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Ahri Build Guide by Siderman5

Middle 40% cdr Ahri mid Guide

Middle 40% cdr Ahri mid Guide

Updated on November 15, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Siderman5 Build Guide By Siderman5 11,129 Views 0 Comments
11,129 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Siderman5 Ahri Build Guide By Siderman5 Updated on November 15, 2020
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Runes: Standard runes

1 2
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Manaflow Band

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Standard Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

40% cdr Ahri mid Guide

By Siderman5
Hello guys!

This guide was made by an avarage Ahri player, who just simply loves her mechanics.
The guide is made in the 10.15 update, but I will refresh it if Riot changes something that has a connection with Ahri.

I made the guide a little same as the Ahri guide of TheCatOfCheshire, because I learned a lot of stuff from that guide about Ahri, so go check out his guide too, because it is really simple and more accurate then mine. All the combos and else are shown in his guide by videos, so I will just write here down the basics, and my own opinions.

The link for his guide:
The Summoner Spells
Flash: Really important for her, it is needed for your combos, or to escape from a bad situation if your ult isn't up.

Ignite: Should bring as the other summoner spell, because with Ahri, you will be able to combo with ignite really well.

Barrier: Some people plays Ahri with barrier, I don't. Shield can save lives sometimes, but ignite is better for an agressive Ahri player like me. Maybe vs a really bad matchup like Malzahar of Kassadin I would take shield, but in most cases ignite is better.

Heal: Adc Ahri? Serious? (I know it works in some matchups, but I don't really feel it a good thing.)
The combos are really simple, I will set them to 2 groups:

Combos for poke:

1. Autoattack + + Autoattack

2. Autoattack + + Autoattack

Full combos:

Basic combo:

+ + + Autoattack

Complete combo:

+ + + + + Autoattack + + + + Autoattack
Laning Phase
Versus ranged champs:

The early phase of the game isn't the best for you, but if you are able to poke and farm better then the enemy mid laner, you will have an easier mid and late game. You should push waves up, because if you try to freeze the wave, the enemy mid laner will start to poke you and you will be just stuck under turret taking dmg.

If you can push the waves up, try to poke the enemy, but focus dodging skillshots to take less damage. After level 6 you can be a bit more agressive, you should try to find chances to attack, try basic combos, so electrocute can activate too.

If you feel losing the lane, ask help from the jungler and try to get advantage on lane.

Versus melee champs:

You have the ability to pressure the lane, and poke down enemy with autoattacks, or with a few spells. You should try to freeze the wave, because then the enemy won't be able to farm well, and you actually won the lane. you have to stay better at farming, and continue throwing combos at the enemy champ to take a few kills away in the early game.

If you are losing against a melee champion, try to play safer, freeze the wave at your side, and ask the junger for a gank.
End of the Guide
Thanks for reading! I know I missed a few topics like after laning phase, but I think the guide what I already mentioned has a good system for the topics so you should visit it if you want to become a real Ahri pro.

The link for the guide of TheCatOfCheshire:

Thanks again for visiting! :D
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Siderman5
Siderman5 Ahri Guide
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40% cdr Ahri mid Guide

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