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Janna Build Guide by Ramian

Support Janna, for Noobs!

Support Janna, for Noobs!

Updated on June 13, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ramian Build Guide By Ramian 20,603 Views 0 Comments
20,603 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ramian Janna Build Guide By Ramian Updated on June 13, 2018
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Font of Life

Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Introduction and Janna's Strengths and Weaknesses

When we speak of Janna, we speak of more than a champion in the game of League of Legends. We speak not simply of a woman or mistress over the air. We speak of more than the sum of Janna's parts.

When we speak of Janna, ladies and gentlemen, we speak of an idea. We speak of the idea of security and safety, of protection and preservation, and ultimately, we speak of heroism and greatness.

Janna's Strengths
+The Queen of Disengage
+Teamfight machine
+Overflowing with utility
+Reliable ways of saving others who have gotten in over their head (She cures stupid.)
Janna's Weaknesses
-Easy to kill
-Offers only limited tools in the laning phase
-Absolutely worthless if not with at least one teammate
-Poor offensive capabilities

I thank you, dear summoner, for making the decision to employ the majesty of Janna, The Storm's Fury in the Fields of Justice, for it portends greatness in you. Only the most wise and high-minded individuals seat themselves among Janna's ranks.

You might be asking yourself: what makes Janna so remarkable? Well, you see--wait, sorry you're wondering who I am? Me? I am but a messenger of the wind. Janna is far more important than I, so let us return to our discussion of her.

Janna is the Warden of Enchanters, excelling at protecting her weak allies with shields and heals from Eye of the Storm and Monsoon, as well as hindering the enemy from harassing your teammates with Monsoon's knock back and of course one of her most iconic abilities, Howling Gale. Janna does this all while buffing her teammates with bonus attack damage and a handy amount of movement speed from her passive Tailwind as well.

Unfortunately, for all that Janna offers her team, and as much as it pains me to speak it, Janna certainly has her drawbacks. She is extremely squishy, and enemies will not have a hard time bringing her down if she oversteps or is caught out of position. Janna also has pitiful, almost nonexistent damage, making her almost useless if she has no teammates nearby to strengthen. Consequently, Janna is the champion for a teamwork-minded summoner, for if you want to succeed with Janna without protecting your teammates, I fear you pursue a lost cause.

A Little Proof this build works

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Preparation: Summoner Spells

Summoner Spells

If you think you can effectively protect your allies on the Fields of Justice with just any old summoner spells then think again. If you take Teleport, for example, first of all I'll laugh at you, then Janna will roll her eyes, and then you'll learn who your real friends are, because real friends don't let Janna friends take Teleport.

That said, you do have some options for summoner spells; here are my favorites as well as some honorable mentions. They're listed in order of recommendation.

Flash is the only summoner spell on this list that is basically essential and problematic if you don't take. It's power could be difficult to grasp, especially for a newer player, but as soon as you start using it you'll wonder why you ever went without it. It allows for some amazing combos as well as additional mobility that Janna otherwise sort of lacks, so don't forget it! Besides, you'll probably get flamed by your team if you don't take it, so.

The most classic and quintessential support summoner spell, this is my default summoner after Flash for a couple of reasons. The first is that you are probably the only person on your team who is going to take Exhaust, making it a unique strength for the support position. The second reason I like it is that it isn't selfish. After all, you are the support, meaning that, wherever you can, you want to use things that enable you to support your teammates, and reducing the enemies' damage is a primo way to do that.

Heal goes hand in hand with Exhaust; whether you're the one to take it or your ADC, Heal is something that should just about always appear in the bot lane. Usually your ADC is the one to take it in order to prop up their otherwise poor defenses, but since you take Revitalize in your runes, it does make sense for the two of you to switch it up. This also gives your ADC the option to take another defensive summoner spell for themselves if they wish, like Barrier or Cleanse.

I very rarely take ignite, but there are times when it could possibly be useful. If you have a particularly aggressive early jungler, like Lee Sin or Elise, who want to gank early, and you're against a Soraka or a Sona in lane, it could be a good idea to take Ignite due to the Grievous Wounds it applies (something particularly useful against champs who do a lot of healing).
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Preparation: Runes

R u n e s


I know, I know. I can practically hear you typing, "Ramian, why the hell do you take Guardian? Shouldn't you take Summon Aery?" If you're wondering that, then take a long, hard look at Guardian's tooltip. It works on allies you're close to and allies you cast spells on. Plus, it has a surprisingly good AP ratio for being in the Resolve tree, meaning that Eye of the Storm's shield size is (almost) doubled whenever you shield damage with Guardian ready. Its usefulness doesn't fall off later in the game like Summon Aery does, and it gives you a movespeed buff, which Janna LOOOVES. Additionally, the secondary runes from the Resolve tree are surprisingly useful for supports. Font of Life gets proc'ed on both your Q and W, which is awesome for your ADC, Chrysalis gives you a bump in defense early on which gives way to AP, which is exactly what Janna wants to prop up her early laning phase, and Revitalize almost speaks for itself. Who doesn't want better shields?

There are honorable mentions, of course, Summon Aery being one of them. Glacial Augment is also fun to play around with; it has handy synergies with your W. But as we'll soon see, all you really need from the Inspiration line is encompassed by two or three runes.


As aforementioned, you get all you need out of Inspiration by limiting your detour into it. You only really need these two Runes anyway. Magical Footwear is awesome for a couple of reasons, not least of which is the fact that you don't ever really need boots before 10 minutes anyway, and due to Janna's movement speed scalings, the extra oomph goes a long way. Likewise, it's hard to go wrong with Biscuit Delivery, especially if you're against, say, a Leona and Draven lane or something, wherein you'll need all the tools you can get your hands on to stay healthy. Other options include Cosmic Insight. CDR is just as hard to go wrong with.
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Preparation: Janna's Abilities

But Janna wouldn't be Janna without her abilities!! Here's the lowdown on your primary tools for winning the game. I won't be describing what the abilities actually do when you press the button; I figure you can just mouse over the icons to do that. Rather, the spiel next to each ability is designed to both deepen and broaden your understanding of how they work. There are a few nuances that the average Janna player wouldn't pick up on, and that's the whole point of reading this guide, right?
Passive: Tailwind
Janna's passive is by no means difficult to grasp or understand, but when it comes to using it effectively you'd be surprised at how often you'll find yourself in a position where you aren't making the most of it, like when you're behind your teammate fleeing from enemies instead of in front of them.
Before you say 8% movement speed isn't very much, hear me out, because this is a hidden superpower that Janna gives her teammates. A bonus 8% movement speed is not about moving quickly in general. It's about moving faster in relation to your opponents. Think about it. If you and a teammate are being chased by opponents and have otherwise equal movement speed to them, then as long as you're running in front of your teammate thereby granting them +8% movement speed, then they can never, ever catch you. It's impossible. You're moving 8% faster than them. This is why positioning is important on Janna. You always want to position yourself in such a way as that your teammates get the most out of Tailwind at any given time. Going up in a short trade in the lane? Stand right behind them to allow them to keep their distance. Bolting down a lane after a teamfight to get to the enemy tower more quickly? Be in front of your team so they're moving towards you. Running away? Be leading the retreat. Tailwind is the first ability that grants Janna the honorary title of the Queen of Disengage.
It's easy to forget about the second portion of Tailwind: the fact that it increases the potency of your basic attacks based on your bonus movement speed. And by the way, it scales with itself, meaning that 8% movement speed you get from the first portion of Tailwind increases your basic attack damage. Early on, it's useful to remember that your basic attacks are empowered, but that doesn't mean you should assume you'll be shredding your opponents. It's just a little boost to help out with Janna's early laning phase. In other words, Eye of the Storm is still your most powerful tool in lane. Tailwind just ensures that you have something to do besides shield your ADC in the laning phase.
Q: Howling Gale
If Tailwind is the first ability that gives Janna supreme powers of disengage, then Howling Gale is the second. At first glance, you might wonder why Howling Gale is better used for fleeing than chasing. After all, if you just Q twice can't you just knock up an enemy and chase them down from there with Zephyr? Well, no; it's not quite that simple. You see, no matter how you slice it, Howling Gale is slow. Really slow. Even if you just press Q twice to instant cast it, it then has a particularly slow travel time, giving your enemies plenty of time to see where it's headed and dodge it. It is simply easier to land the knock up when running away, when enemies are headed in its direction anyway.
However, this doesn't mean Howling Gale's only use is for fleeing. In the chaos of a late game teamfight it can be fairly easy to land, and even in 2v2 duels in the bot lane, a 0.5 second knock-up can have a huge impact.
Howling Gale always takes 1.5 seconds to reach is distance limit, no matter how long you charge it or how far it goes, which means you have to place your Howling Gale where the enemy will be in 1.5 seconds or less, decreasing based on how close they are to you.
When fleeing from enemies and you have your Q available, you have a few options of which direction to fire it. (A) The obvious first option is directly behind you, knocking them up for 0.5 seconds or possibly longer if you managed to hold the tornado for longer. This is probably what you'll use most of the time, but there are other options. (B) For instance, you could direct the Howling Gale in front of you, wait for the enemy to step over it, then press Q again, this guarantees a knock-up, because they are literally stepping on the Howling Gale when you press Q a second time. However, an experienced player will see these options coming and walk around the charging Q if you attempt B. (C) If this is the case, work your way to a wall and direct your Q away from the wall, perpendicular to it (sideways from your and your opponent's path of movement), so when the enemy tries to walk around the Q to avoid being knocked up, the joke's on them since you directed your second Q to hit them even if they walk around it. Seriously, learn to use C. Its probably got the highest hit chances.
In this example, take note that I launch Howling Gale where I predict Diana is going to be, not where she is, due to Howling Gale's slow travel time. Also note that I didn't bother charging up Howling Gale. I just hammered the button twice. Sure, the knock-up was shorter, but this way, I interrupted her dash. If had waited any longer, that wouldn't have happened.

W: Zephyr
There are a few nuances to Janna that separates expert Jannas from... beginners, and management of your W is one of them. What do I mean by that? Well, first of all, there are two components to Zephyr. The first is the passive, which grants you bonus movement speed, and the ability to move through units, meaning no more minion block!! I'm sure we've all been there: stuck under the enemy tower, just killed them, the turret is trained on you and all you have to do is run away... but THERE ARE MINIONS IN YOUR WAY and they block your escape and you die. Yeah, that'll never happen on Janna (well, not while Zephyr is ready to use anyway). This bonus movement speed synergizes really well with Tailwind since bonus movement speed allows you to better position yourself around your teammates to take advantage of it.
The second component is the actual active use of Zephyr, which is a pretty simple damage and slow ability. Chained with your other crowd control abilities plus other slows you and your team has means Zephyr practically guarantees an enemy will be chased down.
However, you can only have one of these effects at a time; the bonus movement speed and collision avoidance go offline while Zephyr is on cooldown, which means that if you want to reposition yourself to make use of your passive, you'll have a harder time of it if you've already used your W. Likewise, your teammates might be in a situation where they need the enemy slowed in order to follow it up with damage, in which case it makes no sense to sit on your W. It's this mutual exclusion that a Janna player must juggle if they are to make the most out of Zephyr.
E: Eye of the Storm
Alrighty, Eye of the Storm is probably the most discussed and highly praised ability Janna has. What makes it so special? Well...
For starters, Eye of the Storm is your biggest strength in the early laning phase, despite its less than-desirable-cooldown in its first few levels (18 seconds!). Your Q is used occasionally, probably to avoid fights, but your E can be used as often as it's up. Just remember that if you're about to shield an enemy's auto-attack then you won't have your shield for another 18 seconds, so until it has 3 to 4 points in it and is on a lower cooldown, use discretion in choosing when you actually shield. Shielding your ADC right before the attack in question lands does two things. It blocks the damage they would have taken, but it also boosts their damage as well, meaning they aren't relegated to necessarily stepping back away from the enemy who attacked them. The ability to enhance either your or your ADC's attack damage comes in handy when whittling away on turrets as well. Whenever you want to increase your team's damage to a turret, make sure to give the shield to whoever has the highest attack speed on your team, not the highest damage. You see, Eye of the Storm will grant a fixed amount of AD no matter who you shield, so casting it on the person with highest attack speed means this fixed damage will be issued more often (and therefore issuing more damage) than if you had cast your E on someone with lower attack speed but more AD.
Also of note is that Eye of the Storm works on allied turrets!! It's particularly useful whenever you and your ADC get pushed up into your own tower early on. The shield is proportionally larger compared to the enemies' damage early into the game, so it can prevent quite a bit of damage going down onto your turret. Also, in case you're wondering whether or not it grants the turret bonus damage, yeah it totally does ;D
R: Monsoon
Sort of like your W, Monsoon has two components to it. The difference is that the two components of Monsoon are not mutually exclusive like your W's.
The first component is the heal, which is extraordinarily powerful. Even just at rank 1, it can heal an ally for a total of over 300 health over its duration, which is, in a word, insane. For reference, Soraka's Wish only restores 150 health at rank 1 with only marginally better AP scaling. (I mean yeah, Soraka's ult is a global heal, but you get the point.) At max rank, Monsoon can heal a total of 600 health to each ally in its area of effect. Again for reference, Soraka's Wish can only heal a grand total of 1,750 health to her team before AP scaling, but even if Monsoon only catches four allies for its full heal (including Janna), that's a total of 2,400 health before AP scaling, and even if you only catch three allies in the full heal, you STILL edge out Soraka's ulti (1,800 > 1,750). Yes, Janna's ult can actually out-heal Soraka's. Eat your banana-shaped heart out, goat lady.
The second component of Monsoon is its giant, AoE knockback and concurrent stun. Casting this ability changes the entire landscape of a teamfight, for better or for worse. Indeed, one Janna ultimate can win her team the fight... or lose it for her team spectacularly, and trust me: I've seen dozens of both. Janna's ultimate is the most inconsistently used ability of all the champions I play. I have seen far too many Janna players completely muck up their ultimate and get several of their teammates killed, and before you say anything, yes: I'll be the first to admit that I've had my own fair share of disastrous Monsoons.
Therefore, the trick to utilizing Monsoon to its greatest potential is to have a specific idea in mind as to what you want it to accomplish. If that is to knock the enemy away from you or your vulnerable Kog'Maw, then great, do it. If it is to Flash behind the enemy and knock one or two back into your team, great. But the worst Janna ults are panic ults, when you don't plan ahead as to what the ability is going to do to the fighting landscape. Therefore, always have a reason in mind to use your ultimate. As long as you have a specific purpose in mind for it, it'll probably be a useful and impactful Monsoon. I'm not saying this will guarantee a great Monsoon, but it's a good rule of thumb to develop better use of the skill.
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Part I: The Laning Phase

Reacting to Your Lane Opponents

Janna's early game is nothing special; it's extremely difficult to be aggressive as Janna in the early game due to her low damage, squishiness, and the fact that her kit takes time to fully come online. The ability that gives you the most control over the laning phase is definitely Eye of the Storm, but even that has a high cooldown until you have more points in it, meaning you'll need to make sure it counts whenever you use it. As far as your other abilities, Zephyr has almost no value until you've built up some movespeed and sunk some points into it, and Howling Gale, as we've already discussed, does not lend itself well to aggressive use. And it barely even needs to be mentioned how hard it is to be successful in using Monsoon aggressively.
Therefore, don't put too much pressure on yourself to win the laning phase. You simply aren't capable of huge, lane-winning fights or engages. The biggest thing you should be worrying about is denying as much of what the enemy throws at you as possible. This means prudent use of Eye of the Storm, since it grants a hefty shield and dreamlike AD for your ADC, and effective use of Howling Gale as disengage whenever the situation calls for it. It also means doing what you can to avoid taking damage yourself. After all, your ADC isn't your opponents' only target.
If your ADC is noob like you and doesn't understand how Janna works and keeps asking you to be more aggressive, mute them. You or they are not going to be able to make Janna capable of something she isn't. Usually a request like this stems from not understanding Janna's strengths and weaknesses or an unfortunate lane matchup. After all, if you go aggressive against a Thresh or god forbid Blitzcrank, then you might as well pre-heat the oven for them and start basting yourself, because they will cook you and eat you.


You should almost always prioritize buying a Nomad's Medallion and Nomad's Eye as early as you can just for the wards it grants you, because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure; if you can see the enemy jungler approaching your lane early, you can retreat to your turret before they're even in range of you. In other words, those vision-providing things are called wards for a reason: they protect you, and as the support, its your job to ward the lane. Your ADC is going to be far too busy buying damage, making it easier for you to be the one to invest in vision anyway. And when you do get your Nomad's Eye, don't forget to switch out your Stealth Ward for an Oracle Lens at the same time!
"Okay, so I should ward, but where?" Great question! The point of warding is to give you vision, right? That means there is more than two or three good places for wards. The ideal places are in the river bush right above the lane to gain vision of the jungler coming to gank you, as well as the blue side tri-brush if you're on blue side and potentially the tri-bush on the red side if you're on the red side (if you think the enemy jungler will try to cheese-dive you under your tower when you're on the red side of the map). Placing wards in any of these places will give you plenty of time to react if the enemy jungler shows up. It could also be worth putting wards in bushes that are in the bottom side of the lane, especially if you're against a Thresh or Blitzcrank who like to throw hooks from inside brush. If you can see them, it's easy to deal with, but not if you can't! Just remember that you cannot ward all of these locations at once. There just aren't enough wards to go around (You can only have 3 Stealth Wards from your Nomad's Eye and 1 Control Ward down at any given time.), so ward wisely! Blitzcrank or Thresh might force you to ward in the lane brush more than the river, so prioritize where you have vision and take into consideration whenever and wherever you are blind.
Where should you place your Control Ward, you ask? That's a good question too. Control Wards are called Control Wards for a reason, so it would be ideal to put it in a place where you don't just need your own vision, but need to also deny the enemy's vision. Since the enemy will place their Stealth Wards in many of the same locations as you, any of the places Stealth Wards can go, a Control Ward can too, especially if you're laning against someone like Twitch, who might literally Ambush you if have no way to gain vision of him in lane. Normally I place my Control Ward in the river, but against Twitch, it might behoove you to move it to the lane brush, somewhere it can catch vision him before he unleashes his hellfire down on you.







These are going to be your first items in almost every single game. Most other roles call for a build style which prioritizes finishing a full major item before moving on to another, but in many ways--including items--support is a different kind of role. Building full items will certainly be most cost efficient for the stats they give you, but the support role revolves much less around quantifiable stats and more qualifiable game impact. This means it's usually more important to have a broad and versatile set of items rather than a focused set of high stats like your ADC or mid laner.

These items provide that versatility. A Nomad's Eye is your best tool to keep both you and your ADC safe, and it has the added benefit of keeping your gold income high enough to keep up in terms of the pace of item completions throughout the game, and a Forbidden Idol enhances the effectiveness and frequency of Eye of the Storm, as well as Monsoon. Throw in a Control Ward or three plus an Oracle Lens, and you're set for the early game. Just don't forget to leave space in your inventory for boots at ten minutes!
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Part II: The Mid-game

Once the early laning phase is over is when Janna really starts coming into her own. Your prerogative is still to be defensive and protect your allies, but the longer the game goes on, the more useful your abilities that aren't your E become. Zephyr becomes a great source of crowd control and movement speed, enabling you to postpone your tier two boot upgrades for a little while, and Monsoon becomes three to four times more effective when you can cast it with more than one ally nearby. In general, search out small skirmishes--or big ones--because that is where Janna really shines.
Once turrets start falling on either side is when you can afford to start roaming around the map a bit more. In general, you'll want to stick near your ADC's side, because their role revolves so heavily around damage that they usually don't have reliable ways of protecting themselves. However, that doesn't mean you need to apply super glue to your ADC to stick by them. If, for example, your bottom turret is the first to fall, there is a solid possibility that your ADC will want to freeze the minion wave under the secondary tower. This is the perfect time for the enemy bot lane to wander into mid or top lane, at which point your mid laner is going to need some back-up. Going to help them accomplishes two things. The first is that it helps to absorb the pressure the enemy bot laners are putting on mid lane. The second is that by leaving your ADC alone in the bot lane, they can take solo farm and experience, allowing them to catapult themselves ahead in power. Therefore, if you know your ADC will be safe, you can afford to roam around, especially mid lane and bottom side jungle. But do leave a ward or two for them. Oh! Speaking of...


In the early laning phase, the ideal places to place wards are fairly limited. You'll want to place them near or in the lane, partly because that's where you and your ADC really need it and partly because if you wander too far you place your ADC in jeopardy and you lose out in experience.
In the mid-game, however, there is basically an infinitude of good places for wards. BUT you can only have a grand total of four wards down on the map at any given time, so you absolutely cannot afford to place wards wherever you damn well please. Rather, think about where your team needs vision right now and in the next few minutes. Consider the places where you are most blind and therefore vulnerable. For example, if you are on the red side of the map, and your jungler and ADC want to tackle an early dragon, you'll certainly want to help them. But what if the enemy jungler has a ward in the dragon pit that your team was unaware of? What if you sweep it away but your team wants to continue dragon anyway AND they haven't placed any wards around the dragon pit; you're blind except for IN the dragon pit itself. Any one of the enemy team (probably the jungler) could Flash over the back wall of the dragon pit and snake the dragon away from you. If, however, you have a ward on the other side of that wall, you can react to their intentions before they act on them. Similarly, if you are on the blue side of the map and you want to take dragon, it would be advisable to put a couple of wards in the enemy's blue side jungle before tackling the dragon.
I alluded to this in the above paragraph, but League of Legends is not solely about establishing vision for your team. It is also about denying it from the enemy, meaning that in the same Recall you buy a Nomad's Medallion, it is essential you also purchase an Oracle Lens. Where do you use your Oracle Alteration, you ask? Well, think about it: the enemy will probably want to place wards in at least similar places to you, so sweeping any of those areas wouldn't be a waste of an Oracle. You'll also want to sweep the dragon pit and baron pit whenever your team wants to try to contest them. If you somehow manage to be able to roam to mid lane early, then sweep the river brush on the bottom side of the mid lane so you'll know if the enemy has any idea you're there.





I try to finish these items in more or less this order in most of my games, the only potentially controversial choice being Boots of Swiftness rather than Mobility Boots. My reasoning here is that while Boots of Mobility do allow you to roam faster, this attribute isn't nearly worth it when you consider your passive from Zephyr. The bonus movement speed it grants you means you'll be moving around the map as quickly as you'll need to, and Swifty Boots have the added benefits of not losing their maximum movement speed by entering combat and reducing the effectiveness of slows applied to you. Beyond that, you also gain movement speed from an Ardent Censer, which you'll complete shortly. An Ardent Censer + Redemption, by the way, are precisely what Janna needs to propel her past her questionable early game and into the mid-game, when she really starts to shine. One Redemption in conjunction with Monsoon can heal an entire team up to full health from the brink of death.

Seriously, I can't overstate how important it is to keep up your vision score (the number next to your trinket in the TAB menu). Warding is called warding for a reason. It protects you. Keep at least two Control Wards in your inventory at any given time and move them around when necessary (i.e. when you take dragon or baron or something, really any time you need to ensure the enemy doesn't have vision of somewhere). Also, information is power. The more vision your team has, the better decisions you can make. Map awareness, along with effective warding, is key. Warding itself is useless if you're not paying attention to the map to take advantage of it.
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Part III: Being the REAL Warden of the Winds

Finally, we reach the late game, where Janna truly shines. In fact, it's hard to find a support who is on par with Janna in late game teamfights. Now don't get me wrong, she has competition (*cough* Taric *cough*), but there is no other champion in the entire League of Legends who is capable of literally healing their entire team back to full health during a teamfight.

How to Teamfight
If you are on the front lines, you're doing it wrong. Janna is by no means a tank. It is nigh impossible to protect your even squishier allies if you're dead, and even if you're on the front lines and you don't die, then it is still difficult to protect the allies you need to protect.
Rather, you are a backline to midline mage. This means that you'll spend most of the late game far behind your frontline tanks, where you can easily shield either them or, more likely, your ADC. It is from here you can most easily peel the enemy frontline off your ADC in the form of Howling Gale, and sticking behind your team gets you the most out of Tailwind. Tailwind can technically be used when you're in front of your team, but using it that way is best suited for after a teamfight, when you and your team will want to position to take an objective more quickly. Rather, you generally need to stick behind your frontline. Luckily, positioning on Janna is less than difficult thanks to several movement speed factors like Zephyr, Tailwind, Boots of Swiftness, and the first passive from your Ardent Censer, enabling you to easily navigate around fights and quickly roam around the map like the wind.
It can be somewhat overwhelming when it comes to instantly deciding when and where to use your abilities in any given fight, so here are some pointers. In general, use your abilities to protect people, meaning Howling Gale is best used when your squishy carries get leaped on, but if you have a solid frontline it might be used offensively to disrupt the enemy carries instead. Zephyr echoes that fact; it is best used defensively, if you use it at all. However, it is also useful for chasing straggling enemy champions down after a skirmish. Prioritize casting Eye of the Storm on your ADC. Remember, your Ardent Censer gives you and them attack speed, which your ADC is mostly likely to use the best. However, if you have someone like Jax or Darius on your team, your E can be cast on them as well.
Monsoon is trickier. As I mentioned in Preparation: Janna's Abilities, the key to using it most effectively is to have a good idea of what you want it to accomplish before you press R. Monsoon has a massive impact on the fighting landscape, for better or for worse. Here are some examples of results of poor Monsoons.

-You have knocked the enemy into your vulnerable teammates and they die.

-You have knocked the enemy away from a fed teammate, thereby saving the enemy's life.

-You have pressed R too far away from your teammates, making it difficult for them to benefit from the heal.

-You have held R for too long. I'm sure to wanted to maximize the heal that comes out of Monsoon, but don't forget that it roots you in place! The longer you keep your heal up, the more likely the enemy is to take advantage of your immobility and focus you down.

But it's also possible to make some truly sick Monsoons.

-Using the knock-back, knock an enemy into your waiting teammates to secure your team a kill.

-Heal several allies for Monsoon's full duration.

-Successfully peel enemies off your squishy carries, whether it results in a kill for your carries or not.







In terms of a fifth item, you have a few options. If your ADC has farmed well and has a kill or two, definitely get a Zeke's Convergence. It is an incredible item, able to give your ADC a truly stupid amount of damage whenever you use your ultimate near them. If, however, your ADC fed 3 kills in the laning phase, is down on farm and is blaming you for it, screw them. They are not going to be the person who carries the game. If you have another damage dealer on your team you can still pick up a Zeke's and bind with them instead. But short of that, don't forget about a Locket of the Iron Solari. It compliments your AoE heals from your Redemption and Monsoon, not to mention the defensive stats it gives you.
Don't forget about Control Wards. I'll say that again. DON'T. FORGET. ABOUT. CONTROL WARDS. Why is this little tidbit so important? Because they require one item slot. Meaning if you build a sixth item without taking the game conditions into account, then you may have just lost your team the game (if they enemy is smart). But why are Control Wards so important? Because they deny vision. If your team has a Control Ward on the Baron pit, then you have priority to take it, and Baron Nashor wins and loses games. While it's true that you'll be missing out on item stats, who cares? You're the support. Act like it. On the other hand, if you seem to have more or less constant vision of the enemy anyway, you're behind and can't leave your base, or your team is somehow also buying Control Wards, that is when you can afford to finish a sixth item.
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Appendix: Synergies

In general, Janna synergizes well with ADCs who need protection, especially early on. Your shield and general ability to protect them helps them get past their early games and on to when they own the mid- to late-game. That said, here are some of my favorite synergies. Also note that just because an ADC doesn't make this list does not mean they and Janna cannot work together. It just means I don't find as much synergy with them as I do with the following champions:









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To Sum Up

You may have noticed some themes throughout the guide:

Janna's job is to protect her allies. The title of this build, "Warden of the Wind" was not thought up randomly. That is what Janna does best.
You can get away with being less aggressive on Janna in favor of staying healthy, instead adopting a playstyle revolving around denying everything you can of what the enemy throws at you.
Learn to ward well. The more you mindfully ward, the better you can protect your team, because knowledge is power. It's just as core you Janna's identity as her shield or ultimate.

Again, congratulations on choosing Janna to employ on the Fields of Justice, for only the greats follow in her footsteps.

I hope you like Janna as much as I do! let me know what you thought of the guide, and throw it a vote if you liked it :D

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