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Rakan Build Guide by FiletedMinion

Support [14.13] Rakan go ZOOM

Support [14.13] Rakan go ZOOM

Updated on June 26, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FiletedMinion Build Guide By FiletedMinion 6 2 11,571 Views 0 Comments
6 2 11,571 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FiletedMinion Rakan Build Guide By FiletedMinion Updated on June 26, 2024
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Runes: Primary

1 2 3 4
Font of Life
Second Wind

Cheap Shot
Relentless Hunter

+8 Ability Haste
+2% Movement Speed
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[14.13] Rakan go ZOOM

By FiletedMinion
Hello all! I am FiletedMinion! I have been playing since 2011 but took a few years off for kids. Since I came back I have been polishing my skills and learning ranked play where I Main Rakan. The build I use is to balance having a less than stellar/skilled team. Being a support and having a trash adc can readily be the death of your lane.

The primary build I use is designed to keep pressure on the lane and be a midgame menace. Pop your R, knock up a whole team and run off laughing while Stormsurge executes someone and Cryptbloom heals your team so they can finish off the rest of the team. Your role is not to make kills but to enable them. Hit and run, hit and run.

You will be able to solo any nontank you catch out with a little practice. Knock up, auto attack, Q, dodge, knock up again and they are usually gone. Granted, Yone and some others that build healing can be a challenge to take down that quickly.

I'll update this as things change, and keep adding to it until it gets into the in-depth range.

UPDATE: State of the game is too bursty for squishy Rakan if they have double ranged, which is often. Tank Rakan trades the burst damage for a lot more survivability. You do a LOT less damage, but you will find you do way more damage than the average Rakan player. Remember, the key to a win is farming and surviving.
Early Game
DO NOT GO IN ON LEVEL ONE. Yes, you can knock them up and possibly walk away unscathed... does not happen often. Wait until level 2. Doesn't matter if you go E or Q as your second ability. The E will get you back out of danger, the Q will mitigate any damage you took and heal you (and your adc if they are close enough).

With Rakan you need to play like a yo-yo. W to knock them up, E to escape. If you have the coordination W, Q, E, and heal yourself and your adc then that is a good idea. It takes some practice, but it is more than worth it.
Mid Game
Here is where Rakan really shines. Pop your R, use W to gap close, the R will charm them to guarantee the W knock up, then you either E to get out or just run off while tossing a Q on your way out.

W can go over walls, so can E. So vision is SUPER important at this point in the game. If you can't see the enemy on the other side of the wall, how can you engage them?

Note: YOU ARE SQUISHY. Stick with teammates. Does not need to be your adc, but you can keep them alive while they secure kills. I frequently end up following the biggest threat on our side and CCing for them. Warwick is ahead? Great. Follow him and when he R's on them, time your W to knock them up at the end of his ult. It will be enough for a kill. As an example. My most immediate game I followed Asol around. My adc was mediocre. Asol was a beast. With his flying you can still E onto him across a wall and get to where the fight is.
Late Game
Do not be afraid to split push! If your vision is good you can take a turret and be gone before they can get anywhere near you. If your vision is trash, stick with your team 100% of the time. You do a lot of damage but are super squishy. You might be able to 2v1 but don't expect it to be easy, or over fast enough before a third person shows up.
When chasing down an enemy, you can E to one of your team to close the gap then W to knock them up, autoattack/Q, and then E out of the way for your team to kill them off.

When running away, you can W over a wall. It is actually easier to do than flashing (everyone has missed a flash at some point).

Do NOT solo the tank. Disrupt the squishies. If you took Randuin's, DO solo the Yone/Yasuo if you feel confident in your skills.

Your E does NOT stack. So do not just use it twice in fast succession unless they already ate through the shield. Wait, then use it to refresh the shield. This will make far more kills happen.

Learn to stop chasing people. Rakan is fast, he will catch them... but how soon? Before the team backs them up? Before they are well past a turret and a few sweet, sweet jukes means you never last hit? Survive, deny them the gold.

Your Q will heal off of Epics, too. Join the objective taking, Q the dragon, heal your jungler, repeat. Keep your W up though, so you can peel any enemy champs. Keep them from the objective while it is finished off. A death for a taken dragon is acceptable.

Your Q heals in a range around you. It will heal your whole team if they are bunched up (gods I hope not! Spacing, people!) It normally will take a few moments but if you TOUCH a friendly champ it will trigger immediately. You can use your E to trigger this immediately. Downside to your E with this, is that if you jump to the furthest champ and go THROUGH another champ it will trigger on the first champ. Depending on spacing it may not heal the one you jumped to.

Rakan is cheeky. Be prepared to be running away for a lot of the game while emoting. Friendly taunting can be enough to tilt someone and make them play poorly. I have one of Jinx that is meant for taunting. I put it to work. This game is not just skill, but also psychological. If you can taunt them successfully you can make them misplay.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FiletedMinion
FiletedMinion Rakan Guide
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[14.13] Rakan go ZOOM

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