Runes: Aery
During the laning phase, keep a safe distance to avoid Pantheon’s W, which applies a stun. If your allied ADC gets hit, use Soraka's E (Equinox) to block the enemy ADC, interrupting Pantheon’s quick and powerful combo.
An essential advantage Soraka has against Pantheon is her ability to cancel his ultimate with Equinox. Position the E in the direction of Pantheon’s arrival when he uses his ultimate to interrupt it. In specific situations, the E can also cancel Pantheon’s Q, mitigating some of his damage and control.
Rune: Unsealed Spellbook
Kai'Sa can be dangerous with engage supports, using her E to dodge your silence or close in on you. Be cautious when poking her if she has W or Q, as she can out-damage you in short trades, especially with Hail of Blades. Take advantage of her low range by using E to prevent her from following up on support engages on your ADC.
With good positioning, wait for her to last-hit minions to use your Q effectively. Remember, the best-positioned player wins this lane. Avoid getting engaged by the enemy support, missing your Q in short trades, or auto-attacking her after level 3.
In the late game, Kai'Sa can be a threat by landing her W and then ulting onto you, so stay alert to avoid getting caught by this combo.
Runes: Unsealed Spellbook
Lux has strong lane pressure and dangerous crowd control abilities that can easily put Soraka at a disadvantage. Your main role in this matchup is to dodge all of Lux's abilities, as getting caught will cause you to lose lane control. Only use your Q on her or the enemy ADC after she has already used her E, ensuring you aren’t left vulnerable. If Lux targets you, the game becomes more challenging, as Soraka’s health is crucial for healing the ADC.
Items like Mikael’s Blessing and Chemtech Putrifier are good options in this matchup, especially if Lux builds Oblivion Orb for Grievous Wounds​
Runes: Unsealed Spellbook
Against certain ADCs, Rakan can be a significant threat to Soraka, as his kit enables him to dive into the enemy team with strong area-of-effect crowd control — something Soraka struggles to counter. Play cautiously, respecting the cooldowns of enemy abilities, and avoid unnecessary exposure. Use your silence (E) strategically to block the enemy ADC’s path during engages, stopping them from following Rakan.
Mikael’s Blessing is a strong choice against Rakan’s ultimate; prioritize using it on the strongest ally, keeping yourself out of Rakan’s range to avoid being caught. Since Rakan often builds mobility items, his roaming potential can disrupt your team. You can choose to follow him, sacrificing some XP to support your team, or focus on pressuring the enemy ADC in lane. Ionian Boots help you respond effectively if you decide to roam.
In the laning phase, your priority is to protect your ADC, as a well-coordinated enemy bot lane can prevent them from farming. Here, your role is to assist in securing farm safely. Once you’ve built Mikael’s Blessing and established good positioning for yourself and your team, the game will become more manageable for both you and your ADC.
Runes: Unsealed Spellbook
Samira is an ADC with an engage-heavy kit, but her low attack range allows Soraka to exploit certain weaknesses in lane. A key advantage is Soraka's ability to cancel Samira’s ultimate easily with her E (Equinox), so save your silence specifically for this moment. Focus on poking Samira while she farms minions, taking advantage of her limited range to whittle down her health.
Keep in mind that Samira herself is often not the main threat; her support partner typically enables her aggressive plays. Therefore, good positioning is essential—stay alert to dodge enemy abilities and look for openings to pressure the lane when safe. If you manage the wave well and keep Samira at a distance, you can maintain control and limit her engage potential.
Runes: Unsealed Spellbook
Take advantage of Soraka's strong level 1 by starting with Q for effective poke. After level 1, Leona can be very dangerous, especially when paired with ADCs like Draven, Lucian, or Tristana, who can easily follow up on her engage. In these cases, suggest that your ADC takes Cleanse while you take Exhaust; this reduces the impact of Leona’s engage and lessens the burst damage from aggressive ADCs.
If your ADC has Cleanse, play safely and poke only if Leona misses her E. However, if they don’t have Cleanse, rush Mikael’s Blessing to cleanse Leona's crowd control, and keep yourself well-positioned to support your ADC without overextending.
Runes: Unsealed Spellbook
Be cautious when Aphelios has Crescendum, his long-range weapon, as it gives him Caitlyn-level range, making trades less favorable for you. Depending on his weapon combination, Aphelios can pose a significant threat. Avoid staying close when he has Gravitum, as he can root you and set up an engage, potentially leading to your death.
If he doesn’t have Crescendum or Gravitum, you’re free to poke him with short auto-attack trades. However, if he has either of these weapons, stick to using your Q from a safe distance to avoid giving him an easy engage.
Renata Glasc
Runes: Unsealed Spellbook
Renata struggles to trade poke effectively against Soraka. As long as you dodge her Q, you should be safe in the early game. Soraka’s sustain keeps your ADC alive, making Renata’s W less impactful if you position correctly. Stay away from your ADC when Renata uses her ultimate, as they could turn on you and greatly reduce your survivability and utility in the fight.
Runes: Unsealed Spellbook
Alistar doesn’t pose major issues for Soraka, and poking him in lane is relatively easy. You can even cancel his combo (W+Q) by timing your silence (E) just as he initiates with W, though this requires quick reflexes. When done correctly, it can protect your ADC. If this play feels too risky, use your silence to block the enemy ADC’s path when Alistar engages.
Be cautious, as Alistar can use an insec to knock you or your ADC under the enemy turret.
(Ashe ADC)
Rune: Unsealed Spellbook
This lane is manageable if your ADC has Cleanse; otherwise, dealing with Ashe can be challenging, especially when paired with an engage support, as her ultimate (R) is a strong engage tool. Ashe’s relatively high attack range makes trading auto-attacks difficult for Soraka, so avoid these exchanges, particularly when her W is available. Stick to a safe distance and focus on poking only when Ashe’s key abilities are on cooldown to minimize her threat level.
(Ashe SUP)
Rune: Unsealed Spellbook
This lane is fairly manageable if your ADC has Cleanse, but it becomes challenging once Ashe buys Executioner’s Calling, as her anti-healing effects will limit your sustain. From mid-game onward, Ashe tends to have more map pressure than Soraka, especially if your team lacks ways to dodge or mitigate her ultimate. In this case, consider building Mikael’s Blessing as your first or second item to counter her crowd control and keep your teammates safe from her engages.
Rune: Unsealed Spellbook
Soraka struggles to sustain during the laning phase against Blitzcrank. If your ADC is hit by Blitzcrank’s Q in the early levels, Soraka’s heals likely won’t be enough to keep them alive, especially if the enemy builds anti-heal. The matchup becomes slightly easier once you have your ultimate, but even then, impeccable positioning is essential to avoid getting caught and to keep your ADC safe.
Rune: Unsealed Spellbook
Be extremely careful in this lane! Rell’s strong engage and all-in potential mean that if both you and your ADC get caught, it could easily lead to a double kill. Rell has excellent setup for ganks, and as the game progresses, her burst can outpace Soraka’s healing. Purify isn’t helpful here.
When Rell jumps in, don’t waste your E on her immediately, as she’ll likely reach your ADC regardless. Instead, use it on the enemy ADC to hinder their follow-up. Be sure to keep a safe distance from her ultimate to avoid being caught in its crowd control.
Rune: Unsealed Spellbook
Bard can be a real headache for Soraka, as his E enables unexpected gank setups at any point in the laning phase, allowing two enemies to suddenly reach you. Bard's roaming potential is much stronger since he often builds Mobility Boots; you should ping every time he leaves lane. The more skilled the Bard, the tougher this matchup, as he has a lot of crowd control (Passive, Q, and ultimate). If you’re not careful with his R, it can easily result in your death, especially considering its low cooldown.
Maintain a safe distance and prioritize vision to reduce Bard’s roaming impact and potential ganks.
Stay behind your team, avoiding being the focus of Ahri's attacks. It is crucial to anticipate her moves, especially the use of her ultimate (R). When she advances with her ultimate, use your Starcall (Q) + Astral Infusion (W) to sustain your ADC, who should be the main target.
In the laning phase, wait for Ahri to use her poke abilities (Q and E) before using yours to attack the opposing ADC. Focus on hitting Q where they are while they focus on minions. This strategy becomes more difficult after level 3 when Ahri learns W, making it harder to keep trades away from minions.
Position yourself in line with your ADC to avoid Ahri's lane pressure. This pressure will be constant until she completes the Executioner's Calling item or reaches level 6. From then on, focus on using your abilities to assist your ally when they are the focus of Ahri.
Your main opportunity to counter him is when he's focused on someone else or when he's been crowd controlled. Use your E (Equinox) to suppress him, temporarily nullifying his damage output and giving your team a window to counterattack.
Akali is a champion with very high mobility and burst damage, making her a difficult target to hit. Even when playing behind your team, keep in mind that she is a major threat, especially after reaching level 6.
Against a skilled Akali, double the distance you normally keep. Good Akalis know that focusing Soraka is the right play, so be prepared. If she reaches you, your priority is to use your abilities to protect your ADC.
When she focuses your ADC, react quickly! Use your passive after Akali's initial burst, be ready to use your ultimate as your first ability, and use W (Astral Infusion) before any other action. Akali will try to use her passive to deal more damage, so she will move away from the ADC. This is your chance to use Q (Starcall) on her position and then use the second W.
In this situation, forget about the Q+W combo to maximize healing and movement speed. You need to heal your ADC as quickly as possible, even without the Q bonus. Buy time with quick heals until you can land Q.
Landing E (Equinox) on an Akali is a challenge. Try to use it when she is under the effect of crowd control from your allies. Another option is to use E to cancel important Akali abilities, like her Q, giving your ADC time to react.
Akshan's E - Heroic Swing makes him a slippery opponent, allowing him to quickly close the distance and deal significant damage. This can catch you off guard, especially if you're out of position. A well-placed swing can easily lead to a pickoff, so vision is key. Invest in control wards to keep track of his movements and anticipate his engages.
His ultimate, R - Heroic Shot, can be a real game-changer. If necessary, you can body block it to buy your ADC precious time. With quick reflexes and good positioning, you might even be able to interrupt it with your E - Equinox, but that's a risky move.
Yuumi e Soraka no mesmo time tem muito peel, especialmente se há 3 personagens que tem wave clear, pois as duas não irão conseguir ficar na side. Precisa de um carry no time para funcionar.
Yuumi and Soraka on the same team have a lot of peel, especially if there are 3 champions with wave clear, because both of them won't be able to stay on the side. Needs a carry on the team to work!
Yuumi e Soraka no mesmo time tem muito peel, especialmente se há 3 personagens que tem wave clear, pois as duas não irão conseguir ficar na side. Precisa de um carry no time para funcionar.
Yuumi and Soraka on the same team have a lot of peel, especially if there are 3 champions with wave clear, because both of them won't be able to stay on the side. Needs a carry on the team to work!
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