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Jinx Build Guide by Almighty Prince

ADC [9.22] Prince - How to Play ADC - Jinx Guide

ADC [9.22] Prince - How to Play ADC - Jinx Guide

Updated on November 13, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Almighty Prince Build Guide By Almighty Prince 4 3 8,707 Views 0 Comments
4 3 8,707 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Almighty Prince Jinx Build Guide By Almighty Prince Updated on November 13, 2019
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Lethal Tempo
Legend: Bloodline
Coup de Grace

Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

[9.22] Prince - How to Play ADC - Jinx Guide

By Almighty Prince


+ Long range champion with its Switcheroo! and Zap! abilities
+ Very strong late game or even earlier with proper gank/playing
+ Easy to farm with Switcheroo!, especially after building Runaan's Hurricane
+ Great attack speed from passive and runes
+ Can attack more than one champion with its Switcheroo!, especially after building Runaan's Hurricane


- Poor mobility
- Poor self-protection, only has Flame Chompers! to trap enemies for a few seconds
- Needs peel from support
- Skill shots from W and R


- Lethal Tempo: This one right here is a no-brainer for Jinx, considering her passive of attack speed after slaughtering enemies. With this rune, attacking any enemy champion will boost her attack speed even without eliminating them, for a few seconds.

- Overheal: Another good pick for Jinx, considering how weak against ADs she is. Getting extra life recovery and white life for Jinx is a must, especially beforing entering team fights.

- Legend: Bloodline: More life recovery for Jinx, but, this time in form of lifesteal. Gathering stacks will make you recover health points each time more.

- Coup de Grace: One of the most common runes for ADCs. Coup de Grace will give you more attack damage against champions under 40% health points.


- Magical Footwear: This is a good option because it grants you a +10 movement speed for free after reaching 12 minutes on the match. However, if you have a strong start, you won't be able to upgrade it until then.

- Biscuit Delivery: A great option if you antecipate getting poked a lot on lane phase or if you will waste too much mana. You will get a biscuit for every two minutes into the first six minutes of the match.
*** First of all, make to sure to analyze the opposite team champions to make sure Jinx is the correct choice for you. This AD Carry is easy to play after you get it's mechanics and in the right hands, it can be a very powerful weapon on a match.***

- Lane Phase: While farming at the beginning of the match, make sure to use the Pow-Pow Machine Gun in most of the time. Why? Their shots grants Jinx more attack speed and no lost of mana at all. The Fishbones Cannon, however, waste a ton of mana (which can hurt you a lot at first), but, can mob minions easier, while the Machine Gun is a single target option.

- Trading hits with enemies: It really depends of your support and the enemies options. Pow-Pow Machine Gun is a good low/medium range option, because it will make you hit faster without wasting mana. Fishbones Cannon gives you a larger range and more AD bonus, plus, the critical damage is affected by items modifiers. You can also use the cannon on minions if you realize that enemies are too close to them. Always remember to switch Q's, depending on your range.

Jinx's W is pure skill shot. It gives a 10/60/110/160/210 attack damage to enemies and the skill passive gives them a two second 30/40/50/60/70% slow, which is great for preventing enemies to escape from you or your team. Jinx's E is a good alternative to trap enemies, because her chompers root the enemies for 1.5 second, while dealing 70/120/170/220/270 magic damage. Jinx's ultimate is another skill shot. It's a good idea to look for low health points enemies on the map, considering the rocket has a complete map range.

- Under pressure: If you're having a bad game on farming or on 2x2 on the bot side, keep it safe under the turrets. This will prevent you from getting ganked from the enemy jungler, or, if you have a support like Pyke, Blitzcrank or Thresh, tower shots can really save you. If you get dived, always use your E to try to trap your enemy under the turret, because even if you die, you can pick up an elimination from tower shots.

- Creating pressure: Getting a blue buff might be a good idea for mana regeneration, which can make you cast Fishbone Cannon like crazy, giving you a faster farming. Plus, Jinx is one of the best AD Carries when destroying turrets. Her attack speed with the machine gun is a safe option for that. Always go for a split push with her, however, try not to walk alone.

- Objectives and creatures: Even though Jinx is a "paper" champion, really weak against AD, she can be very powerful with the right build. If you already have Infinity Edge and Runaan's Hurricane, you can easily solo dragons. If you have a good offensive build, plus The Bloodthirsty, soloing Baron is also possible - still, try doing it at level 15+.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Almighty Prince
Almighty Prince Jinx Guide
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[9.22] Prince - How to Play ADC - Jinx Guide

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