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Malzahar is my go-to ban when I'm playing in high elo. If you're playing properly, he should never be able to kill you. Unfortunately, kill pressure isn't what makes Malz excel in this matchup. He's able to permashove the wave into your turret making you completely unable to leave lane or poke him down. This mean that he can constantly do one of two things. He will either poke you under turret and slowly take away your HP until you're forced to back, or he'll roam to place wards in your jungle, help with an invade, or gank a lane. All of this puts an immense amount of pressure on your teammates that there is no way for you to match. You will also likely have to build a QSS early, slowing down your powerspikes. If you're against Malz, thin the wave as much as possible, ping every time he leaves lane and let your team know that he's roaming a lot. I also highly recommend taking TP in this matchup in order to get back to lane quicker after being poked and to match his roams across the map. Even with all these precautions taken, it becomes very difficult to win if Malz is good. I recommend banning him every single game in Diamond+ if you plan on playing Mundo.
Irelia is a very strong mid laner with tons of kill pressure. Even with the Conqueror rune page, she is nearly impossible to kill or even survive against. Stay under your tower and do NOT, under any circumstances, push the wave if you can't get it back to your turret. If played correctly, you won't die to Irelia and she'll get impatient, potentially even trying to dive you. Build Frozen Heart ASAP if she's half decent.
Fizz is simply annoying to deal with. He's very slippery and can do a lot of damage while taking very little in return. If he lands ult on you and starts walking up, hit R immediately and back off. He may go in anyway, which is a free kill for you if he doesn't have ignite up. Even if he has ignite, he likely won't get the kill if you started at full HP and ulted at the proper time. Bait out his E and wait for him to use it offensively. If he does, time a Q to hit him when he comes out and run him down. He has no way out without E.
Mundo is a great counter to Yas, one of the best around. Unless he's very skilled and you misplay horribly, this should be a free lane. Build Cape and Frozen Heart as your first two items. When fighting him, stand on your minion wave with W on so he gets hit no matter where he goes. Just follow him around as he dashes and time your Qs to hit him when he's not dashing. If you're low and you know he will go in after hitting a tornado, ult immediately. If he ults you or overextends trying to hit the tornado, he's dead.
Yone is stronger against Mundo than Yas, but typically doesn't do well for many of the same reasons. If he goes in with E, try your best to dodge around him and go to his shadow. Land a free Q as he comes back and run him down. He's very likely dead at this point unless he's fed. Use ult if you're worried he might kill you.
Though I obviously have very limited experience with this matchup, it seems to be pretty easy so far. Seraphine should never be able to kill you. The only annoying part is her CC, especially her ult, and the fact that she's one of the few mid laners who can actually match your sustain. Don't get poked down, build Spirit Visage, and run her down once she overextends and misses E.
Avoid getting poked by E if possible. Once she misses Q, she's basically dead. Very straightforward to play against, just dodge her abilities, especially Q.
Akali is difficult to land a Q on and can easily escape ganks. She can kill you, but only if you overcommit and play poorly. Most of her advantages against Mundo are simply her ability to escape. Versus most good Akali players, you won't kill her and she won't kill you. When she uses shroud to juke you out, walk around the middle with W on. This will reveal her location and pressure her to leave her shroud. If she uses E and R offensively, hit ult and run her down for an easy kill.
Similar to Akali, Ekko is difficult to kill but won't have much kill pressure on you if you play smart. Dodge his Q and W and there's nothing he can do. Try to force his ult without using your own whenever you have an advantage. Similar to Mundo, an Ekko without ult can be severely punished. This forces him to play much safer and if he engages again, it's a free kill.
Morde is absolutely dumpstered by Mundo if you know the basics of playing against him. Dodge his E and stay out of his passive. Congrats, you won lane. He's one of the few mid laners that usually can't shove Mundo in, meaning you can poke him with Q easily. Take short trades and get out before his passive starts draining your HP. Eventually, he'll likely get impatient and ult you. As soon as he does, hit R and go all-in. You can easily kill him in 7 seconds, using his ult to your advantage. You typically don't need to buy a QSS, but if he keeps ulting you for the express purpose of keeping you out of teamfights, it's probably worth it.
Lucian is simply an annoyance and nothing more. He'll hard push the wave and poke you under tower. Q farm whenever possible and play very safe until you get ult, maintaining as much HP as possible. If you can't kill him without it, consider building Frozen Mallet early. Whenever he ults, simply run around him and continue attacking. Whatever you do, just DON'T TILT. The first 5 levels, and possibly beyond that, will be hellishly annoying. If you can maintain HP and not give him kills, he's a free kill from 6 onward.
Ezreal is very similar to Lucian in that his main tool in lane is his overwhelming poke. Dodge his skillshots whenever possible, but don't sweat it if you get hit. If he uses his E offensively and you have a decent amount of HP left, all-in him immediately for a free kill. After the first few levels, you'll be able to outpush him and poke him under tower with Q. He has no CC, and therefore doesn't have good gank setup, making his kill pressure on you very low after 6.
I'm Ambience. I've been playing League since Season 6, peaking Platinum 2 in 2019. I main Jax jungle, with over 1 million mastery points on him.
I've been playing a lot of mid in Season 10 and have discovered several underrated picks that I want to share with the world. These picks have allowed me to climb to Gold 1 and beyond with very little experience playing mid. The frontrunner among these picks is Mundo mid.
As an incredibly strong, versatile tank who shuts down so many champions, mid laners typically find themselves completely lost on how to play against it. If you're playing optimally, you will never die while putting absolutely insane amounts of pressure on the entire enemy team. In this guide, you will learn how to become the perfect pilot of this pick that has been slept on for so long.
So, what are you waiting for? Let's talk about Mundo mid.
I'm still working on this chapter to ensure that you learn how to play Mundo mid the right way. Stay tuned!
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