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Quinn Build Guide by Noobmithoot

AD Carry A Gold Division Guide For Quinn and Valor

AD Carry A Gold Division Guide For Quinn and Valor

Updated on March 18, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Noobmithoot Build Guide By Noobmithoot 2,985 Views 0 Comments
2,985 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Noobmithoot Quinn Build Guide By Noobmithoot Updated on March 18, 2013
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Hey there guys, this guide is about one of my new favourite champions, Quinn and Valor.
So what makes this new Champ so special?
Firstly the fact that she can be played as an ADC and a Solo TOP Champ. On the TOP lane she will be a pain in the *** for every meele champion with her blinding assault and so is she on the bot lane. There is just one real ADC counter for her, Caitlyn, same for Vayne.
She has huge kiting skill, Vault
and with her Ultimate she can chase everone, deal tons of dmg and can also escape easily
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Pros and Cons

+good farmer with passive
+good chasing potential with
ulti and vault
+Can shut down opponent ADC with blind
+Much CC for an ADC

-short attack range
-no real escape before lvl 6
-has to go in meele range with ult
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Ranked Play

My personal recommendation is: Never Pick her as an ADC first, because even if she is pretty strong she can be countered easily by Long Range Champs like Caitlyn. You can try to pick her as a counter on Top Lane against meele farming Champs like Singed, Cho gath and Nasus.
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Team Work

In Team fights positioning is the key! I know it is with every ADC, but it is really important to find the best postion in a fight as quick as possible, because you will not get the chance to reposition yourself as a short range character. Sometimes it is even possible to initate the fight on your own with your ultimate, tag team but keep in mind that you have to stay in meele range for your skills and autoattacks.
Chasing someone should not be a problem with your E vault, a slow and you can postion yourself in autoattack range, this should be enough for the most champs.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Noobmithoot
Noobmithoot Quinn Guide
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A Gold Division Guide For Quinn and Valor

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