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Recommended Items
Runes: Main Rune Page
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Soul Siphon (PASSIVE)
Morgana Passive Ability


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+ Strong CC + Great Range + High Damage + Skill immunity Morgana has big pick potential with her Root ability and that's what makes her strong from the start of the game. Her kit has a quite nice range with good amount of damage and a skill to deny enemies crowd control abilities. |
- Very Squishy - Low Mobility - Long Cooldowns - Small Support Kit Very squishy with a decent mobility makes Morgana an easy catch!. Her cooldowns are insanely high especially in the early stage of the game, gets better later on! She doesn't have enough skills to support your team either so you have to be more precise with your decisions. |


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DARK BINDING (Q): Morgana releases a sphere of dark magic in a line in the target direction, dealing magic damage to the first enemy it hits and rooting them for a duration. This is Morgana's most important ability and the one you should primarily maximize in level first! Dark Binding:

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TORMENTED SHADOW (W): Morgana desecrates the target area with infected soil for 5 seconds, dealing magic damage every 0.5 seconds to enemies within, increased by 0% − 170% (based on target's missing health). The first tick of damage is dealt instantly to enemies in the area at the time of cast. Tormented Soil deals 155% damage against non-epic monsters. This is the ability that procs your ![]() ![]() ![]()

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BLACK SHIELD (E): Morgana shields the target allied champion or herself for up to 5 seconds, which absorbs magic damage and grants crowd control immunity while the shield holds. Morgana's shield is pretty powerful but you have to be really accurate when you use it. Black Shield prevents your ally from getting CCd. That means he can't get slowed, stunned, suppressed, knocked up, feared, silenced or rooted. Morgana's shield works only if the CC hit your ally while is shielded. In other words using your Shield on an ally that is already under ![]() Black Shield:
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SOUL SHACKLES (R): Morgana latches chains of energy onto nearby enemy champions over the cast time, dealing them magic damage and forming a tether between Morgana and each target for 3 seconds, during which the targets are revealed and slowed by 20%. Basically there are 2 phases on Morgana's ultimate. (1st) Morgana attach chains on enemies while getting bonus movement speed moving towards them. (2nd) If the tethers are not broken by the end of their duration, the tethered targets are dealt the same magic damage again and are revealed and stunned for 1.5 seconds.
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Control Ward You are not going anywhere without buying this everytime you back to base. You should at least have 1 placed on the map and 1 in your inventory everytime if not 2. Combined with [Stealth Ward], you can get a serious amount of vision for your team. Do not forget to switch it to [Oracle Lens] when your [Spellthief's Edge] is almost completed. |
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Zhonya's Hourglass This item will help you get the entire ![]() ![]() |
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Ionian Boots of Lucidity Best option for boots, it provides you less cooldown on your ![]() |

Once you get on lane try picking someone with your

On Level 2 you level up:
Black Shield when there is engage support on the enemy team like
Thresh to prevent them.
Black Shield if your ADC has a reposition ability like
Tristana and you get Level 2 first than enemy. That way you can shield your ally when he engages and stop incoming cc from enemy Support that pick on Level 1 like
Shield of Daybreak,
Grand Entrance,
Flay and more!
Tormented Shadow if none of the above valid. With this you can just apply some extra damage and start farming your quest earlier and easier even before level 3.
Once you have your

During laning phase try to hit your

Another good idea is since the enemy ADC has a dash/dodge tool you can lock down the enemy Support when it's not close to his ADC. In such scenarios the enemy ADC might turn immediately towards you or your ADC taking a fight. If you are not close to bind enemy Support its a good 2v1 for you and your teammate.
When you hit Level 6, you should look for a fight. Start with hitting your

Morgana excels on rooting someone in a position, right? That makes her an excellent choise for roaming. Always take the safe path in your side to roam. You don't want to get yourself caught by enemy jungle, also is most unlikely to be warded.
- Is the enemy botlane missing? Roam!
- Did you recall and Bot is missing? Roam from base and then head to your lane.
- Is your lane pushing but you feel like you can't pressure for early plates? Ping and Roam!
- Is your jungler going for crab or a fight is 'about to happen' there? Push your wave and roam!

How to deal as Morgana against ganks!
First of all as I said couple of times through this guide, your

Stay in range, you don't need to walk close. Make sure you use you wards and when you are about to get ganked look for the closest threat to use your

When you are getting ganked from High Mobility champions such as

On the other hand if you are getting ganked by an enemy Jungler that has a reposition ability like


In teamfights you should prioritise your

In other scenarios where you have a

In worst cases where your team composition doesn't have any champion that can engage, YOU have to be the one that must do it. So when you feel confident and your team is grouped, try to use


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