strategy. You can just dive into the tower, get a kill and Taric safe's you with his R from tower diveing.
Lee Sin
When you play with Lee sin you both can apsolutly destroy your enemies with best combos
Having a Yuumi on Lee Sin allows for some nasty one-shots and clutch heals.
Guaranteed knockup with your ultimate into his. Pretty strong if Dragon's Rage (R) hits multiple people.
Consider Nautilus a stand-in for all of the CC supports botlane, with long, easy to apply CC allowing effortless ganks and combos.
Nami is realy good for her stuns (Q and R). She can heal and save you every time. When shes stun enemy close to your tower, you can simple just kick him in your tower with your R and almost every time its free kill.
Leona is good for her meny stuns, but playing with Lee is not to good. Yeh you can land your Q on enemy's when their stun'd but again it's not too good because their both are melee champs. So most of the time you need to ban range champs.
Senna is a lit a bit better sup for Lee for her range, stun W, heal & damage Q and movements sped E. Her stun is the best part because Senna land her stun W on enemy and you can kick
(Support ir Adc) in that stun.(P.S. it's very hard to do this, you need time to practice). If you got this you'll make good games.
I think Bard is good sup for Lee. Hes good for his range and stun Q. His E is good for escapes and W for heals. The best part of Bard sup for Lee is his R. Lee can dive into the tower, get a kill and back safe useing Bard R.
Lux is not very good sup for Lee. Most of the time Lux is useless. She's only good when she land her Q on enemies.
Morgana is the same as Lux but better. You can do good combo with your and her R.
It's nice to be in team with Pyke, because he can hook and stun enemies. Pyke is very good machup with Lee because when he hooks
an enemy you can land your Q kick him with your R and Pyke will kill him with his R. But again its not the best strategy because you two are melee and then you need ban range champs like: Seraphine, Lux, Morgana, Veigar and so on. Its good strategy until Pyke start stealing your kills :D
Lulu synergy is just bull sh*t with Lee.
Her abilities are completly useless on Lee, because he has his W.
Zilean is good sup for Lee because his Q & W can stick to Lee. It can bet realy good combo with Zilean stun. Lee can dive into the tower, get a kill and back safe with Zilean R.
Her ult and heals are nice, and can save you after a shaky engage.
You can Safeguard to her tentacles, and help her position enemies with your ult so they are killed by her abilities.
Kalista's R will allow you to Kick your target very easily. Plus, she has a lot of attack speed which is requiered with a Jesus Lee Sin.
She can slows so you can engage quicker.
He can dash out or in, he is easy to follow with your W, you can make good plays.
It's not the best synergy but Ahri only can hit enemy with her W and then you can kick him with your R into your tower or in your team.
Strategy with Blitzcrank is very similar like Pyke. Blitz hook enemy, stuns him with his E and then you kick enemy in your tower and kill him with your Q. But its not the best because you two are melee and then you neesd ban range champs like: Seraphine, Lux, Morgana, Veigar and so on.
Alistar is good sup for Lee only for his W, because Alistar push enemy into you and you kick that enemy into your tower. And again it's not very good because you both are melee.
Veigar is realy good machup for his E. You can kick enemies with your R Into Veigar E.
Qiyana is very good machup for Lee because you can do so much combo with Lee R and Qiyana's Q's water element & R. So have fun with Qiyana and Lee combos.
He can save you with his W when you are tower diving
Tahm Kench
It's super good when your sup is Tahm Kench because all you need is his ult (R). Because he can save you and he can eat enemy and throw him in your tower and all you need to kill him is just kick him back in the tower. And every Time this strategy is free kill. :D
Synergy with Taric is just unkillable
strategy. You can just dive into the tower, get a kill and Taric safe's you with his R from tower diveing.
Lee Sin
When you play with Lee sin you both can apsolutly destroy your enemies with best combos
Having a Yuumi on Lee Sin allows for some nasty one-shots and clutch heals.
Guaranteed knockup with your ultimate into his. Pretty strong if Dragon's Rage (R) hits multiple people.
Consider Nautilus a stand-in for all of the CC supports botlane, with long, easy to apply CC allowing effortless ganks and combos.
Nami is realy good for her stuns (Q and R). She can heal and save you every time. When shes stun enemy close to your tower, you can simple just kick him in your tower with your R and almost every time its free kill.
Leona is good for her meny stuns, but playing with Lee is not to good. Yeh you can land your Q on enemy's when their stun'd but again it's not too good because their both are melee champs. So most of the time you need to ban range champs.
Senna is a lit a bit better sup for Lee for her range, stun W, heal & damage Q and movements sped E. Her stun is the best part because Senna land her stun W on enemy and you can kick
(Support ir Adc) in that stun.(P.S. it's very hard to do this, you need time to practice). If you got this you'll make good games.
I think Bard is good sup for Lee. Hes good for his range and stun Q. His E is good for escapes and W for heals. The best part of Bard sup for Lee is his R. Lee can dive into the tower, get a kill and back safe useing Bard R.
Lux is not very good sup for Lee. Most of the time Lux is useless. She's only good when she land her Q on enemies.
Morgana is the same as Lux but better. You can do good combo with your and her R.
It's nice to be in team with Pyke, because he can hook and stun enemies. Pyke is very good machup with Lee because when he hooks
an enemy you can land your Q kick him with your R and Pyke will kill him with his R. But again its not the best strategy because you two are melee and then you need ban range champs like: Seraphine, Lux, Morgana, Veigar and so on. Its good strategy until Pyke start stealing your kills :D
Lulu synergy is just bull sh*t with Lee.
Her abilities are completly useless on Lee, because he has his W.
Zilean is good sup for Lee because his Q & W can stick to Lee. It can bet realy good combo with Zilean stun. Lee can dive into the tower, get a kill and back safe with Zilean R.
Her ult and heals are nice, and can save you after a shaky engage.
You can Safeguard to her tentacles, and help her position enemies with your ult so they are killed by her abilities.
Kalista's R will allow you to Kick your target very easily. Plus, she has a lot of attack speed which is requiered with a Jesus Lee Sin.
She can slows so you can engage quicker.
He can dash out or in, he is easy to follow with your W, you can make good plays.
Hi im just another player who loves playing Lee Sin. I started playing League not so long ago. This is my first guide so dont expect the best. This guide is for people who loves playing Lee and like playing new meta like me :D. I hope that this guide will help you to play Lee adc and have a good time :D. Good luck!
+Super fun to play + Good early/mid game + High early game damage + High carry potential + Great for 2vs1 fights + High mobility
Lee Sin is very fun champion to play for his combos and high carry potential. Lee can one shot many champions and combo them with his R Dragon's Rage. In early game you can kill enemy bot laners 1vs2 and carry early game. So have fun :D
- Lacks CC - Struggle vs tanks - High skillcap and hard to master. - Weak late game - Melee - Very hard combos
Lee Sin struggle killing tanks. He is hard to learn combos and master him. Face it Lee Sin is week in late game (unles your fed), because enemies are already buyed their items and most of the time their staying together. Lee Sin struggle to get kills in late game without support. So try to catche them in 1vs1.
Why Lee Sin adc?
So why Lee Sin adc? Well at first I like Lee and I hated playing in other role's like: sup is boring to me (P.S. Lee is not too good in sup), jgl is all about clearing camps, ganking and there are not too many squishy champions, mid is full of Veigar, Lux, Akali and its hard to play vs mages, and then top, Lee is not grate to play vs tanks bc they out scales you. So I decided to play adc (P.S. Lee early game dmg is to op for his item Eclipse and Q Sonic Wave, and this new meta is so op that you can get easy kills if your sup is good :D). I think Lee adc is hardest for laining but not for geting kills. If your sup is range champ ( Lux, Morgana) machup will be easyer and if your sup is mele champ ( Pyke, Blitzcrank) your machup will be harder. (Best sup for easly kills is Taric). I think Lee is good adc, because you can easly feed you'r self and then late game will be good. It's like mid lane but 2vs2 so if you have played in mid, it'll be easier (not top but mid because in top champs are tanks and mid champs are squishy). I think Lee adc is funnier then top because you can kick two targets and not 1. And their much easier to kill because sup and adc are squishy. With Lee adc your main goal is not to win a lain but get as many kills as you can. So have fun and get many kills :D.
I just don't want to write so small details so I'll write simple :D
Black Cleaver and Death's Dance are just main items so it's not that important, because you probably know what they do.
Chempunk Chainsword is realy good item and his pasive dealing physical damage to enemy champions inflicts them with 25% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds, increased to 40% if the target is below 50% of their maximum health.
Flash is the best spel and you can use it in the combos.
Ignite is best spel to kill enemy's when you can't hit them with you'r Sonic Wave or/if you miss it. It just great on Lee.
Exhaust good spel, but on Lee is not very good, because Lee do very fast dmg and exchaust just slow them, but you can use it if your sup is taking ignite.
Flurry is Lee Sin's passive. After Lee uses an abilitie, next 2 basic attacks gain attack speed and return energy.
Sonic Wave Q1. This is Lee Sin's main ability who deals a lot of damage. Lee Sin fires an energy wave in the target direction which damages the first enemy hit and marks them. Q2 Resonating Strike If possible, it's better used as a finisher because it deals more damage the lower the enemy’s HP is.
Safeguard W1. Safeguard is Lee Sin’s main mobility and defensive ability. W1 allows you to dash to a target location and if there is a nearby enemy on his arrival, Lee Sin gains a shield. W2 is called Iron Will and it is an 4 seconds Lee Sin gains life steal and spell vamp.
Tempest E1. Tempest is a magic damage ability who reveals enemy units hit. E2 Lee sin cripples nearby enemies damaged by Tempest, reducing their move speed for 4 seconds. You can slow enemies move speed and kill them easier.
Dragon's Rage is a heavy single-target attack which kick his target back, dealing physical damage and any enemies they collide with. This ability deals a lot of damage. With Dragon's Rage you can kick back enemy into your team or into your tower.
Early game
As you know early game is the best part of the game for Lee Sin. Even in level 1 he's has extremlie good damage from his Q Sonic Wave and his core item Eclipse. You can easly get first blood and two kills if you have good sup (witch is not in every game :( ). Early game is time when you need feed your self and do that their adc and sup will be 0/2/0 kda. Early game will be best time because enemy's doesn't have mana items and you have energy. So write your sup to be super agresive because enemy's fear you. But dont be to agresive when your playing vs sup or adc's like ( Pyke, Zyra, Veigar and when their sup and adc both have stuns), because it's super anoyng. Always be agresive in lvl 1 on Veigar because he might not have his stun. So be agresive and have fun in your early game with your Sonic Wave :D.
Mid game
Mid game is a bit harder because enemy's have core item, have ult and can spam abilities, so from now on you can use your kick combos (P.S. pls practice your ward combos, it's realy helpful.), their help you to kick enemy's into your tower and get free kill's. In mid game you can kill dragon alone, when your jungler can't do it. Your mid game is as good as your early game. Try to play with your support because you both can just tower dive and kill an enemy's, best supports for that are ( Taric, Bardand Thresh. This time you can focus bit more on team fights. You can help your team only kicking enemy's into your team. Try to walk with your support all the time because he can save and help you. If you do this, you just turn into tower diving killing machine. So have fun playing mid game.
Late game
Late game is hardes time for Lee Sin. Because he's not a team fighter and an enemy's just spam's their R's. So if you whant that late game'll be good, you need to feed your self in early and mid game's. This time your not a tower diving killing machine (if your not fed) so you need be careful. Stay with your team, because team needs you :D. If you do a lot of combos you can by Zhonya's Hourglass i dont care that this item is ap he's op and can save you if you'r not with sup like ( Thresh, Bard and Taric ) or/if thei'r bad. If you had bad early and mid game's the by it earlyer Zhonya's Hourglass or Guardian Angel. So yeh late game is a bit harder but if you'r fed then it's easyer.
Tips and Trics
1. Learnt to use you'r wards & W Safeguard combo and save you'r Flash.
2. Use you'r R Dragon's Rage to kick enemy's into your tower, it's almost allways a free kill.
3. If you play vs champs who had very long ult range like Curtain Call, Ace in the Hole and Eye of Destruction, then you can place ward near to your tower. Thats give you a free escape from the ganks too.
4. Always try to kill enemy's with you'r support, because supports like ( Taric, Thresh, Bard and Tahm Kench) can save you from tower diving. If he's good support, you can do many kills.
5. Always remember to have a good time :D.
Why im doing this?
So why im doing this? Im doing this because I want to help people who love's assasins or fighters but want to play adc or just hate when they are in team with noobs adc's and want to carry the game. Sike!!! I just want that adc's get scared a champ who full counters them and can one shot and f**k thei'r game :D.Plus don't forget that you'r support is very, very important for tower dives. Adc is now strongest lane in whole game. Good luck and scare them.
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