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LeBlanc Build Guide by Simple Death

Middle [8.9] Back to full glory! LeBlanc [WIP]

Middle [8.9] Back to full glory! LeBlanc [WIP]

Updated on April 18, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Simple Death Build Guide By Simple Death 6,058 Views 0 Comments
6,058 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Simple Death LeBlanc Build Guide By Simple Death Updated on April 18, 2018
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This guide is a WIP and is still missing the majority of the content. Use your own risk.
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I prefer Relentless Hunter for the movespeed, but you can go Ravenous Hunter or Ingenious Hunter if you prefer.
Ingenious Hunter is especially good versus high burst champions like Zed/Syndra ect.
As for the 2nd tree, I'm still experimenting a bit, but my initial thought is to go Manaflow Band & Waterwalking. Waterwalking works really good with Relentless Hunter, and the mana building up with Manaflow is also really good.
If you're expecting to only go one CDR item besides Luden's Echo (Zhonya's/Banshee's) you should swap Manaflow or Waterwalking to Transendence, depending on your choice.
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Skill Sequence

As of April 18 2018, your maxing sequence should always be R>W>Q>E
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As LeBlanc you should run Ignite with your mandatory Flash.
In some cases and higher ELO you can swap the Ignite for Teleport.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Simple Death
Simple Death LeBlanc Guide
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[8.9] Back to full glory! LeBlanc [WIP]

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