Spacing is super important, Darius wins if you are not familiar with this matchup, take ignite, whenever he Q walk inside or q onto him, use e to block w
Annoying matchup, can poke you with Q and can do heavy damage, cannot hit while in shroud so try to take grasp and sustain
As long as you do not get hit in the major spots of his Q you win, can rush early grevious, step out of w and abuse his long CDs
Your e wins you this matchup heavily, try to use stun to stop escapes, abuse your e and respect passive shield
Skill matchup, try to release your e stun at different times to avoid parry and side step it, respect the fiora vitals
Annoying matchup as you need to try and kill cho early, after he gets items it is hard to kill him as he becomes very tanky and can frontline for enemy team
Dr. Mundo
Not going to get much out of this lane, very boring, try to not get poked down too hard by Q, shove and look for possible aggressive plays around the map
Respect GP passive as it can do heavy damage, always anticipate his w after your e stun, try to hit out barrels or bait him by spacing
Annoying matchup, take ignite, do not go into his e without minions as it does extra damage when only one target is hit, try to e his q and respect his r damage
Will kite you, try to not waste q to jump onto him as he can just jump away, play off of your e
Jax wins this matchup, make sure you don't stand still and try to make move out of her Q and R, always play off of your E as it can win you all your duels, respect ignite+tp gwen
Just a annoying champion in general, as long as you dodge e then you will be fine, dont fight when illaoi ults wait it out first, grevious is good, hit out her tentacles
You win this matchup because of your E, play off of your E and try not to get spaced as irelia auto has range over you
If versing a bad Jayce then you should be fine, just know that after you q he can knock u back and kite you
You should win hard, press your lead early by looking for early plays with jungle, you should scale fine into kayle
Kled is extremely annoying, respect his remount and try not to ego too much against him, do not underestimate kled
Can poke you heavily and can kite you, dont try to even jump on him too much as he can just run out, can start Q lvl 1 to look for cheese
You can win the early lane easily, try to look for kills as later on malphite gets very tanky, respect malphite ult in teamfight, respect his e as it lowers your attack speed, take grasp
Use your e to stop his passive proc, try to stand on him and move around so you can dodge his q and e
Do not push wave against him as it gives him free stacks and can run you down later as he becomes very tanky, bait his E on wave and freeze it on him to win
Know that he will E when you jump on him with E, try to side step his Q and get behind him when he Es, you outscale
Gets very tanky so try to abuse early on, should do fine but try to E his empowered autos as it can do a lot of damage
Can kite you heavily, do not jump on her as she can e you back, maybe dodge or try to play for your team, Dshield + second wind go good this matchup
Not hard for Jax, try to e his w and space his abilities
Can take boneplating this matchup and play off of it to reduce riven burst damage, respect level up abuse from riven and ignite, respect the burst damage
annoying matchup early on, try not to stand in his Q or get poked down too much
Easy matchup for Jax, use E to block his Q and step out of his W, you should win this matchup
Annoying matchup as you cant really kill him easily. Be careful of being taunted by his E into his tower. Careful for his ult presence.
Cant really kill in lane. Try not to chase him down and play for your E stun and Q CD. Singed will most likely proxy, try not to chase down and you will get free farm under tower
Abuse him early on, once he gets items he will be hard to kill, try to get a lead
Very annoying matchup as he can kite you easily. Take early merc treads and sustain and try to punish when he makes a mistake
Easy matchup as you can heavily win using your E, do not underestimate his R hp gain but should be a free win matchup
Should be a free matchup before 6, do not jump on him instantly as he can e away, try to walk up and e then q him if he runs, do not fully commit without e when he ults
Make sure you try to dodge his E otherwise you lose the trade, abuse his passive and do not stand in the legs where he has his passive
Pretty annoying, take sustain during lane and try not to go in without jungle, if you can all in try to
Try not to get hit by his E and just abuse your E against him and you should win easily
Should be a win, take ignite, play for your E as it can dodge majority of wukongs abilities and watch out for his w clone
Easy lane as you can kill him easily with your e, try not to get hit by all his q, if you cant kill try to freeze and punish him heavily
Easy matchup, watch out for his E as it can be annoying, if you do jump on him try to walk out of his W before it comes up and you should win using your E
I am an emerald jax main who has played for a decent amount of time. I average a 60%+ winrate in emerald and am a avid watcher of Chinese jax players such as jiakewei and hushen.
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