Pretty annoying matchup for LeBlanc, she can cancel your W with charm so try W from angles that aren't just straight on. Ahri is a very good neutralizer so it's hard to build anything more than a small lead. She also outpushes you and is hard to kill. Recommend taking TP and just playing for roams/scaling.
Definitely LeBlanc favored, pre 6 you should have no trouble bullying her, just make sure to save E in case she hits E onto you. After 6 just look for QW auto trades. That way you have either your E or your R to disengage if she tries to ult onto you.
Pretty hard matchup early game, he perma pushes you in and it's hard to trade vs him. Definitely have TP in this matchup and hope your jungle ganks. Save E defensively for when he tries to E onto you.
Anivia is pretty hard to kill 1v1 but she's extremely gankable and you should be able to consistently push her in both in lane and the sidelane. Just be careful using your W directly onto her, it's normally better to W at an angle to make sure you don't get stunned.
Annie can depend a lot on what rune page she takes. If she takes a scaling page like dark harvest or first strike, you should be able to contest her early game. If she has a strong laning page like aery resolve, she’ll be quite strong in lane so you will have to trade more carefully. Post 6 she has a lot of threat and will probably just drop her bear for a lot of poke. Once this bear is gone though she’s weak again. Merc treads and refillable can be quite useful to pick up early in this matchup, or if you don’t want the full mercs at least buy a null magic mantle. Setting up ganks is the main way you're going to win this matchup.
Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol is very strong at level 1 with his Q poke so try and avoid this. Try and keep creeps in front of you in order to block his Q spam and make sure you save your E defensively so he can't freely W onto you. Normally if you play for short trades you can build a small lead in lane against Asol. Any jungle gank or 2v2/3v3 skirmish early game should favor you.
Try and look to get aggressive whenever he moves his soldiers forward with Q as he will be very vulnerable with the soldiers far away from him. Ideally you will reach your first base with a CS lead over Azir and can ride that out for the rest of the lane. Generally you will win short trades, especially if you connect chain, but if you let him poke/waveclear for free it can be difficult.
LeBlanc favored, take electrocute and ignite. You have really high kill pressure and gank pressure on Cassiopeia. Just be careful about getting ultied after 6, try punish her when she uses Q. If you don't manage to get ahead early this matchup can become quite hard, so snowballing is key.
One of the freest LeBlanc matchups, you can solokill him at basically any point in the game. Take electrocute ignite and look for as many short trades as possible.
Pretty easy matchup if you save E. Just QW onto him and if he follows you back then you can chain him and do tons of damage to him. He does have high amounts of waveclear so try threaten him off the wave.
Reasonably difficult because Diana is so tanky, if you save an E for when she dashes onto you it should be favorable for you though. She's also very gankable.
While this is ultimately a skill matchup it's extremely volatile and a lot easier for you to make a mistake than for the Fizz. Levels 1 and 2 you can bully him quite hard but be very careful of getting bursted level 3. After 6 make sure you save a dash to avoid his ulti or at least to get out of his range.
Galio is a pretty good neutralizer but you should still be able to build a lead and lane and he's pretty free first strike gold. You also do quite well against a lot of the champions Galio gets paired with, so this matchup is actually pretty good these days.
Hwei is very strong in lane but you will outperform him in any early skirmishes or teamfights. Try position behind creeps so that you can’t get hit by random QQ poke, but far enough away that you have time to dodge the QE + EE combo if he decides to try nuke the wave instead. Try setup ganks onto him and look to trade whenever his E is down.
Pretty difficult matchup because of her extreme amounts of sustain but you do quite well to her in teamfights. This lane will mostly be about just scaling up and making sure you hold your chain defensively for her at all times.
Jayce is relatively weak before first base so try and build an initial lead here. If he buys a dirk first base trades will start to become difficult, but if he buys any form of tear + whatever he will normally still be weaker than you. Try not to give him free windows to QE you (stand behind creeps) and save your E in case he tries to jump on you with melee Q.
The classic anti LeBlanc matchup. It's definitely not as bad as it used to be and you should be able to build up a small lead pre first base which you can use to carry through the rest of the lane. You aren't really expecting any solokills so you want to just keep your CS high and once you get enough waveclear, start to pressure the map.
Katarina is a weak laner outside of a couple key moments. Make sure you don’t stand on any daggers and respect her level 2 and level 6 all in. For the most part Katarina will just look to spam roam and cheese kills from other lanes so placing good wards and pinging missing or retreat pings on lanes to keep her from getting kills is really important. If you can ever lock her in lane or kill her you will be massively ahead. Quick QW trades are really good especially if her E is on CD and she has no way to dodge it.
LeBlanc is actually favored over Lissandra in the 1v1. Take TP and in the early game look to punish when her W is down. Later on in the lane look to punish when her Q is down instead (since she has more points in it). Just be careful of getting ganked and make sure you pick up merc treads at some point.
Lux is a pretty strong laner with her heavy E poke. Do your best to dodge as many of these as possible and make sure not to get hit by a stray Q. Her cooldowns are quite long and her main trading tool, her E, is also her main form of waveclear before level 6. Try not to group up with the wave and if she does use E on the wave look to trade aggressively. When you trade on her make sure you either wait for her Q to be down or W to the side in order to dodge it. Merc treads can also be useful later on in this matchup.
Another misunderstood matchup. The 1v1 in this matchup is extremely easy but in teamfights if you don't have a QSS will be quite difficult. You can almost guarantee solokills with electrocute ignite (or TP if you prefer). Try use your W to kill his voidlings as well as damage him.
Neeko is one of the strongest laning champs in the game and also has immense teamfight and skirmishing power. In the lane phase it will all be about how many Qs and Es you can dodge so try and keep your movement very active. Merc treads rush can help a lot in this matchup too. Any early ganks will hurt her a lot as she needs to snowball. You will be heavily advantaged against Neeko in the sidelane so that will be your chance to catch up.
Naafiri is a relatively weak laner but she snowballs extremely well so do your best to bully her in the 1v1 and prevent her from getting any roam opportunities. All her damage in lane comes from getting hit by 2 Qs in a row, so if you can dodge one you will normally win the trade. She can look to W directly onto you, so hold your E and use it to guarantee a chain. Overall this should be a fairly easy matchup for you as long as you time your E correctly.
Orianna is very strong in lane but is extremely vulnerable to ganks. In the 1v1 you mainly just need to dodge the ball as much as possible and look for short WQE or QW trades. Normally your goal against Orianna will just be to stay as even as you can in the 1v1 and wait for jungle help or to be more impactful in midgame/skirmishes.
Pantheon is going to be stronger than you levels 1-2 but he gets heavily outscaled and once you have chain doesn't have that many windows to trade on you. Make sure to keep eyes on him post 6 and if he ults to another lane you will most likely just want to punish by pushing the wave and hitting the mid tower, unless you think you can roam to the play in time.
Qiyana is pretty weak level 1 and 2 but spikes hard at level 3 and level 6. Make sure to avoid the level 3 all in by having the wave bounce back to you, but other than that you will want to build up a lead before she hits 6. At level 6 make sure to avoid standing too close to walls or the river as this will mean she can kill you with ultimate easily. Qiyana needs to snowball to be relevant so making sure you don’t die and try limit her windows to roam will go a long way. You will pretty much always win quick QW trades and she should need to use a lot of mana to farm with Q, so make sure you position aggressively.
In pure 1v1 this matchup is Ryze favored because he can easily outpush and outfarm you. He is extremely gankable though and if you ever catch him with a chain at any point in the game your team can easily kill him.
Seraphine scales and teamfights very well but she is weak in lane and lacks waveclear after the changes. She has long cooldowns so if she uses Q or E to farm or harass look to punish by forcing a trade on her or zoning her off the wave. Eventually you will be able to match her waveclear, but you will need some sort of lead early game (CS, kills, roams, plates etc) in order to match her scaling.
This is possibly the most snowball LeBlanc matchup. If you stay even/ahead you should find this easy, but if you fall behind it will be impossible. Make sure to hold your chain defensively and look for trades only when he has used a cooldown.
Swain can depend a lot on the rune page he is running and what he builds. If Swain goes for an aery/scorch/chapter build he will be a lot stronger in lane than normal, but he will lack the scaling he normally has. Against this page you should expect to go even or slightly ahead. If you’re against any other setup you should be able to build a pretty big lead in lane by abusing his long cooldowns and dodging his E. Swain does scale very well into you, but in teamfights you can either double chain him while his ult runs out or you can just focus on killing someone squishier.
Definitely Syndra favored in the 1v1 but similar to Orianna you can look to setup ganks and snowball. This matchup is all about how well you can dodge Syndra Q's and punish cooldown windows. Make sure to W from an angle rather than just straight on otherwise she will cancel it with E. Consider rushing merc treads unless you find a big lead pre 6.
Taliyah is relatively weak in the laning phase but scales very well. In the laning phase her main harass tools also function as her waveclear so try and make her choose between pushing the wave and harassing you, as well as looking to be aggressive if she wastes Q and/or E. Even if she has those cooldowns up you can sometimes win trades if you W to the dodge the damage while your EQ goes off.
Pretty hard matchup as she always pushes you in. Save E for when she jumps on you or to gank her. If you QW her she can just jump back on your pad so just try to CS with auto attacks.
Twisted Fate
Take TP and rush out chapter in order to match the waveclear. You will normally win trades with QW as long he doesn't have boneplating up. You can also just wait for him to use his W on the wave and then look to force a trade. Make sure to get merc treads for his stun at some point in the game.
One of the rare ranged matchups where you might want to take first strike. You out trade him pretty hard pre 6 and should be able to build a nice lead, but post 6 can be more difficult if you take random Q damage. You will want merc treads vs him eventually but you don't need them super early. Even if you can't trade directly, you can focus on pushing and moving instead since he can't match your waveclear post 6.
This matchup is easier than you think. You can never W onto Vex while her fear is up, but you can poke her with Q and eventually she will use her fear on the wave if you keep autoing it. While her fear is down, try go for QW or WEQ trades. She is also very gankable so very often you can walk out of this lane with a lead (or at worse even).
Viktor is a very strong 1v1 laner and scales very well, but he’s extremely weak in early skirmishes and very gankable. Viktor has reasonably long cooldowns on his Q E and W so looking to trade when these are on cooldown is key (especially Q). Keeping the wave in a gankable position or dragging Viktor into early skirmishes is also very beneficial. Rushing T2 boots can be useful for dodging some of the E poke and looking to chase Viktor down the lane.
Vladimir is a very unique champion to play against. In the early laning phase Vlad is quite weak, he has fairly long cooldowns and his sustain is not particularly great so try and build a lead in the first 5 levels. After 6 and first base Vlad becomes quite strong, try and trade efficiently and abuse his lack of waveclear. If you get the chance, try look to punish him whenever his Q is down, especially immediately after he uses his empowered Q. I would recommend taking ignite in this matchup as it adds a considerable amount of kill pressure.
Xerath has a lot of range and is pretty hard to kill unless he plays way too aggressive. I would recommend matching TP and just focus on either setting up ganks or trying to find windows to punish if he wastes E aggressively, or if he uses his Q and W at the same time.
QW trades will be really good for you. Make sure to pop his shield before going in. Be careful of him dodging your W with E. Save E for when he dashes onto you and try not to let it get windwalled.
Sometimes this matchup can be difficult 1v1 later in the lane, but you should win early and have insane gank setup. Also be careful diving him post 6 as you can get ultied and killed. Try and make sure you always have a chain for his E.
ou win early game so don't be afraid to QW trade. Dodge as many WEQ trades as you can, ideally without using W but if you'll avoid a lot of damage with it you can commit it. Post 6 can be difficult but similar to fizz if you save a dash he will have a hard time ever killing you.
Ziggs can be fairly strong in lane if you can’t dodge his skillshots. If you can avoid the poke though you should have no problems. If he’s using his abilities on you, he won’t have any control of the wave as long as you are standing far enough away to not be splashed by it. Make sure to rush boots in this matchup and try move aggressively into him when his cooldowns are down. If he ever uses his W aggressively you can force an all in or setup a gank. Once he gets too much waveclear for you to punish, just look to push and invade jungle or roam to other lanes.
Zilean is very abusable in lane. He has long cooldowns and his only way to farm from long range is also his only trading tool AND it’s a dodgeable skillshot. Make sure Zilean has to choose between hitting you with Q or farming with Q and when his Q is on cooldown try W very aggressively into him. While you can’t normally kill Zilean in lane, you should be able to build a fairly big CS lead. After 6 you can either look to get him low and waste his ult (without killing him) or just look to push and move to other lanes.
This is a kill matchup, but it's extremely volatile and snowbally. I would recommend taking TP and merc treads, but if you want to be safe you can take cleanse and skip mercs instead. Make sure to W at an angle to not get hit by a bubble because if you do you will lose most of your HP. Sometimes you can do a direct QW trade if her bubble will get blocked by creeps.
1v1 is slightly favored to you, you need to try bait our her cooldowns before you go into trade. Sometimes it can be better to just spam W Q auto poke (without Wing directly on her). If she ever wastes E then you can go for a harder punish.
Hey guys I'm Shok, multi Rank 1 Challenger mid laner and content creator! I played league professionally from 2017-2021 and have been rank 1 in multiple seasons, as well as rank 13 on the NA ladder in season 9.
I upload regularly on YouTube, and stream everyday on Twitch so feel free to follow me on either of those platforms :)
Season 10Season 9 Season 9 NA
Combos + Tips
For advanced combos on LeBlanc I'd recommend checking out the combo's section of my video guide.
Laning Phase
LeBlanc doesn't have a traditionally strong laning phase anymore. LeBlanc's real strength comes from her gank setup and skirmishing power. In lane you will be wanting to punish enemy cooldowns with WEQ or QW. If you don't get ahead in lane that's fine as LeBlanc scales a lot better than people think, but it is important you don't fall behind. Pre 6 keep the wave in the middle and play to setup the lane for ganks. You can sometimes score a solokill at level 3 if you get a good QW trade at level 2.
After level 6 your lane gets a lot stronger since your ulti cooldown is lower than other champions and you can use it to trade aggressively. Try auto attack the backline of ranged creeps so that your W kills them, this way you can WEQ and often catch them with an unexpected chain. If you don't fall behind eventually you will be able to clear waves very fast by autoing the ranged creeps once and waiting for the melees to get low before using W on the entire wave. This will allow you to push and move around the map easily to pick up kills.
Mid Game
LeBlanc excels in the mid game, she's extremely powerful in the side lane and can single handedly win the games by making picks or killing key targets in teamfights. By far the thing people struggle with the most on LeBlanc is CSing. In order to keep up in CS it's important you do not fall behind early, if you stay at least even you should be able to 1 shot waves when you have Ludens. This will allow you to push in side waves before grouping up. LeBlanc can push the side lane further than other champions safely because she is so mobile.
Make sure to balance farming with grouping with objectives. People will fight at an objective in solo queue whether you are there or not so you will need to be there or risk them losing 4v5. Learning when you can farm and when you need to group will take some time, but by far the most important thing is not to fall behind in the first place otherwise it will take you forever to clear waves in the side lane on LeBlanc.
Teamfighting and Skirmishing
In teamfights and skirmishes you want to use your mobility to find key targets to kill or chunk. Oftentimes chunking a squishy significantly is as good as killing them for a fight since they won't have the HP to fight anymore. Before fights look to get some poke off with Q or QR. Sometimes you can peel with double chain but I wouldn't recommend it unless your ADC is very fed as you're better suited for killing their squishy targets. Sometimes the enemy will have key CC that you need to wait for before you can dash in, so it's okay to be patient with your W.
More LeBlanc Content
Thank you for reading my LeBlanc guide and I hope you guys learned something from it. If you have any questions you can ask here or message me directly.
I upload regularly on YouTube, and stream occasionally on Twitch so feel free to follow me on either of those platforms :)
If you're interested in individual coaching contact me on discord shokoce.
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