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Darius Build Guide by Sporkintahn

Top [25.S1.3] Lord of Top Lane; A Darius Guide

Top [25.S1.3] Lord of Top Lane; A Darius Guide

Updated on February 5, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sporkintahn Build Guide By Sporkintahn 12 1 50,169 Views 6 Comments
12 1 50,169 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sporkintahn Darius Build Guide By Sporkintahn Updated on February 5, 2025
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Runes: Primary Runes

1 2 3 4
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Bone Plating

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
Go To
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[25.S1.3] Lord of Top Lane; A Darius Guide

By Sporkintahn
Welcome to my Darius Guide. I have been playing since Season 1 and Darius has been my main go to in the Top Lane since his release in Season 2. I've played league on and off over the years. Seasons 2 and 3 then into early Season 4 I played quite a lot of League when I was younger before I stopped for nearly a year and a half.

Since coming back in Season 6 then I've hovered Silver I to Mid-Low Gold. I would take brief breaks here and there in the process. One of which I took a break for most of 2020 and came back too late in October to reach Gold only getting in about 40 games before ranked ended. I haven't taken this game too seriously over the years and have mostly watched the LCS and other international leagues in my spare time. This time around I'm looking to really improve my play in the game and learn all that I can. There is always room for improvement!

Darius is by far my favorite champion in not only his play style but thematically as well.

As I continue with updating this guide as time goes on I will upload videos to YouTube to which I will link in various parts of the guide.

This Guide so far is more or less a rough draft and is obviously not as flashy or good looking as others but I hope you enjoy and please leave feedback!
Early Lane (Levels 1-6)
This Chapter will be divided into VS Melee and VS Ranged sections.


Laning with Darius can be rather satisfying. He is a champion that punishes enemy mistakes and thrives in situations where he is in an extended fight.

Early laning with Darius is all about positioning, gaining advantages by being a natural lane bully and forcing mistakes out of your lane opponent. You are in control of the lane against most champions right from Level One so you must use that to your advantage to gain a foothold in the lane.

As easily as it is to be kited on Darius, one of his historical weak points. You yourself as a Darius actually look to kite the enemy a lot in lane and position yourself with your Q harass and short trades with an Auto+W. You want be trying to force them to either make a mistake and look for windows of opportunity to catch them into bad / extended trades or all-ins.

All the while you are harassing and forcing your enemy into bad trades you want to be mindful to play around your power spikes in lane. Darius while being quite strong at level One also has a very strong Level 2, 3 and 6 Power Spikes. He also has another one at level 11.

It is common for a Darius to look to have an extended trade or All-In at levels 1-2 against an opponent with Q and/or W up. Your Q will deal a lot of damage initially and your W will slow them, and give you a valuable auto attack reset and allow you to stick to them often forcing a flash. Not very many champions can fight Darius Levels 1 or 2, even up to level 3.

Again at level 3 you will have all three abilities available which can give you all the tools you need to keep a fleeing enemy close to you extending the trade / All-In.

Finally at level 6 is your huge power spike as you will have your Ultimate to deal a lot of damage and attempt to execute your enemy laner.

Level One VS Melee: Right from Level One (if you are stronger than they are) you want to literally force the enemy champion off of the wave so you can dictate the lane and keep them away from getting any CS. They should respect your level early power over them otherwise they will get punished.

Cheese Strat: Often times if you know your Level One is far superior to theirs you can start W and subsequently hide in the furthest most bush and wait for them to enter lane as the minion waves crash into each other. Walk up behind them and get a quick Auto+W+Auto combo on them to chunk them out quickly. You want to walk them all the way back to their tower hitting them along the way. If they don't immediately disengage or subsequently flash away from you, just pop ghost and look to all-in them and either kill or force them out of lane early. Once done you should have complete control of the lane at this point.

Level Two and Three VS Melee: If you haven't already this is the point where you start becoming more dangerous. Keep exerting your pressure on your opponent; if you are able to freeze the wave on your side of the map it will be huge in extending any lead you have and forcing your opponent to play overextended. Often times if they are overextended in such a long lane you will be able to use Ghost to your advantage to run them down and kill them if they misplay or you get a good trade against them. (Few Exceptions)

Level Six VS Melee: This is where you become your most dangerous. You can now completely annihilate the enemy champion and are able to easily 2v1 ganks if played well enough. This is Darius' first major power spike and every champion should show you respect at this point.

Level One VS Ranged: Depending on the champion you will take harass and poke when you attempt to CS and you want to stand behind your wave instead of in front. Certain ranged matchups you can attempt to cheese or abuse early but it's not many. Look for a Decimate (Q) start and harass as such, which can also heal back some of their harass if you land accordingly.

Level Two and Three VS Ranged: You really don't gain any level of control in most ranged matchups until level 2 or 3 where you have your full kit, minus ult, available to you to punish them if they get too close or misposition in lane. If they are pushing the wave onto your side of the map, which you should always do as it forces them to play extended, this is where you can attempt to either freeze or you can look to run them down with Ghost if you are able to do so, provided the enemy minion wave isn't massive.

Level Six VS Ranged: This is where you become your most dangerous and if you are able force the enemy to play extended your All-In becomes far more lethal. Just run them down with Ghost to net an easy kill. Most ranged champions are extremely squishy and are easy to kill once you're on top of them.

I will be uploading videos to YouTube which I will link here detailing early game and levels 1-6 in many different situations.

Wave Management
As Darius you are a natrual lane bully and often times as such you will find yourself in control of the lane and the wave. Wave management requires patience; a lot of it. If you find yourself impatient and just mindlessly shoving lane, csing minions and constantly at the foot of their tower. It will attract even more jungler attention and put yourself at risk to dying.

One thing worse than just dying in lane; is dying in lane as a massive wave crashes into your tower and you lose all of that gold and EXP. Not only at that point are you a kill and 300 Gold behind, but you are even more gold depending on the size of the wave and . So wave management is extremely important.

Ideally in almost every matchup you want to look to freeze the wave on your side of the map as much as possible. Against ranged opponents this is much more difficult to do but is equally important.

If you want a full guide on how manage waves and freeze them as well, here is a link to one below. It was published in 2018 but all of the same rules apply.

With freezing the wave this gives you many advantages.

One: It forces the enemy laner to play extended and often over extended in a long lane. It makes them more susceptible to ganks and dying to your all-ins as they have farther to walk back to the safety of their tower.

Two: It allows you more safety in lane vs ganks and their own all-ins as you are closer to your own tower.

Three: Allows you to easily zone them off the wave so they lose more CS and EXP if you are able to keep them far enough away. This is how you can further build upon a lead against them early without entirely needing to just kill them. Aside from gold, XP is also extremely important.

Four: If the enemy wants to break the freeze often times they will need to look to play into you more, opening themselves up to harass, taking bad trades or a potential all in.

Five: If you are behind in lane it will allow you to be able to catch back up in CS and EXP.
Team Fights
Darius is a team fighter, straight up. His biggest strengths are being in the thick of fights, dishing out damage, locking down a target and executing them. Although he can be very dangerous in a 1v1 he excels in team fights and skirmishes far more.

With that being said, Darius is not the one to initiate most team fights. Smaller skirmishes (e.g. 2v2, 3v3) he can be the one you can rely on to catch an enemy to initiate but full 5v5 fights unless you have no other option he isn't the best at doing so.

Darius' role in a team fight is to kite around the enemy as much damage as possible and attempt to lock up a single target to which he can gain 5 stacks of his passive on to proc it, then spreading that passive to other more valuable targets, if he isn't on his desired target initially, for him to spread his 5 stack passive to Ult and execute them.

As a Darius often times you want the fight to already be engaged and ongoing before you make your move; you want them to use their initial abilities and CC if possible to reduce the likelihood of you getting locked down. Often times you look to flank the enemy in a fight and catch them off guard.

In order to effectively play your part in fights you want a team comp that has some reliable engage and other beefy front line champions, preferably a tank Jungler or Support with good engage tools. If you're the only tanky member on your team and they have tanks with engage and subsequent follow up, you might not have a good time in team fights come the mid and late game, unless you and/or your team were able to snowball early.

12/28/2020: Created

12/29/2020: Updated Items and Early Lane section.

01/08/2021: Updated Matchups, Items, etc.

01/25/2021: Updated Matchups.

1/29/2021: Updated Items.

02/05/2021: Updated Early Lane and Wave Management chapters.

02/10/2021: Updated Matchups.

02/18/2021: Updated for 11.4, Updated Matchups

03/01/2021: Updated Matchups, Added Viego Matchup

03/07/2021: Updated for 11.5, Updated Matchups and Items

01/18/2025: Update for 25.S1.1
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sporkintahn
Sporkintahn Darius Guide
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[25.S1.3] Lord of Top Lane; A Darius Guide

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