[14.16] ✔️ In-Depth Qiyana guide - Master the Empress of the Elements
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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Royal Privilege (PASSIVE)
Qiyana Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Dont let her hit q, by usually staying out of range There are 3 ways she can use Q on you. When you try to last hit a minion with auto attack: If she starts Q animation during your auto attack, W away mid auto attack and you dodge it. She wants to last hit minions with Q. If your minion are getting low and she doesnt try to get close to them, she's likely gonna Q them. Stay in a position where she cant hit the wave and you at the same time. When you run into range. Hover around max range and if she throws it avoid it by wqlking away again. W if necessary. Once you get familiar with diana q u can also start dodging it sideways. If shes max range you can walk into her and the half moon will go around you. If youre mid distance and she tries to hit you, you can only avoid it by flashing. So only do that when u want to provoke her q and can get a lead by flashing it
Lilia is an excellent duo for qiyana, the two work very well together controlling and initiating TF.
Lilia is an excellent duo for qiyana, the two work very well together controlling and initiating TF.
Champion Build Guide
Why Qiyana In lol we are rewarded for a victory, when we win 1 ranked game we gain LP immediately afterwards. Just like playing with difficult champs. When you understand Qiyana[/color], you automatically understand the game more deeply, and with that you are rewarded with an improvement in your gameplay and elo. She is an extremely complex character, but very fun, also is an excellent assassin, one of the best I would say. A good R from her can make a difference and win a decisive TF, even if she is weak in the game. Qiyana handle tanks better than most assassins. She's designed to sustain in skirmishes, her bonus damage passive can be reset multiple times, Terrashape Terrain also grant bonus damage and her R can deal percentage max health damage. |
Her Abilitys
Royal Privilege INNATE: Qiyana's basic attacks and basic abilities deal 15 − 83 (based on level) (+ 30% bonus AD) (+ 30% AP) additional physical damage. This effect cannot occur on the same target more than once every few seconds. Gathering an Element with Terrashape resets Royal Privilege's per-target Cooldown icon cooldown for enemies affected by Royal Privilege using a different Element (or no Element). |
Edge of Ixtal ACTIVE: Qiyana slashes forward in the target direction, dealing physical damage to enemies in a line, reduced to 75% damage against targets beyond the first. Edge of Ixtal deals 150% damage against Monster icon monsters. Gathering an Element with Terrashape resets Edge of Ixtal's cooldown and upgrades it into Elemental Wrath. If cast during Audacity's dash towards an enemy Champion and the target is within 150 units of Qiyana at the end of the dash, Edge of Ixtal will autonomously aim at the target. |
Audacity Active: Qiyana Dash dashes a fixed distance in the direction of the target enemy. If they are in range upon arrival, she deals physical damage. Qiyana can cast any of her abilities during the dash. |
Supreme Display of Talent Active: Qiyana sweeps a windblast in the target direction that knocks back enemies hit, though not through terrain, and stops upon hitting Terrain. The windblast creates a cascading shockwave across any River or Brush it passes through, as well as around the borders of Terrain it reaches, dealing physical damage to enemies hit, stunning them for 0.5 − 1 (based on proximity) seconds, and briefly granting Sight icon sight of the area along its path. The damage based on the target's health ratio is capped against Monster. |
Qiyana, the Empress of the Elements, is an extremely versatile and fun champion to play. Her ability to adapt to the map, combining different elements, makes her a popular choice among players seeking a more dynamic and challenging playstyle. In this guide, we will explore Qiyana's strengths and weaknesses, understand how her ability kit works and discuss different strategies to master her.
Qiyana's Pros and Cons
- Versatility: The ability to adapt to different situations, thanks to her passive and abilities, makes her a very flexible champion.
- Mobility: Qiyana has high mobility, which facilitates rotations, ganks, and escapes.
- Burst damage: Her combos can deal absurd damage to isolated targets.
- Split push capability: She is excellent at splitting the enemy team's attention, thanks to her high mobility and damage.
- Learning curve: Qiyana is a complex champion, with many combinations of abilities and decisions to be made at every moment.
- Squishy: Despite her mobility, Qiyana is a relatively fragile champion and can be easily ganked if she is not careful.
- Map-dependent: Qiyana's performance can vary greatly depending on the map, as the availability of different elements directly influences her kit.
Runes are a crucial aspect of defining any champion's playstyle in League of Legends. For Qiyana, the choice of runes can directly influence her damage, sustain, and ability to snowball. Let's explore the most popular rune pages for Qiyana and understand when to use each one. Despite their importance, on Qiyana, runes are very personal, it will depend a lot on your style of play. Follow the guide to better understand which game styles qiyana offers and which is yours.
First Tree
Sudden Impact Increases the damage of your abilities against low-health targets, which is perfect for finishing off injured enemies or securing kills. It was nerfed in April, but it's still a great rune for qiyana, it fits perfectly with her kit and has good damage. However, with the nerf, it makes other runes like Scorch possible. |
Treasure Hunter Allows you to obtain additional gold when killing enemy units, which helps you buy items faster and strengthen your champion. The point of Treasure Hunter is to stack it very fast, if you can't, the rune is absolutely worthless. But do not use Ultimate Hunter, is a bait rune on 99% of champions, too many common situations where you get 0 value out of it. Treasure Hunter is good because it gives you extra gold while sticking to your standard win condition, you don't have to shift playstyles to utilise it effectively. Plus, Qiyana needs every little bit of extra damage she can get so things like extra longswords are huge on her. |
First Strike Perfect for matchups where you'll be heavily contested in lane, like LeBlanc, Diana, Rumble etc.Ccan be good into tankier comps that may be harder to get through or snowball against without the additional income. This rune setup prioritizes scaling and snowballing, allowing you to dominate the game once you hit your power spikes at 2-3 items. As a secondary tree I recommend Resolve, it is an option that follows the First Strike style of play. As for your spells, I recommend Flash and Teleport. Flash is very essential for Qiyana, she has a lot of combos with it, apart from its fragility and ease of being ganked. The Teleport here will be ideal for you to focus on farming, splitting and getting to your power spike. |
Magical Footwear There is nothing very special about this rune, among the 3 it is what Qiyana takes advantage of the most, because it offers free boots, so you can focus on finishing your hydra. |
Triple Tonic Tried Triple Tonic at the start of the season. It’s a good build, level 6 can flip the outcome of a skirmish and 9 is just busted in essence |
Cosmic Insight Once again it is one of the best runes that qiyana can take advantage of in addition to the "safe" style that this rune offers. I recommend taking Teleport, farming and focusing on scaling for your 3 items spike. |
Second Tree
Presence of Mind & Last Stand Presence of Mind will give you sustain in lane. Qiyana is a fragile champ, so it's common for her to be low on HP. Last Stand will allow you to abuse your Q - Terrain to surprise and one shot your enemies. Is excellent in situations where you might be trading a lot or potentially fighting on low hp/all-ining a lot, and it can enable surprise reverse assassinations. Presence of Mind and Last Stand is where you need that extra edge to win the 1v1. |
Manaflow Band & Scorch The situations where you would get more damage out of Manaflow Band + Scorch than Presence of Mind + Last Stand to be in lanes where you only go for Q poke every 10 seconds, enabling assasinations that may have otherwise been impossible. Scorch will help you to poke in heavy lane where you don't want to get into it right, but still have pressure to kill, hence the ignite, like Sylas. Presence of Mind + Last Stand is best into no sustain midlaners, Presence of Mind and Last Stand is where you need that extra edge to win the 1v1, Presence of Mind vs Manaflow Band is basically the same if you ask me, the decisive rune is more about Scorch vs Last Stand. |
Bone Plating & Overgrowth Bone Plating is good vs burst based champs like Fizz (if you're not sure how you can handle the matchup) etc. Overgrowth is one of the best runes for qiyana when the idea is to scale. It will give you good sustainability in the future. |
Second Wind & Overgrowth Second Wind will be a great option in a lane with hard pokes and harass, they will bother you during the lane phase, so the rune will help you guarantee a pleasant regeneration. Usually most ranged matchups, esp. The ones that most commonly take Arcane Comet, Summon Aery or First Strike. If you take Second Wind it's honestly best paired with Dshield start as both effects stack and give you enough breathing room to get farm early in those oppresive matchups. [[Overgrowth] is one of the best runes for qiyana when the idea is to scale. It will give you good sustainability in the future. |
Starter Items
Long Sword + Refillable PotionGood in easy lanes, you'll be halfway to Serrated Dirk. Currently, the Refillable Potion is performing better than 3 Health Potion. |
Doran's Blade + Health PotionIf the lane is hard, but beatable, start with this. Keep safe under your tower and look for opportunities! Example: Yasuo, Anivia or Yone |
Doran's Shield + Health PotionThe lane is realy impossible? Try this and sit under the tower. Farm. Its a good option against hard pokes, like Tristana, LeBlanc or Rumble. |
First Recall
Serrated DirkSerrated Dirk is a big early spike for Qiyana, so you need to buy in the first recall. After this item, look for your enemy bully and help your jg. |
Control WardEspecially after your spike with Serrated Dirk, try to start warding, use Control Ward and Stealth Ward to track the enemy jungle and avoid taking stupid ganks. |
First Item options
Profane HydraIt may sound strange, however, after buy the Serrated Dirk you must ignore it and rush your Profane Hydra as quickly as possible to swiftly clear waves, roam and abuse of your runes, Electrocute or First Strike for example. The active hits like a truck for people below 50% health, so it's like a second Terrashape Terrain. To add to that, waveclear is extremely easy as you also clear melee minions really fast. If you really want the movespeed, you can go mobility boots instead since you already get CDR from Profane Hydra, which you wouldn't get if you went youmuus and opportunity. |
Youmuu's GhostbladeIn this meta, I strictly recommend doing Profane Hydra, however, if you have enough gold to close Youmuu's Ghostblade as soon as you reach the base, it will be a great spike. If you have that money, it's likely that you're already strong and probably crushing your enemy, so it'll be a good option to help distribute advantage. ROAM A LOT and FLANK IN TF. |
Second Item options
Youmuu's GhostbladeNow it is extremely important that you use your Serrated Dirk to buy some letality item. I strongly recommend finishing the Youmuu's Ghostblade, it will be helpful to ROAM A LOT and FLANK IN TF. If you've already done Youmuu's Ghostblade first, focus on finishing Profane Hydra soon |
OpportunityOpportunity is alright, gives a movement speed bonus passive when you kill someone, so it’s good for combo’ing a squishy and then getting away from their team/tower range in TF. |
Edge of NightIs only a viable option to rush if the team has a lot of BURST/CC. The item will give you a good amount of HP and a good damage. The item's perfect item while facing champions that can stop your flanks, like Lissandra, Ahri or Brand for example. Thats not all, this item grants you a good HP, Damage and Letality. |
Third Item options
Serylda's GrudgeCurrently it is very easy and common to attack armor, so Serylda's Grudge is practically the core as the 3RD item. But if for some reason you feel the need to do Edge of Night and the enemy isn't stacking armor, it could be a good option. |
Edge of NightIs only a viable option to rush if the team has a lot of BURST/CC. The item will give you a good amount of HP and a good damage. The item's perfect item while facing champions that can stop your flanks, like Lissandra, Ahri or Brand for example. Thats not all, this item grants you a good HP, Damage and Letality. |
Situational Item options
Serpent's FangI recommend if they have more than one Shield sources, like Karma, Seraphine, multiple shieldbows / Yone, Diana, Shen, Mordekaiser etc. |
Edge of NightIs only a viable option to rush if the team has a lot of BURST/CC. The item will give you a good amount of HP and a good damage. The item's perfect item while facing champions that can stop your flanks, like Lissandra, Ahri or Brand for example. Thats not all, this item grants you a good HP, Damage and Letality. |
Axiom ArcIt guarantees a good lethality value and CDR. His passive can make you ult 2 times in 1 TF. I recommend ONLY if the composition depends on your ultimate and the opposing team is fragile. |
Guardian AngelCan be a good option if the game is running late and you need to create a good team fight or stall. |
Spear of ShojinIts a good option as 5th or 6th item in situations where opponents are highly auto attack reliant. Jax, Olaf, Irelia genuinely can’t hit you if you have 3s Terrashape CD. Otherwise, Black Cleaver or Edge of Night is probably better. |
Black cleaverGo Black Cleaver if your team is AD heavy, so you can help teammates deal damage with, since your damage is A E with Q and R it helps shred enemy teams armor. |
DON'T EVEN CONSIDER IGNORE THE Serylda's Grudge AND DO Black Cleaver, you will lose A LOT of explosive damage.
If you are dealing with champions with a lot of stacked armor where penetration really doesn't make a significant difference, I recommend doing Spear of Shojin instead of Black Cleaver.
Boots options
Ionian Boots of LucidityThese boots are core to qiyana, with the new build pathing of the boot, flexibility is created to assemble your build, which allows you to delay your boot if necessary. |
Plated SteelcapsThe Plated Steelcaps are very good against adc in mid, like Tristana or against a team with a lot of AD based on auto attacks. |
Mercury's TreadsDon't NEVER use Mercury's Treads just for MR, these boots are only make sense against A LOT OF CC. |
When you're learning a new champion it's difficult to focus on the game, analyze the composition, the laning phase, the macro, the build, etc. So I will try to explain some of the most common matchups to you.
Champion | Difficulty | Rune | Spells | Tips |
Ahri | Medium | Electrocute - Second Wind, Overgrowth | Teleport | At level 3, bait Ahri's charm and go all-in. If you don't manage to kill her before 6 she does become very punishing. |
Katarina | Easy | Electrocute - Presence of Mind, Last Stand | Ignite or Teleport |
Your ult cancels her ult. Watch out for her daggers. |
Akali | Medium | Electrocute - Second Wind, Overgrowth | Teleport | |
Akshan | Medium | Electrocute - Second Wind, Overgrowth | Teleport | Can be hard, depends more on Akashan skills. |
Anivia | Hard | First Strike - Second Wind, Overgrowth | Teleport | Outscales, hard to kill in lane, a lot of cc. She can simply sustain all early kill tentative and can destroy you and zone you post 6. |
Yasuo | Medium/Hard | First Strike - Bone Plating, Overgrowth | Teleport | Just farm and roam |
Yone | Medium | Electrocute - Bone Plating, Overgrowth | Ignite | Very skill matchup |
Fizz | Hard | First Strike - Bone Plating, Overgrowth | Teleport | Find a timing to shove the wave and opt for roams instead, buy Youmuu's Ghostblade if you really needs to roam quickly |
Kassadin | Easy | Electrocute - Presence of Mind, Last Stand | Teleport | Your champ will get outscaled by him, so you should be winning Kassadin matchup early game though the higher ranks you get kassadins start to be better. As of now Kassadin is nerfed, so its not a big issue anymore. |
Sylas | Medium | Electrocute - Manaflow Band, Scorch | Ignite | In theory, it's probably one of the hardest Qiyana matchup. But Sylas players are so **** that you can actually easily beat them. Try to get more poke for the all in early levels and look to roam and make plays on the map post lvl 8. |
Hwei | Medium | Electrocute - Presence of Mind, Last Stand | Teleport | Hwei bullies you in lane, while outscaling you and while having a free ability to counter your engage. But as soon as he wastes E, either because you bait it or he tries to poke or push or whatever you insta all in. |
Starting levels
Qiyana's level 1-2 is rotten, she starts to really be a decent champion at level 3. So the best you can do is conserve hp level 1-2 so that you have the ability to trade back when level 3 comes around. So you need to understand, you need giving up unsafe cs where you have to, this doesn't mean you have to give it all up but if you are trading 100+ HP for one cs its absolutely not worth it. For you to take advantage of your lvl 3 spike, the enemy needs to be close to your tower, so you will have space to work with the elements and kill the enemy. So let them hard push you in first-2nd wave.
Safely last hit and avoid skill shots with Terrashape while waiting for your lvl 3/4. In some lanes, just giving up a few minions won't be enough, especially against counters and pokes, like LeBlanc. In these cases, so you don't have to give up so much CS, I recommend buying Dorans Shield if it's very difficult, LeBlanc for example, and Dorans Blade if it's an average lane, like Yasuo. Once you hit 3, you now have control over the lane essentially temporarily if you are healthy, so go in and heavy trade while they're 2, maybe even kill them/all in.
Serrated Dirk
As said before, Serrated Dirk is the first and most important peak that Qiyana has in the laning phase. When we close Serrated Dirk, combined with good combos or ganks, we will have a lot of pressure. Against easier matchups, where you start with Long Sword, you will probably guarantee Serrated in the first B, needing only 650 gold.
Wave Management
Wave Control: With river Edge of Ixtal and Audacity you can close the distance and set up ganks for your jungler. This can help you stand out from the start of the game.
Freeze the Wave: If you are under pressure from the enemy jungler, try to freeze the minion wave as much as possible. This creates several opportunities to eliminate the enemy midlaner or facilitate your jungler's ganks.
Avoid Perma-Push: Qiyana is a fragile champion, so don't push the minion waves carelessly. This can put you in unfavorable situations.
Level 6 in lane
Once we reach level 6, our Ultimate Talent Display will give us even more pressure to kill. However, Qiyana's ult is terrain dependent, and currently with the map changes with the new season, the mid has become very open, which makes it very difficult to use the ultimate.
Make sure to utilize this window to get some kills, if the enemy mid is safe under the turret and a dive isn't an option, try making a play with your jungler, maybe a side lane dive or a raid into the enemy jungle.
Some matchups are a little more complex, although you can kill the enemy, he may have a lot of HP or a lot of sustain, like Sylas. Therefore, you need to trade/poke before thinking about going all in, for that, you can go with Manaflow Band & Scorch. Take a look at the runes section to understand better.
Depends on the elo, if you're anywhere bellow around plat the games have zero structure so you have to take advantage of your enemies mistakes and 1v9, there's no real macro here.
For games with a real structure, a good rule of thumb is to simply prioritize your resources and advantages, that is, go where there are minions, signs, towers, take the camps you can from jg, secure vision crontroll, deep wards, etc.
When you are fed your goal changes, you are not just the assassin that kills the carry, you must use well your advantage. Use Edge of Ixtal + Terrashape Brush to put a lot of pressure from flanks, without really doing anything crazy, your mere presence and strength is enough to make them uncomfortable. Her ultimate is a game changer, always use it when fighting around objectives/in the jungle. Always have your team fight around dragon and baron since it can really extend your lead if you are able to get good positioning and stun priority targets.
How to carry?
Qiyana cant close games xD. You just need your team to scale up, remember that you shouldn't take every signle kill as Qiyana.
You should always look at your team. Sometimes you're not the hard carry and should acknowledge that and let someone else carry. Ult works very well for peeling and mass ccing the team and using grass Q to be an annoyance while your adc crushes their team is a viable strat.
The thing I always do in my soloq games, is to take Teleport. I know you want to run Ignite for the kill pressure, but if you’re good enough, you could win Lane or go even in lane without ignite. In mid to late game, split, push and farm and if your team gets caught or fight for no reason, just TP to them. Teleport will save you so many games.
Always look to shove your lane and roam to get both you and your team ahead. It doesn't always have to be lanes, you can always move in the jungle to kill the enemy jungler (unless your lanes dont have priority). You can try to gank with your jungler, as it'll basically guarantee at least a summoner)
What if i am too weak?
If you're behind by advantage, we're in the meta where snowballing is something you can't easily counter, you can only join the snowballing and try to make the most of what you can offer. Try to land good ults and pray that your team can take advantage. If you are using Teleport, abuse the additional damage from your passive and split it as much as you can.
So the first step is to NEVER BE BEHIND. If you die, don't try to kill that person yourself, just try to farm and maybe roam them. the second step would be if you can't beat the route, you should farm 7cs/min and split push after the plates fall. Your enemy in this case will probably be a difficult champion to play against with qiyana, so I recommend you go with First Strike - Resolve and Teleport. This will guarantee you a safer lane focused on farming and scaling. For more information, see the runes section.
If you are split-pushing with no objectives up, wait for enemies to come at you and then run away, you are really mobile and have a lot of tools to kill someone wandering off guard and escape, this is also the way I prefer yellow trinkets and a wing of control when making important splitpuses.
How to Controll vision?
Generally, people tend to use the tactic of pulling 2 waves and warding the enemy chickens on the third wave for example, however, Qiyana rarely pulls her lane and, depending on the comp, you won't leave your tower anytime soon. For this reason, many people create the bad habit of not using their wards. You need to remember that vision control is essential not only for you, but for your entire team.
Especially after your spike with Serrated Dirk, try to start warding, use Control Ward and Stealth Ward to track the enemy jungle and avoid taking stupid ganks.
Try and track your laners ward placement, if you can neutralize his vision output than you took the first step. Then learn when and why through vod reviews. It is different each game. One more tip is to start thinking about warding enemy jungle camps, these deep wards will reveal enemy junglers pathing and force him to get creative, so you can roam or invade without being seen beforehand too. If you are ahead try to detect if enemy wards their own jungle, so you can steal camps and push the advantage. You can do this when you have space on the map, when you crash a wave on the tower for example. Remember, you want to set your sights on where you intend to roam.
When lane phase ends, control the vision deeply at points where the ADC or other targets you plan to pick off, it might be good for you to flank. For example, if the enemy team is heading towards the pitch of the dragon, you can use the Oracle Lens to get underneath and wait for the right moment to one shot the back line.
Midgame especially is important this concept, and is when most people suffer to ward. It depends on game, but if you ask yourself which zone are high contested, and you ward that zone now your team will be comfortable fighting on a zone they should be neutral about fighting. That's a win for sure.
Get Stealth Ward when you want to split-push, so you can control the enemy side of the jungle and know who is coming after you, so your team can react in some way for example.
I know there are a lot of things to remember, I tried to make it as easy as possible so that it becomes a guide for any link and mastery. To make it even better, I'll try to help with some tips I learned from my almost 500k of mastery with QiQi.
- Your E has a small range and, most of the time, it is not enough to give you a clear all win. Therefore, explore giving E to a minion to reach your enemy, thus hitting your River Q > auto attack > Terrain W - Terrain Q.
- Your E-Q on the target is undodgeable so use it when you can for all-ins (don't all-in full hp enemies). For example, your River Q wont miss the root, and you can then follow into an R for double CC (dont forget to autoattack meanwhile).
- Qiyana can now scare an entire enemy backline, even more so if she is invisible. Abuse Terrashape Brush, as being invisible is your best ally as an assassins.
- Qiyana is really good at roaming because of the movespeed she gains while walking near element (like river while holding River Element), and is also able to close the gap and stun people when she gets to the lane. Learning to help lanes after pushing yours in will help you and your team a ton.
- As an assassin, forget about killing/oneshotting stuff like Darius/ Sett/ Ornn etc. Your targets are squishy mages, supports, adcs, other assassins.
- For team fights, you really want to learn when and how to use your ult effectively. You don't always have to push people into a wall, sometimes throwing it at a wall and the stunning moving along will be enough to help. Also, your ult is devasting for dragon/baron fights, and is normally why she's picked. It's just crazy.
- Jungle is an ally. So roam and help your jungler when you can, and dont hesitate on preparing/setting up ambushes while you roam.
- Always carry an element, it is essential to abuse W's passive, gaining damage, attack speed, range and also being ready to make combos or poke. However, NEVER walk with the Terrain, its passive should be saved for executions, otherwise you won't make good use of the damage.
First off all, play slow, crazy combos aren’t all that important. Rather focus on what you are doing with whichever element you have. For example, keep Brush Element to poke and annoy the opponent with grass and being invisible with movement speed allowing you to reposition for an attack or retreat. Using River Element only when you have kill pressure or trying to stop an opponent.
Anyway, here it is a FULL COMBO LIST:
Without Ult
E (To enemy) > Q (River or Brush) > AUTO > W (Terrain & Caiting back) > Q
E (To minion) > Q (River or Brush) > AUTO > W (Terrain & Caiting back) > Q
Q (Brush) > W (River) > AUTO > E (To enemy) > Q > W (Terrain) > Q
With Ult
These combos will work whenever the enemy is in a position where you can ult, such as near a wall, river or bush.
E (To enemy) > R > Q (River or Brush) > W (Terrain & Caiting back) > Q
W (River) > E (To minion) > R > AUTO > Q > W (Terrain) > Q
E (To enemy front line) > R (In enemy behind the front) > Q (Brush) > W (Terrain) > Q
Flash to reposition, for example, flash to the side and thus have the angle to use R
W (River or Brush) > Flash > R > W (Terrain) > Auto > Q
W (River) > E > Q > R (To tower) > W (Terrain & Caiting back) > Q
If the enemy is low life, you will get the kill, otherwise, you can fit auto during the combo.
Flash Interaction and Bufferring
This is a basic one, just to change the starting point of the Q:
Q (River, Brush or Terrain) > Flash
You can make combos with that interaction, for example:
Q (River, Brush or Terrain) > Flash > W (River, Brush or Terrain) > E > Q
Qiyana can buffer here W + E, Q + E and Q + E + Flash, so you can make combos like:
Q (River or Brush) > E > Flash > R > W (Terrain) > AUTO > Q
E (To minion) > R > Flash > Q (River or Brush) > W (Terrain) > Q
Updates on Qiyana
14.16 changes on Qiyana
The short conclusion of this path is: Qiyana was heavily nerfed.
The vision of the patch was to adjust Qiyana at the end of the game, but unfortunately it became a nerf with small attempts at compensation. Once again Qiyana becomes more complex to play, especially for beginners.
Base armor has been increased, and it really is good to have base armor. Minion and Tower DMG, all auto attacks are reduced by armor. But comically there were only 3 basic armors.
The R nerf is something which can be used to shift her power even tho taking 50% bAD is a bit much. On a full build with raw dmg you end up around 280 bAD with eyeball collection. Meaning that 140 dmg get lost on r, without baron, infernal drakes or other external amplifier.
Unfortunately your W will do much less damage, which is bad especially for split push. At level 13, when w is at maximum, you will lose damage from any combo sequence. In a common combo, with 4 proccs from w, which currently means 96 less damage from just your w.
They tried to compensate for this with the scaling buff on Q, but it still doesn't fit your kit fairly, having to have approximately 227 base AD to compensate for the damage on a Q
So I believe it's interesting to think about scaling good damage and distributing your advantage in the mid game, aiming to have a good amount of AD to really impact the end of the game but also not letting the team depend solely on you. I really enojoing Hubris right now, can be a good item for scaling ad, otherwise Hubris still not a good item at all, u can try just for fun or can be a core item for your style. This updates are just too recent, so lets keep trying explore more possibilites.
Well, that's it, I'd like to thank the entire Reddit community for the conversations and ideas for the guide and also the genius artists who fed qiyana with such beautiful art. I intend to update the guide according to updates, goals, etc. Feel free to give me tips, ideas and ask questions too, especially about matchups and counters.
I hope you liked it, leave a rating and a comment if you did <3 hugs and good luck.
Here are the links to all of Qiyana's wonderful art that I used as banners here!
Qi Jingyan:
Tony Maverick:
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