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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Happy Hour (PASSIVE)
Gragas Passive Ability
this is my 2nd guide. I hope you'll enjoy and that it will help you. I decided to make a guide on Gragas because he's another champ I enjoy playing and just roll my barrels.
*NOTE : Ability Power Midlander means champions that have abilities that scales with Ability power. Example : - -
Attack Damage means champions that scales with Attack damage. Example : - -
Pros :
[*] Late game monster
[*] Safe pick in pretty much any lane
[*] AoE damage monster
[*] Can escape with Body Slam
Cons :
[*] Takes some times to get going
[*] Late game monster
[*] Safe pick in pretty much any lane
[*] AoE damage monster
[*] Can escape with Body Slam
Cons :
[*] Takes some times to get going
Versus Ability Power Midlaner
Item Sequence
Health Potion
Health Potion
Warding Totem Removed
Doran's Ring
Fiendish Codex
Needlessly Large Rod
Athene's Unholy Grail
Sorcerer's Shoes
Blasting Wand
Rabadon's Deathcap
Void Staff
Zhonya's Hourglass
The other items are obviously for the damage. Rabadon's Deathcap and Void Staff are great items on pretty much all the Ability power champ since they give you so much.
Versus Attack Damage Midlaner
Item Sequence
Health Potion
Health Potion
Warding Totem Removed
Doran's Ring
Seeker's Armguard
Needlessly Large Rod
Zhonya's Hourglass
Sorcerer's Shoes
Rabadon's Deathcap
Void Staff
I like to get Morellonomicon for the late game since it gives pretty much what Athene's Unholy Grail gives except magic resist. It gives more AP, more mana regen and same cooldown reduction. So when the teamfights come, you will be able to spam your abilities and do a ton of damage.
Variation for last item
Item Sequence
Guardian Angel
I'll get Banshee's Veil if the other team are trying to poke us down.
Versus Ability Power Midlander
Greater Seal of Armor is to block some damage from the auto attacks and also from the ganks by the jungler. It's also a useful late game to block some damage.
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist These are useful early game if you are against a AP champion since it will block some of the magic damage, it will allow you to survive the damage.
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power is just the opposite of what marks are. Ability Power will give you more damage than magic penetration.
Versus Attack Damage Midlaner
Early it's standard. You wanna farm as much as you can since Gragas scales so well with items. If you are against a ranged AP champion, just stay back and farm under turret using your Barrel Roll and Drunken Rage to get more attack damage.
Like the note on the abilities say, you can put points in W a level 2, 8 and 10 to get 60 mana back every time you use Drunken Rage, which is about 2 mana per second at this point.
Like the note on the abilities say, you can put points in W a level 2, 8 and 10 to get 60 mana back every time you use Drunken Rage, which is about 2 mana per second at this point.
This is where Gragas shines. With the AoE (Area of Effect) damage he has, he can chunk multiple people down at the same time. Your goal with Explosive Cask is to seperate the team in 2. So your team can focus 1 or 2 targets while the others need to catch up to them to help them. So you want to throw your ultimate in the middle of their team to push the main damage dealer (usually in the back) away and isolate the tanks from the rest of their team. That way, all your team can then focus the tanks to kill them and then turn their attention to the other, more squishy, targets.
A great way to seperate and to a ton of damage at the same time is to throw a Barrel Roll in the middle of the opponent's team and throw the Explosive Cask as a follow up. You'll do a ton of damage to multiple targets while isolating the targets you want to isolate.
A great way to seperate and to a ton of damage at the same time is to throw a Barrel Roll in the middle of the opponent's team and throw the Explosive Cask as a follow up. You'll do a ton of damage to multiple targets while isolating the targets you want to isolate.
Fizz is a favorable match up for you. If he tries to jump on you, you can always Body Slam backwards to make him miss and then throw a barrel at him for some damage. Also, in the team fights, you will more useful than him since you can do almost the same damage as him. If he ever tries to jump on you on a team fight, (which will be hard since you are usually in the back line) you can use your ultimate to push him away and then your team can focus him. Fizz is an assassin, so he is more useful to clean up, therefore you wanna keep your ultimate in case he tries to clean 1 of your teammate or to simply kill your opponent.
Another match up that favors you in the late game. You scale better than orianna, although she also scales well. So you basically need to be better than her. This could be consider a skill match up. Whoever is better, will win the lane and be more useful in the end. In lane, just stay away of her Ball and keep farming under the turret with your Drunken Rage until you have enough damage to clear waves with Barrel Roll.
This is another skill match up. The difference with Orianna is that Zed does more damage than Ori in the early game, which you need to be aware of. Stay in safe range, and farm and poke with your Barrel Roll. If he ever tries to jump on you, you can try to deny him with your ultimate which will push him back. You shouldn't really die in this lane, sine you have as many ways as Zed to escape.
This is just like Zed, but you need to be more aware of where you are in the lane. Since kha'zix deals more damage to isolated targets, you need to be careful to where you are compared to your minions. If you are too far back, kha'zix will try to all in you by Leaping to you and try to deal more damage with Taste Their Fear. So if he ever tries to all in you, and you have your ultimate, try to push him away from you. Versus kha'Zix, you want to stay safe and just avoid letting him snowball.
Another match up that favors you in the late game. You scale better than orianna, although she also scales well. So you basically need to be better than her. This could be consider a skill match up. Whoever is better, will win the lane and be more useful in the end. In lane, just stay away of her Ball and keep farming under the turret with your Drunken Rage until you have enough damage to clear waves with Barrel Roll.
This is another skill match up. The difference with Orianna is that Zed does more damage than Ori in the early game, which you need to be aware of. Stay in safe range, and farm and poke with your Barrel Roll. If he ever tries to jump on you, you can try to deny him with your ultimate which will push him back. You shouldn't really die in this lane, sine you have as many ways as Zed to escape.
This is just like Zed, but you need to be more aware of where you are in the lane. Since kha'zix deals more damage to isolated targets, you need to be careful to where you are compared to your minions. If you are too far back, kha'zix will try to all in you by Leaping to you and try to deal more damage with Taste Their Fear. So if he ever tries to all in you, and you have your ultimate, try to push him away from you. Versus kha'Zix, you want to stay safe and just avoid letting him snowball.
Gragas is a safe pick, usually very useful towards late game and in teamfights. He's also useful to steal barons or dragons with the combo of his ultimate with Barrel Roll.
He is a very fun champion overall.
Leave comments on match ups you'd like to see me add or what you think could be better about the guide.
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He is a very fun champion overall.
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