(MY PERMABAN) This champ is so disgusting it pisses me off. Care for lvl 1 invade and of raptors steal. Can't 1v1 unless giga ahead and she missplays (misses w bad e etc) Wait out her e if u can. Jump over walls to prevent e. Scary with grubs and rift (prevent if u can) Snowball champion so deny if possible. Don't try to burst if e up. Buy Tabis. Can invade u whenever. Strong 1v1 .Gold reliant champ root in fights. Deaths dance
Track r cd. R countes u rly well. Insane r peel. Tabis/DD. Extremely strong invades, especially level 2. You beat her before 6 if she facechecks you. Be aware of her ult later on. Easy to catch her with Ult. Dont let her get stakcs for free.
Care for lvl 1 invade. Can invade a lot. Buy pen Stacked passive give a lot of armor. Care w nearsight. Might flip invades Similar to belveth but not as bad imo. Gold reliant champ. Tabis can help. Has good clear. Scary with lead and late with crit. Can be difficult to 1v1. Deaths dance
Another broken champ rn. Stronq 1v1 with Conq. If he is ahead its hard. Super fast clear and out tempos u. Buy Eclipse, Serpents, Mortal Reminder. Fast Champ. R slow. Rly anoyying bcuz of peel and ez ganks, low income tank jg. Stat Checks u unless ur ahead.
Buy EON to cancel her w. Her W stops ur leap. Buy Pen. Rly anoyying bcuz of peel and ez ganks, low income tank jg | Slow clear. Doesn't need to farm as much. Watch out for e into walls. Counter ganks can be good. Jg tracking important
Save stacks to cleanse w. Don't auto when he is in w .Buy pen Rly annoying bcuz of peel and ez ganks, low income tank jg. Slow clear. Doesn't need to farm as much. Can invade if good opportunity. Counter ganks can be good Jg tracking important.
Buy Eclipse, Bork and Mortal Reminder. Buy Eon for cc. Rly anoyying bcuz of peel and ez ganks, low income tank jg. Slow clear. Doesn't need to farm as much. Mercs can help. Can invade if good opportunit.y Counter ganks can be good. Jg tracking important. Scales pretty well.
Buy Eclipse and Pen Buy Eon for cc. Rly anoyying bcuz of peel and ez ganks, low income tank jg. Great in teamfights with r and q. Good fast clear. Can invade if good opportunity. Counter ganks can be good Jg tracking important. Mercs can help.
Passive allows him to stack a lot of armor. Buy pen .Great Teamfight Can cancel u with r . Bola can reveal non clone. Root so he can't clone. Strong with lead. Can be difficult to 1v1
Buy EON for burrow leap cancel. Can track u with passive while invis. Early game gank jg. Hard to fight if ahead Falls off hard. Counter ganks can be good Jg tracking important.
Master Yi
Tabis is good vs him. Care for w Leap over walls to suprise. Wait out w if u can. Don't try to burst if w up. Scales extremely well. Can invade him if it is good situation. Can invade u care. Especially with HOB Typically weak early. Hard if he has lead. Root in fights .Deaths dance
SHIT TON OF CC .Buy EON. Save Stacks for cleanse. Get vision. Care r over walls .Tracking is very important. Weak early .Can invade if good opportunity Scales extremely well get vision over walls and ask team for vision.Think if u were fiddle where would u r from in this fight. Great teamfight Strong with lead. MAW. Blue trinket.
Very Easy matchup. Buy EON to stop charm. Maw very good into her. Can oneshot all game . Watch out for zhonya's buy. Root her to stop r away. Double WW burst. Can invade her easily.
I LOVE IVERN .Very easy mathchup Use bushes he places. Buy Serpents Care camp steal cheese. Can invade and take his camps.
Lock down with bola in fights to stop dashes. Deaths dance is good. Antiheal is good. Very brawl heavy character. Don't fully know capability of character yet so idk.
Extremely fast clear High Tempo champ, easy to kill after 6 if he doesnt have Zhonyas. Can invade and can oneshot most times in fight. Watch out for stun or cleanse.
Really difficult to beat 1v1. Play around her E, lock her down in teamfights with Root. Be Aware of her ult.
Has insane peel and if you make a mistake you get CC'd forever. Can invade. Build pen/eclipse.
Jarvan IV
Serpents can be good kinda. Has insane ganks so make sure to give your teammates info on where he is at all times. Ult can completely take you out of a fight if you're not in a bush. Play around his E-Q cooldown.
Insane peel and tankiness. Look for flanks on backline or save your w for her Ult. Can invade early. Build pen/eclipse/bork.
Outranges you very hard and has insane peel with W and E. Wait out her E or make sure you have 4 Stacks after your leap in fights to cleanse.
Very annoying to play against. Can lock her down with Root if she's charging Q. Edge of Night very valuable. Dodge q if can. Can lock u down in fights. Serpents can be good.
Lee Sin
Insane early-mid game strength. Strong invades. Use your W's for his Q burst. Serpents can be good.
Full AP alot more playable for Rengar than Tank. You beat her 1v1 before lvl 6. Easy to invade. Serpents can be good.
Very strong invades if she has prio. She's squishy so you can catch her with Ult. Can oneshot most points in game. Can go zhonya's zzz.
Insanely fast clear but easy to invade. If he has exhaust then wait it out. Don't focus him in teamfights, since he wants to die for Ult.
If he gets a lead early it's unplayable. Very easy to invade early if you have prio. Can lock him down with E in teamfights. Antiheal can be good into him.
Keep track of his Ult timer. You can cleanse the ult nearsight with W. Can also see his Q after he ults if you F-key your teammates. In fights, save your empowered W for his fear.
Important to give Info for early ganks. Can invade u. Your R and E reveal him in stealth. You can use Root to stop him from Q'ing away. Important to tell him apart from Clone.
Tank matchup zzz. Heavy cc. Can cleanse r. He's rly good rn. Eclipse and bork counter hp tank. Steraks also good heavy shield champ. Slow and bad clear. Could look to invade. Scales well. Can't rly ever kill.
Extremely easy to invade early. Blue Kayn is better for Rengar than Red Kayn. Can root him when he's inside walls and he will pop out instantly. Your root stops him from ulting.
Has strong early game if he has Ignite. Your Ult and E reveal him in Ult so very important you hit your E's.
Nunu & Willump
Will spam gank and annoy your lanes so make sure to give Info. Your root stops his W. Extremely easy to invade.
Can oneshot if Ap
Can be annoting with tank cc. Atiheal can be good.
Incredibly easy to kill at all stages of the game, unless he gets DD/Thornmail.
Very free matchup if kha goes Assassin. Your Ult and E reveal him if he Ults. If he has Edge of Night, use your smite midair so your E reveals him.
Pretty similar to Brand, faster clear. Play around her Root and R. Easy to kill with R if she doesn't have zhonyas.
Very squishy so you beat her 1v1 at all stages of the game. You can cleanse her Ult, even while you're drowsy.
Root when low so he cant R. Serpents can be good. Can buy zhonya's zzz. Can oneshot with e root most of the time. Can invade early. Watch r clone and see where he can r to. can be strong with lead.
Cleanse his blind. Can be difficult matchup. Maw. Oracles for shrooms even Umbrail if wanted. Care for shrooms late. Weirdly strong rn. Fast lil rat.
Dr. Mundo
Tank matchup zzz. Buy Eclipse, Bork, Antiheal. Unkillable late game. Can invade early. Weak early. Hyper Scaler. Dodge q. Watch w for antiburst.
Xin Zhao
Strong early. Difficult in 1v1's. Tabis good vs. Bola root so he cant e . Watch r knockback. Antiheal buy. Care invade early.
Watch Q root. Cleanse q root. Can invade her. Fast clear. R root can cleanse. Can one shot all game.
Fatty is kinda annoying. E can stop ur leap. Root mid air so he can't e. Can cc and displace u in fights. Mercs can help. Watch out for e flash oneshot. WW burst. Slow clear. Can look for invade on him.
Buy antiheal. Wait out e dmg reduction and fear. Can cleanse r and fear. Root in fights. Care when u are low hp. Space him, very auto reliant champ.
Hard to ever 1v1. Extended fights are bad against him. Lock down in fights. Care w heal. buy antihheal pen. serpents can also be good. Can dive easily care. Cleanse stun.
Best Most Broken duo synergy with Rengar (2v8 actually)
Love Bush Guy
Can go Rengar top with Ivern jg
Can go Rengar adc with Ivern supp
Can go Rengar jg with ivern mid
Shield synergizes well and place bush leap
Most enchanters pair well with rengar
Makes u go fast and can rez u \
Most enchanters pair well with rengar
E rengar and he jumps in then shockwave
Shield is nice
Cat on Cat synergy
Shield/AS and Heal is nice
Most enchanters pair well with rengar
Senna is underrated combo
Her e gives u free leap post 6
Enchanter senna can heal/shield u
Cleaver senna gives u free pen
Most enchanters pair well with rengar
Renata Glasc
Can play rly aggresive with renata w
AS is nice
Can rez u
Most enchanters pair well with rengar
Can Heal u
Gives u more Dmg
Can give Ms
Most enchanters pair well with rengar
Can give Shielding
Can give AS
R knockup synergizes well
Gives u more dmg
Most enchanters pair well with rengar
Most engage supp synergize well with rengar
Can roam with u
Good setup and cc
Best Most Broken duo synergy with Rengar (2v8 actually)
Love Bush Guy
Can go Rengar top with Ivern jg
Can go Rengar adc with Ivern supp
Can go Rengar jg with ivern mid
Shield synergizes well and place bush leap
Most enchanters pair well with rengar
Makes u go fast and can rez u \
Most enchanters pair well with rengar
E rengar and he jumps in then shockwave
Shield is nice
Cat on Cat synergy
Shield/AS and Heal is nice
Most enchanters pair well with rengar
Senna is underrated combo
Her e gives u free leap post 6
Enchanter senna can heal/shield u
Cleaver senna gives u free pen
Most enchanters pair well with rengar
Renata Glasc
Can play rly aggresive with renata w
AS is nice
Can rez u
Most enchanters pair well with rengar
Can Heal u
Gives u more Dmg
Can give Ms
Most enchanters pair well with rengar
Can give Shielding
Can give AS
R knockup synergizes well
Gives u more dmg
Most enchanters pair well with rengar
Most engage supp synergize well with rengar
Can roam with u
Good setup and cc
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