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Evelynn Build Guide by 0Mystery0

Jungle Mystery's Evelynn guide

Jungle Mystery's Evelynn guide

Updated on November 15, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 0Mystery0 Build Guide By 0Mystery0 5 1 32,348 Views 2 Comments
5 1 32,348 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 0Mystery0 Evelynn Build Guide By 0Mystery0 Updated on November 15, 2017
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Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Gathering Storm


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hi, i'm Mystery, and I have been playing LoL since season 3 (Season 4 is when I settled on my account). I am an unranked player, simply because I don't want to be playing to win, I want to play for fun. I never do any sort of ranked in any game whatsoever, only normal games. This is not my first guide, but it is one of the first I have published. I decided to make one because why not? they are fun to make and I like creating things, especially to help other people.

Now that's out of the way, my favorite roles are to play Top lane or Mid lane. But since Evelynn got reworked, I decided to try Jungling with her and I instantly fell in love with it. Now finally I have another role I like to play, and even my friend is happy I've finally decided to play another role.

Nothing is set in stone here, as Evelynn's rework is of course new and even I'm currently still learning how to play her to her full potential.

Do keep in mind that my guides show how I personally play, and not how everyone else plays. This means that they do not always strictly follow the meta, but that doesn't mean they aren't good playstyles.
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How I play Evelynn

I play Evelynn as an AP assassin, who blows up an enemy before escaping and ending the fight before it starts. Some people like to build tankier items like Abyssal Mask, but I feel it hides her true damage potential (still good items though).

I like to play more passive early game, and turn to aggressive at level 6+ as that is where Evelynn becomes a big threat.
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Pros / Cons

- Insane damage late game
- Great ganks at level 6+
- Hard to track when at level 6+
- Decent clear speed
- Lots of sustain with her passive

- Weak early game
- Very squishy
- Easy to lock down if found
- Ultimate and Flash are her only reliable escape tools
- Charm is almost essential for securing kills
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Electrocute: Amazing rune for Evelynn as it gives insane burst damage. It has 50 damage at level 1, increasing every level and maxing at 220 damage at level 18. It also scales well with AP (30%) making it a perfect choice for high AP assassins such as Evelynn. It has a 50s cooldown at level 1, reducing every level ending up with 20s at level 18. Dark Harvest is also very powerful, but you have to waste time stacking whereas Electrocute is simply a cooldown. Electrocute is also more reliable than Dark Harvest as well as better AP scalings.

Sudden Impact: Perfect for Evelynn as it gives 10 Lethality and 8 Magic Penetration. Evelynn has many ways to proc this, such as her empowered E and by simply leaving stealth. She will gain these stats before she does her full burst damage, meaning she will do even more damage to the enemy. The Lethality also helps due to her AA base physical damage.

Eyeball Collection: Another great rune for Evelynn. Allows her to collect eyeballs, up to 20 total. 2 are collected by killing a champion, or 1 for a ward takedown. 1 AP per eyeball means she will have a total of 20 AP at max stacks, and she get's these quite fast since she is a jungler. Not only that, but when you get 20 eyeballs and complete the collection, it gives you a bonus 10 AP making it 30 AP total.

Relentless Hunter: Amazing for any jungler really. This rune gives 8 out of combat MS for each unique champion takedown. At max stacks, it gives you 40 MS which is basically buffing your Sorcerer's Shoes into Mobility Boots without sacrificing the 18 MPen.

Transcendence: Maxes out your CDR which allows Evelynn to use her abilities as fast as possible. Since most of her damage is from her abilities and her ult is her only escape, this is absolutely a must in my opinion.

Gathering Storm: I've taken a huge liking to this rune. It basically gives you more AD or AP over the course of the game, and it increases every 10 minutes. By the 20min mark, it will start giving good amounts of AD or AP. It also ensures that you remain with high damage even when behind by mid-late game.
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Demon Shade: Evelynn's passive allows her to heal to a set amount of health based on AP. After level 6, it also allows her to go invisible which is why Evelynn is very scary at level 6+. This ability is useful for health sustain in the early game, allowing Evelynn chance to survive her weak early game. Once level 6, she has some of the strongest ganks and becomes a huge problem for the enemy laners. With a full build, she can heal to full Health with her passive.

Hate Spike: This is Evelynn's main clear tool. It allows her to clear camps at a decent speed. The first use lashes out a projectile, and if it hits the next 3 attacks deal bonus damage to the target. Landing this on an enemy and charming them allows Evelynn to deal extreme damage to said target. It also has a lower CD if used on monsters which is why it is a good clear tool.

Maxing Q first ensures that Evelynn has the fastest clear speed possible in the early game. It helps by letting her reach level 6 faster.

Allure: Evelynn's essential combo tool. This ability not only charms the enemy, but also has some additional effects depending on the target. If it is a monster, the monster takes significant damage and is charmed for 2x the duration making it strong vs the large camp monsters. If the target is a champion, then the champion loses % MR (35% at rank 5). This ability scales extremely well with Void Staff, Sorcerer's Shoes and Haunting Guise.

Maxing W second allows for more deadly ganks due to a longer charm duration, cast range and % MR reduction. It also increases clear speed as it does lots of damage to the jungle monsters.

Whiplash: Evelynn's main damage tool. This ability procs on-hit effects, making it extremely deadly with Lich Bane and Nashor's Tooth, as well as triggering Sudden Impact on the empowered Whiplash making it even more painful. It also counts as 2 Electrocute charges due to the E + Lich Bane, so if you used Q beforehand then Electrocute will proc also. This is why W + Q + E does such insane burst damage.

Maxing E last is because it does % Max HP damage. The % Max HP damage does not increase per level, only the flat damage does by a small amount. The % Max HP damage scales well with AP however, which is why it is best levelling last. This ability will still do tons of damage even at rank 1 with lots of AP.

Last Caress: Evelynn's main execute/escape tool. I tend to use it more as an escape than an execute as my target will already be dead most of the time. But this ability is always handy to secure kills regardless. Make sure you see the indicator (a pink X) before you use this, as it will deal double damage to those targets that are below 30% HP. You can aim this ability backwards to use it as a gap closer. Evelynn also becomes untargetable when she uses it, so it can be used to dodge certain abilities like Caitlyn's Ace in the Hole or Karthus's Requiem.

Max when possible like all ultimates. Since this is Evelynn's main execute/escape tool it is important to have more damage and a lower cooldown
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The best way to get a combo off on the new Evelynn is to ensure you charm your target. If you do not, you will have a harder time pulling it off you will also do less damage anyway. Make sure you are invisible before engaging as the enemy will have a harder time stopping you from getting to your target.

Highest damage combo
- Use your W and wait until the charm is maxed.
- Q your Allure target.
- Follow up with your E as they walk towards you.
- Q as fast as possible whilst also basic attacking your target.

If they are still not dead, use your ultimate if you see the pink X (the enemy is below 30% health). If you don't see it, your ultimate will most likely not kill so it's best to back off and wait for your cooldown's before striking again. If you need to use your ultimate to escape then do so, as that's also what it is for.
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Why no jungle item except Hunter's Talisman?
I personally think jungle items, whilst good in the early-mid game, they fall off late game. And i don't think its worth spending gold on something you will sell later. I get along perfectly with Hunter's Talisman, and the non jungle items just have much better stats. Enchantment: Runic Echoes is basically an inferior Luden's Tempest in my eyes. Although if you want to use a jungle item, go for it as it is definitely still a good option, although it will delay your Lich Bane rush a little. Stalker's Blade - Runic Echoes is the best jungle item for Evelynn damage wise.

Starting items
Hunter's Talisman: This is the best starting item for Evelynn. It allows her to recover HP whilst kiting the monsters with her Q. The mana regen is also vital, as it allows you to give blue to your mid laner or keep mana longer if the enemy steals your blue.

Refillable Potion: A great item and useful all through the early and mid game. It is helpful for healing off chunks of damage done to your health bar before ganking.

Early game core
Sorcerer's Shoes: Faster roaming and MPen. Very important for Evelynn especially in the early game. Scales well with Evelynn's W and Haunting Guise. These got buffed to 18 MPen, making them even more stronger for Evelynn.

Haunting Guise: Health, damage and MPen. Also essential for Evelynn as it gives both insane damage and survivability. Scales well with Evelynn's W and Sorcerer's Shoes

Lich Bane: This item is amazing on Evelynn and it should ALWAYS be taken ASAP. It gives her everything she wants. Damage, Mobility, CDR, Mana and on-hit burst damage which procs with her E.

Mid game core
Rabadon's Deathcap: Essential for Evelynn as it allows her to do insane damage. Boosts not only her abilities but also her Lich Bane and her passive health amount for healing.

Void Staff: Disgusting damage once obtained. W 35% MR reduction + Void Staff 35% MPen + Sorcerer's Shoes & Haunting Guise 33 MPen is a deadly combo. Also, there are many places you can put this item at.

Late game core
Nashor's Tooth: This item is quite strong on Evelynn as a late game item. It gives AP, caps her CDR and also gives AS which is always a bonus. The main reason this is good is the on-hit effect. The on-hit effect will easily be doing 100+ damage by the time you obtain it, and it procs on Evelynn's E which is very powerful. The AS is handy because Evelynn can AA whilst using Hate Spike. This is especially useful if the enemy has low health as its quite hard to finish them with AA's without this item. It also has a 5% better AP scaling than Enchantment: Runic Echoes meaning more burst damage at full build, but also better DPS due to the AS and permanent on-hit effect. You have to wait for Enchantment: Runic Echoes to charge up again whereas Nashor's Tooth's damage is always there for you. You can consider this item my personal preference, although if you don't like Nashor's Tooth then swapping it for an optional item is also a perfect option.

Liandry's Torment: Amazing last item, and is a good counter to high health MR stacking tanks. Because of Evelynn's % MPen and flat MPen, the passive will be doing tons of damage to high health targets. Also, when Evelynn charms, the damage will be doubled making it even more insane.

Optional (Take any over Nashor's Tooth)
Stalker's Blade - Runic Echoes: If you are going to get a jungle item, this is the best one for damage output. It allows smite to deal instant true damage to enemy champions, which comes in handy if your target survives with very little hp. It also slows the target which helps Evelynn with chasing and escaping. Otherwise, once the late game hits you are better off getting a Nashor's Tooth or Luden's Tempest as they give more damage. The other jungle items are also good picks, Skirmisher's Sabre - Runic Echoes for a DoT effect and damage reduction or Tracker's Knife - Runic Echoes for more map awareness.

Luden's Tempest: If you decide to ignore Nashor's Tooth, then this is another perfect option for Evelynn. It has a little more AP and burst damage, whilst also giving 10% MS which makes it much easier to reach or escape enemies. The only downside is that it gives no CDR, leaving you at 20%. It is also a great swap for Enchantment: Runic Echoes, as it gives more damage and mobility.

Hextech Rocketbelt: Another great item for Evelynn. It is useful for reaching enemies that are otherwise out of range for her E, whilst also giving some nice burst damage with the active. AP, Health and CDR are all good stats, and it is a very cheap item.

Abyssal Mask: Definitely a good item for Evelynn. Since Evelynn will have low MR in the late game this will ensure she isn't lacking with it. The Health is always welcome for survivability and the eternity passive is good for a little sustain in the jungle or fights. The main benefit of this item though is the Aura, making nearby enemies take 10% more magic damage which is very helpful not only for you but other magic damage champions around you. Definitely a good item if you need more survivability + damage output.
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Early Game

In the early game, you will need to be careful. Evelynn is very weak until level 6, and her ganks are very hard to pull off. So it is best to farm the camps, and stay away from the enemy jungler. If they invade, it is generally best to let them do their thing instead of trying to stop them, it's much more worth it to lose a camp than let an enemy kill you and waste time.

You need to AA + Q + AA the large camp monster, and then kite spamming Q. Rinse and repeat. You should only be taking 2 (max 3) hits from the large camp monster by doing this. Don't worry if you miss Q on the large camp monster sometimes (it happens a lot vs the Raptors and Wolves), just carry on kiting if that happens. Do make sure you always AA the large camp monster though.

Ganking is of course possible, although the enemy needs to be further towards your teams towers. If you pull off the W charm with your Q, you will usually kill the enemy or use up their Flash which is worth it. DO NOT chase the enemy if they Flash unless you know for certain you can kill them, its better to waste their flash for free than wasting it but possibly dieing. Evelynn is really bad at chasing enemies as she doesn't have a long range gapcloser except her ultimate when her W is down.
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Mid Game

You survived this long and now you will be rewarded. Once you hit level 6, you will be ready to roll. Roam around and try to pull ganks off, as they will be much easier to do now as you can get much closer without being noticed.

Watch out for control wards however, as they are very dangerous to be near and if the enemy engages you next to one, you will be a very easy target. Destroy them when it is safe, and move on before coming back when they think you have left.

Once you have your first few items (namely Lich Bane), your burst potential increases so much more and you will be a threat even in 1v1's. You will also have huge presence in the game as the enemy will be scared to even go into their lanes.
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Late Game

In the late game, you will be one of the prime targets, so be careful. If you see an enemy farming on a different lane (usually the ADC or Mage does this), then punish them. Evelynn is great for ending fights before they start, and by doing this you force a 4v4 without one of the enemy team's carries, severely crippling their DPS.

Evelynn can also be effective in teamfights, but you need to be more careful. One slip up can get the enemy team to destroy you. Pick your target (the ADC or Mage if possible) and wait for the right moment to strike. Usually the best time to strike is when all the teams pile on each other, giving you a good chance to come behind and strike the back line enemies whilst the others are busy in the front line.
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Team work

As Evelynn, you are a big threat at level 6 and you can use this to your advantage. You will be a very strong ganker, and you can use this to help your team. A single gank in a lane can easily turn a loosing lane into a winning lane.

Evelynn is also very good at objective control, and is a very good securer. If you are finishing off the Dragon or Baron, you can wait until they are around 1500 HP and use your full combo + smite. Doing this makes it almost impossible for enemies to steal them, and makes it very easy for you to steal them if the enemy team are doing the objectives.

As Evelynn, you are great at ending fights before they start but sometimes you can't stop team fights and you need to know what to do if it happens. When a team fight breaks out, you need to pick your target (usually the ADC or Mage) and strike at the right moment. You do not want to strike an enemy if they are in the middle of a fight, instead you want to strike when they are further away.
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Thanks for taking time to read my guide. I hope it helps you to understand Evelynn and allows you to bring tons of pain to your enemies. >:)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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