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Rell Build Guide by NegativePhoenix

Top [14.20] Rell, The Metalmancy Queen [Rell Top]

Top [14.20] Rell, The Metalmancy Queen [Rell Top]

Updated on October 19, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NegativePhoenix Build Guide By NegativePhoenix 22 0 61,619 Views 2 Comments
22 0 61,619 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NegativePhoenix Rell Build Guide By NegativePhoenix Updated on October 19, 2024
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Runes: Grasp

1 2 3 4
Grasp of the Undying
Shield Bash
Second Wind

Absorb Life
Legend: Haste

+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
Most Viable
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[14.20] Rell, The Metalmancy Queen [Rell Top]

By NegativePhoenix
Patch 14.21
Info will usually if not always relate to affecting Rell in terms of Runes, Items, Matchups and direct Buffs/Nerfs

Items & Runes:

Rell Related Buffs/Nerfs:

Buffed Matchups:
Our favorite pirate will be receiving a mana regen buff along with his barrel recharge being shorter. While it may not feel like a big deal at first, it will definitely be a bigger factor once he levels it more but he won't be moving threat level

Her Q is receiving a decent sized buff overall to it making it have to cost less mana and be on a shorter CD with more damage based off total AD, but do less damage to minions making it slightly harder to full speed clear early. It's hard telling if she'll move threat level but I think she'll stay the same

Small HP buff but nothing that will change his spot

W speed increase passively and actively meaning he will be a hard little thing to catch even with your W remount and E passive MS

Nerfed Matchups:
Her health has been lowered by 20, her W flat damage made weaker all game along with her E damage based off total AD and removing the damage on her ult to only be off current HP. Shes still gonna hurt off her Q but this makes her weaker till she gets items meaning she may move down in terms of threat

Passive damage has been lowered a bit which as a Gwen player, I can tell I'm gonna feel it for sure early game and it might make it harder for her to kill you as a tank, but you're still gonna need to be careful of her

Passive lifesteal has been nerfed heavy early game and somewhat late game [much needed] with his Q base damage being lowered all game as well meaning he will have to stack more to do more damage. This doesn't change his threat spot

W CD increased by 2 seconds. That's it. His threat stays the same as this nerf is basically useless since the build for Volibear these days is just Rod - Navori - Visage so he can be a massive healing machine that even grievous can't slow down

W max health damage decreased by 1%. The damage is still gonna hurt but hopefully this gives a better opportunity for survival. His main item BORK is also taking a hit having its current HP on-hit dmage lowered but it's being countered by a lethal tempo buff so we will see how he sits

His passive damage is being nerfed in total AD but being raised in flat damage meaning he should do hopefully less damage off his ghouls making them slightly less dangerous but still not to be underestimated
Why Rell Top?
By far Rell is not the most dangerous champion to play when it comes to toplane, but she can certainly be the most annoying and hard to kill in the right hands when it comes to lane phase and after

An engage tank is always loved on most teams especially ones who can hold the enemy team down hard like Rell.

Between her ability to actually trade decently when she has 2 components [with boots depending on matchup], hard CC, amazing engage, extremely tanky and the fact that Rell can steal resistances from champions and add them to herself she is a force to be reckoned with and loved almost on any team [so long as you don't troll]

In normal and ranked games Rell is not the most traditional toplaner in the game but I promise you once you learn how she works and how to play her you'll realize in the right hands she can be one of the best toplaners for any team
Pros & Cons
  • One of the best engage in the game
  • Breaks Shields
  • Alot Of Disruption
  • Great Anti-Tank choice
  • Amazing peel for your team
  • Actually decent at lane trading
Rell has some insane potential being able to make herself a presence in the game by not only making sure her team has someone to back them up and engage for them, but also making it a living nightmare for tanks by using her passive to steal Armor/MR from them to add to herself making resistances feel less effective than normal when fightingher making her overall quite the menace
Rell is definitely an amazing peel and engage champion that will throw a fight in your favore instantly if given the right conditions and using your engage to its peak potential

  • Weak Early Game Without Items/Components
  • Awful Early Wave Clear
  • Slow [basically immobile] in Melee Form
  • W Dismount Can Be Easy To Dodge
  • Does Struggle If Focused By CC Herself
  • Reliant On Having Good Team Backup
Her early game is definitely her weakest state but not only that, she's also heavily reliant on having a good team that's willing to back you up because there's a difference between going all in solo and going all in with a team especially if you miss your W+Ult or any CC after dismounting then you're just siting there as an immobile test dummy at that point
You'll definitely notice though that most of her weakness comes from the early game having not the greatest wave clear so you don't necessarily have any push potential but that is made up for with having good freeze potential
How To Play Rell Top
Rell is meant to do a bit of everything here, so i'll break it down as best as I can here

Lane Phase:
The lane phase tends to be iffy for Rell depending on the matchup. She can do a bit of poke here and there while also making somewhat of an entrance if your jungler ganks or you help with camps but overall her early game in solo lane is definitely her weakest without help

It's important you know your limits against the champion you're fighting and always know when you should and shouldn't pick a fight. Your main goal is just simply to help your team and not feed your laner

Balance Roaming and Sitting In Lane:
It's a hard balance at times depending on the matchup

You won't be taking much if any turret plating, so you have to balance out the secondary way to get your gold: Roaming or getting assists off ganks.

If your laner has no real way to clear waves and you know it'll take them a while to push back or they refuse to stop playing safe especially when you have TP, if you can find value, get yourself a good roam

If you're not sure you can leave but your junglers willing, then keep the wave near your tower so you can either throw them under it for a kill or have your jungler gank for possibly a free kill depending on who you're against

This isn't me saying you can't get solo kills believe me I do that quite a bit more than you'd expect but you have to know your limits and have the right components before committing to something like that especially if you're against a hard counter or aggressive champion that can easily run you down

Assist Your Jungler:
Sometimes this is easier said and done, but a good relationship with your jungler is a great way for you to get ganks and to help you both benefit so that they'll come top and get free kills

The best way to do this is when you notice your jungler coming topside for scuttle, try to help them out securing it. Worst case scenario is someone on your team dies but that only tends to happen if your toplaner and the enemy midlane show up but your midlane decides to leave or focus CS

In most scenarios though you're either getting a kill for you or your jungle, or making someone on the enemy team use their spells to get out of the fight so it tends to work out well mostly

Most if not all scenarios after I do this tend to have the jungler favor towards helping me toplane once I'm pushed in but don't just do scuttle and never help them again with camps. If you see them taking grubs or herald and you have the favor to do it, try to help them. Be a team player

Short Trades:
Most of the time you'll wanna go for short trades to get a grasp proc off or just to harass a bit so long as you aren't against a champion who thrives off short trades like Garen or Fiora because of their healing

When I say short trades I mean you can commit to using your W dismount and E for a grasp proc hard hit then walk out and Q to get distance or you can just grasp auto wih E it really depends on your situation at the moment

Rell can actually do short trades decently well due to her W dismount shield helping absorb most of the damage but if you aren't careful it can end badly so always make sure you know who you're up against before taking the trades

Mid & Late Game Objectives:
The main objective in the mid/late game is simple: Engage for your team and be the one who starts the fights. Sometimes you'll have other melee who will do the same but overall your kit is the big fight starter so it's best to make sure you're there to peel for your team, provide support, and most importantly, make the enemy be CC'ed super hard

Things To Do:
  • Peel For Your Team
  • Start The Fights [Within Reason]
  • Assist your team in any way by roams, making ganks easy, or anything in-between
  • Keep your laner from snowballing or being useful

Things To NOT Do:
  • Do Not Splitpush [unless you're farming or no major objectives
  • No solo fighting the hard carry
  • Do not stray away from your team for too long [You can't 1v1 everyone]
  • Never allow your laner to get fed off you
Component Explanation
Components are a more vital part of building as Rell than most people give credit for, and overall alot of people in general see it as a good thing on tanks

That's why it's best to in my opinion to always build at least 1 Armor/MR component like Chain or Negatron towards the item you're building, so that you're able to get the tanky stats you need while also having to spend less later

My Source:
Some people might ask me:
"What rational thing made you realize that you shouldn't just focus on one specific item all game and instead buy components throughout the early-mid"

Simple: An Ornn main named Makkro
I had a bit of trouble with getting items on Rell properly and felt like despite showing up alot, I wasn't making an impact the first time around doing this entire playstyle

So, I did a little searching and found out that alot of tank players do this to spread stats and be able to get items at a better timing

What mainly made me do this was the Ornn player Makkro, whos videos I watched to get a better grasp and understanding on just how components should be built and spread out in the early game as a tank so that you can still be useful but also be ready to build a full item at a moments notice
Ability Breakdown
Let's go over Rells abilities, and teach you stuff you probably forgot or didn't even know about what Rell can do with these:

Passive: Break The Mold

Break The Mold is what helps Rell become a bit tankier. Her basic attacks and abilities reduce and steal targets Armor and MR up to 5 stacks for a total of 0.8%-2% based on level. During fights you're not only gaining resistances, you're taking them away from enemies too, making your team do more damage while also making it harder to damage you in the process

Q Ability: Shattering Strike

Shattering Strike is a pretty simple ability to think about: You thrust your lance forward and stun enemies for 0.75 seconds. What people forget about however is that it actually Shatters, not lowers, SHATTERS enemies shields. So lets say you're against a Mordekaiser. He's taking damage from you and your jungler in a gank, he uses W, so you use Q and instantly, his shield is gone and he can't heal. That leaves him to either flash, ult [if he hasn't] or die. Enemies [and sometimes me] forget that her Q shatters shields so enemy comps that rely on shields like Sion, Shen, Morgana, etc. are not gonna have a fun time

W Ability: Feromancy: Crash Down/Mount Up

Crash Down/Mount Up [Remount] is Rells main engage tool. It has two parts and 2 "forms"

Mounted: While you are mounted, your auto attacks are slower but your movement speed is faster. It's good for chasing to start an engage, activates your E passive, and lets you use Crash Down in your W

Crash Down: You become Dismounted, leap into the air, and after a short cast time, land and slide forward in an AOE knocking enemies up for 1 second and granting you a shield. This is Rells main tool of engage in every scenario as it helps get your CC setup for yourself or your team for a trade/engage, and can also use it with your ult for easier landing. Just remember: You're technically considered casting in this, so if you're hit with certain CC like knockup or stun, it will stop you mid-animation

Dismounted: While you are dismounted, you gain 12% bonus Armor/MR, 30% attack speed, a shield and 75 bonus attack range BUT have 10% reduced movement speed. In this form, you're obviously tankier and it's easier to auto minions if you decide you wanna try to CS a bit. You do gain a shield while dismounted, but only AFTER you use Crash Down. The shield does not decay either, so it will be there until it is drained from attacks or you remount

Mount Up: Rell becomes Mounted and gains 30% bonus movement speed that decays 2 seconds, and empowers her next basic attack to be basically instant, gain 100 bonus range. When colliding with an enemy, she flings them over herself and stuns for 1 second. This ability is not only good for single target chase CC, but also just overall making yourself a bodyblock wall for enemies trying to run away. You shouldn't be afraid to remount if you know you can catch the enemy. Also, Remounts toss counts as an auto attack, so it can proc Grasp and Heartsteel

E Ability: Full Tilt

Full Tilt passively gives Rell in Mounted form 5-50 bonus movement speed based on level, but is reduced by 50% while in combat. When Rell activates this, she powers herself and a nearby chosen teammate, gainging movement speed that ramps up over 2 seconds from 50% of initial value.
When within an empowered ally or enemy, the movement speed is increased. This is an insanely good chase or escape tool. Rells next Q or basic attack in the next 5 seconds also deals bonus magic damage based on the targets max health. Overall, this ability is decent for bonus poke and chase/disengage that can benefit a teammate greatly if used properly, and also makes your heartsteel/grasp proc stronger

R Ability/Ultimate: Magnet Storm

Magnet Storm is Rells ult that causes her to erupt in an AOE pulling enemies in range inward toward her, creating a gravity field that pulls enemies toward her, and deals magic damage every 0.25 seconds. This is not only one of her better abilities to create openings for your team to start fights, but also a good stalling tool for your team to rush over.
This ability can be paired with your W Crashdown. So the best way to use your ult is to use Crash Down then ult while mid-air. What happens is that you'll drag enemies in range toward where you're standing, then they will be knocked up almost instantly by your W making it near impossible to avoid.
This may sound hard to pull off, but really it's easy. If you're concerned you'll screw up, just go to the practice tool and use W then Ult, and you'll see it's not that hard
There are a few Rell combos that some people may not know about and some all of you know about. I'll try to explain the ones I've found, use and what scenarios they work best in

W Dismount+R CC Combo
Lets just get the obvious one out of the way: W Dismount into Ult is one of Rells most well known combos.
It's a great way to hard engage the enemy for your team, get your passive stacked up to gain/steal resistances, pull them in so they can't dodge your W and overall just a great way to keep them still while your team bashes them to death while they can't move [unless they're an ulted Olaf]

Q+Flash Combo
Not everyone knows you can wind up Rells Q and flash while it's charging up to thrust forward. It isn't the most practical of uses for it, but it can be done in two ways:
You can either use it to flash forward and Q them, stunning them in place for that split second for your team to get in or secure a very low health kill, or you can Q then flash backwards so that you can get a stun off while flashing away, or even better, if you predicted they'd flash after you, you can use that combo to flash backwards as they flash toward you, get a stun off and possibly escape

I will recommend the Q+Backward flash be practiced in the practice tool because it can be weird to get used to. At max auto range both mounted and dismounted, it's not possible to max flash distance away and land the Q unless they flash after you, so if you want that backwards combo to hit, you'll willingly have to avoid flashing max distance unless you're 100% certain they will flash after you instantly

W Remount+Flash Combo
This is definitely one of the better ways to secure a chase target so that they have to flash or die if you have a teammate helping you chase them down
The premise of this one is pretty easy to understand: W Remount, and as you're remounting flash on top of them so that your auto hits and you toss them behind you for your team

I will disclose that Remounting then flashing, or flashing then remounting can work, but Remounting then flashing is an easier way to secure a grab on them since you won't have to wait for your remount right when you get on top of them. That split second you're waiting for remount could easily determine if they get away or not.

Not to mention from my testing Flash into W Remount seems to be slightly delayed depending on if you hit the buttons fast enough so that's up to you how you do the combo

W Dismount+Flash
I don't mean simply "Oh I flashed and hit W onto you and you had a chance to react"
There is a very pixel perfect timing where right as your W dismount ends you can flash and knock someone airborne even if you weren't near them when you originally dismounted
It is VERY hard to do and even I struggle landing it perfectly at times but it causes alot of confusion and fun plays when you can pull it off so if you wanna learn it you might wanna watch some videos and practice in the tool. Even I haven't fully gotten this down yet
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NegativePhoenix
NegativePhoenix Rell Guide
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[14.20] Rell, The Metalmancy Queen [Rell Top]

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