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Jhin Build Guide by creedztep

7.10 - Crit Jhin Over 700AD

7.10 - Crit Jhin Over 700AD

Updated on May 25, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author creedztep Build Guide By creedztep 2,042 Views 0 Comments
2,042 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author creedztep Jhin Build Guide By creedztep Updated on May 25, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Lane phase.

To do list:
    More poke.
    More farm.
    Kill someone if you can.
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Stay behind your allies.
Poke your enemies.
Always stay in the range of your allies, so they can save you.
If necessary start a teamfight with your ultimate. (Only if you see all the enemies).
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Pros / Cons

    - High Damage over 700 AD with Potion.
    - Crits can do over 1.4k physical damage
    - Fight, don't run, don't be scared. Every time you hit comes the crit and you can kite.
    - Last bullet can 1 Shot almost every burster champ.
    - Beautiful Late Game
    - Very squishy.
    - Not good Early Game // Hard to master.
    - In ranked try to last pick him. Avoid Zed matchups.
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Q: Why?
A: Read the passive.
Q: I need lifesteal?
A: Not really, but if you really need, buy the potion, sell the boots and buy a Bloodthirster.
Death's Dance is also a good option (Gives you 10% Extra CDR for 40%)
Q: I'm so bad at farming i can go with this build?
A: No. No, please no.
Q: You really play Jhin with this build?
A: Yes, sometimes i die, but almost every time i kill 2 or 3 people in my way.
Q: Your english sucks you know?
A: Yeah, i know!
Q: Have you ever killed someone in one shot?
A: 4th Shot. Almost everytime i think i can oneshot someone, i flash and last hit him.
PS: Lux (1534HP Aprox.), I died before. It was worth it, my allies winned that teamfight and the match.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author creedztep
creedztep Jhin Guide
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7.10 - Crit Jhin Over 700AD

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