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Very easy lane, poke as much as you can to assert dominance. Also, freeze lane in the middle to force an early kill.
Very easy lane, but hard to go against when late game comes. Go for a lvl 2 engage if she doesn't take her E second.
Deny her as hard as you can early game. You can poke her down with your E and Q when she tries to farm. Just stay away from walls to avoid being condemned.
Avoid her roots and you should be fine. When ulting be aware of her ult as well since she can ult out of it.
Max E instead of Q and just poke in lane and wait for laning phase to end.
Depends on your support. Try to get an aggro support like Ali when matched against Trist. Try to poke her with your last-hit Q while she's farming to avoid being shoved.
Just be wary of his stealth when coming back to lane. Make sure to pop a control ward in the bush in lane.
Dodge his skillshots and you'll be fine. Just be careful when you're ulting as he can E away from it.
Lucian can burst you down if he can get close enough, so respect his damage and poke from afar with your E.
Hard CC. He can stop your ultimate and stun you 2 times with his knock-up and trample. Stay far away from Alistar when possible.
Blitzcrank is a pain in the butt. He can just run towards you, knock you up, and pull you for a CC chain. You need a good support to help survive against aggressive Blitzcranks.
Thresh can stop your ultimate as well as deny it from finishing off your enemies via his lantern. When in lane just stay behind minions or your support to avoid getting hooked.
Brand's combo is very annoying as it can burst you down within seconds. The best tip I can give is to get boots first back to dodge his skillshots and stay behind minions to avoid the stun. I would personally max E during this matchup to punish Brand whenever he tries to poke.
Just watch out for her tornadoes when you ult. Also, use your Q randomly to prevent Janna from shielding it. Overall, pretty easy matchup.
Free lane. Just don't get caught in her snare. Other than that, you can shred her with your Q easily.
Laning against a Braum is moderate. You can farm without being harassed too much, but the only annoying part is that Braum can shield his ADC from your ult and Qs. Try to bait out his shield before using your ult.
Very annoying with her poke/shield/polymorph. She can cancel your ult as well as deny you from killing your enemies by ulting them. Q unpredictably to prevent Lulu from knowing who to shield when Q a minion.
One of the most annoying supports to deal with as MF. She can bubble and tsunami you which cancels your ult. Always wait for Nami to ult before you use your ult in order to make sure it doesn't get canceled.
Hey guys, I'm Willie, making guides on behalf of Frostbite Esports. This season (season 8) I was placed in Silver 2 and climbed to Platinum 3 with just Miss Fortune. This is the first guide that I'll be making, and I hope that it can help you guys climb the ladder!
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