[15.2] Viktor Guide w/ Explanations on Runes, Items, and Evolutions

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Recommended Items
Runes: Recommended: Precision Tree/Early Mana
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Threats & Synergies
My permaban, pretty much nothing you can do against her except hope she stays in your W and gets stunned, but even then she will just run you down and kill you. Try to farm under tower and hope for ganks
I like fiddlesticks but seriously anyone who can engage and has cc is good for viktor and allows you to hit good e's that can hit at least one person, sometimes multiple
I like fiddlesticks but seriously anyone who can engage and has cc is good for viktor and allows you to hit good e's that can hit at least one person, sometimes multiple
Champion Build Guide
Quiz: what animal is this above
(Answer: elephant)
^ Always good
^ Good vs assassins where the shield and extra mobility is good
Every evolve addition:
(Shield + Mobility) Q: Extra shield and added speed when you press Q
(Slow on Abilities) W: Slows the enemy for a second when you use basic abilities on the enemies
(Waveclear and Damage) E: Adds an extra shock ray to your E allowing for crazy wave clear
(Speed-up and Size Ramp-up) R: Speeds up the ult and when you get a kill with it, it grows and extends the duration by 3 seconds
It's important to take as little damage as possible and poke as much as possible while still last hitting minions for passive stacks. You can stand very far away and still hit your E. It's better to hit the minions and the enemy if possible but if they're smart they won't be standing near the minions most of the time. If they're melee you can abuse this a lot more.
Passive Stacks:
Cannons are the most important giving you 10 points, while takedowns give you 20 points. Normal minion last hits are 1 point but still important obviously.
E Evolution:
The E giving an extra shock wave is very important for Viktor's kit. If you can hit the whole wave you will do significant damage to the melee minions and then also one shot the ranged minions if you hit them with both parts. Along with this try to hit enemies with both parts but don't sacrifice hitting the first part of the laser to try to hit both parts. Basically just don't miss it's not very hard to miss.
Q Auto-attack Reset Trick:
If your auto attack isn't on cooldown (you haven't auto'd in the last second) you can press Q on a target and instantly right-click the target to instantly auto-attack. It can be very useful to surprise the enemy or just have more efficient wave-clear.
Shadowflame and Lich Bane are both options to enhance your damage 2nd item, which does mean that you can build the opposite item of what you built 3rd item if you don't need anything else. For example building Ludens into Shadowflame you can choose to go Lich Bane third or you can choose to go for Rabadon's to multiply all of your damage or maybe Zhonya's vs burst but it all depends on the match and preference.
Overall it ends up being enemy team comp or prefence. If the enemy team is all squishy/not building magic resist Shadowflame is the better option, but if the enemy team is build magic resist and is squishy/isn't that tanky Lich Bane is the better option.
TLDR: If you aren't sure which to build just build Lich Bane 2nd and then Shadowflame 3rd, but make sure to build according to the enemy team comp and what you need and not just default one build every game.
Also Liandry's is good 2nd as well vs tankier teams, so always remember that Liandrys is also a valid item.
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